To : Monroe #1 BOCES Staff

From : Lisa Ryan

Subject : Revised Conference Instructions and Related Forms

Date : January 28, 2015

Included with this memo are copies of the following documents:

 Board of Education Policy 5211 – Conferences: Proposals and Expense


 Administrative Regulation/Procedure 5211R – Conferences: Proposals and Expense Reimbursements

 Form 5211F.1 – Conference/Meeting Expense Proposal Form

 Form 5211F.2 – Conference/Meeting Expense Reimbursement Form

 Form 5211F.3 – Conference Report Form

As you may or not be aware, the Board of Education amended Policy 5211 Conferences: Proposals and Expense Reimbursements along with the Administrative Regulation 5211R – Conferences: Proposals and Expense Reimbursements, at their January 22, 2015 Board meeting. This revised policy is effective immediately. Specifically, the meal reimbursement portion was amended so that original receipts are now required for all meal reimbursements. In July 2010, we began using the per diem rate established by GSA with the intention of saving time and money for our district. However, that was not the case; hence, we are once again requiring itemized receipts for reimbursement.

The documents listed above will be posted to the Files/ Forms (Internal) and the Business Office section on our web site. It is imperative these forms be used when submitting information to the Business Office and any former forms within your department be deleted/ purged from your machines. We will not accept any proposal and/or claim unless the above forms are used.

It is important for you to spend some time reviewing the Regulation 5211R. Commencing immediately, staff members who attend conferences/meetings WILL BE required to attach receipts to obtain reimbursement for meals. Travel to and from the conference, cab fares and hotel costs will still be reimbursed as per current procedures. As a reminder, all hotel stays whether paid by PO, BOCES credit card, or personal credit card require an itemized receipt from the hotel to be submitted by the employee.

Now for the proverbial questions:

1.  What if I lost my receipt? Staff will only be reimbursed with itemized receipts. Should they not have a receipt, they will not be reimbursed.

2.  If I lost my receipt and turned in my credit card statement, may I still be reimbursed? No, Staff will only be reimbursed with itemized receipts.

3.  Will I be reimbursed tax? No, Monroe #1 BOCES is a tax exempt organization and not allowed to pay tax.

4.  How may I avoid being charged tax? Each department will have laminated NYS tax exempt cards that may be disseminated to staff traveling so that they may avoid paying tax on purchases.

  1. Will I be reimbursed tips? Yes, Monroe #1 BOCES will reimburse tips, up to the maximum dollar amount per day.

6.  What is the maximum dollar amount per day I will be reimbursed? Meals will be reimbursed at the actual cost of up to $60 a day for which original receipts are submitted. This total amount would include breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No additional funds will be disbursed for amounts greater than $60 even with receipts, unless the location has a higher cost index (i.e. New York City). Locations with a higher cost index will be considered on a case by case basis. When reimbursement is requested for one meal, the standard allowance for breakfast would be $10, lunch $15, and dinner $35.

7.  What if I am traveling for several days, may I “ pool” my funds and be reimbursed more than $60 for one day if my overall total reimbursement request is less than or equal to $60/ day? For instance: I spend $45 on the first day and $75 on the second day; my overall total is still $120 for two days. Yes, you may “pool” your funds as long as your total meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) expense is less than or equal to the total amount.

8.  What if I spend less than $60/ day on breakfast, lunch and dinner, may I be reimbursed for a snack ( i.e. coffee, water, etc.) if I am still under the $60/ day? No, Monroe #1 BOCES will reimburse up to a maximum of $60/ day for breakfast, lunch and dinner only.

  1. What if I am staying in a location with a higher cost index than $60/ day? Locations with a higher cost index will be considered on a case by case basis, utilizing the IRS per diem (
  1. How does a staff member request reimbursement? Upon return from the conference they must submit Form 5211F.3 (Conference Report Form) and Form 5211F.2 Conference/Meeting Expense Reimbursement Form) to their Supervisor. The Business Office only needs to receive Form 5211F.2 Conference/Meeting Expense Reimbursement Form).

In closing it is my sincere hope that the above provides you with a clear understanding of the changes that have been authorized by the Board of Education. The intent is to minimize resources and maintain in compliance with our auditors.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation.