FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress

Travelling Fellowship

The 36th FISITA World Automotive Congress will be held in Busan, Korea from 26 -30 September, 2016. The Travelling Fellowship is an important part of the Students and Young Engineers programme at the Congress offering Young Engineers under the age of 35 the opportunity to experience first-hand the global automotive industry and to interact with fellow engineers from a wide range of other countries.

The FISITA 2016 Travelling Fellowship consists of a series of toursand visits to local automotive and cultural sites before participation in the Student Congress / Main Congress.

Deadline for applications:

Deadline for application: 16 May, 2016

General schedule

Monday 19 September 2016: Arrival in Korea

Tuesday 20 - Thursday 22 September 2016: Field Trips

Friday 23 September 2016: Busan City Tour

Monday 26 - Friday 30September: FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress

Applicants’ eligibility

-Age: under 35 (on1 January2016)

-Language: must be able to communicate in English

-Technical background: must be able to demonstrate high level of technical knowledge relating to the automotive industry and must be studying a full-time engineering degree course of some description

-Membership: student applicants must be current registered members or student members of a FISITA Member Society ( Students do not necessarily have to be registered members with the Member Society of their country of origin, but should be a current registered member of a national or international FISITA Member Society.

-Applicantsmust have submitted abstracts to the Main Congress / Student Congress

-Previous successful Travelling Fellowship recipients are not eligible to apply, but can still submit papers for the Student Congress / Main Congress

The selection of Travelling Fellows is the responsibility of the sponsoring FISITA Member Society. The selection process is completed at the discretion of the FISITA Member Society, but it must be based on assessing the quality of the applicant and his / her potential to contribute to the global automotive industry.


-The national FISITA Member Society is responsible for sponsoring its recommended applicant by covering the international travel costs to and from Korea and all reasonable accommodation expenses during the period of the Travelling Fellowship

-KSAE as organizing partner is responsible for all costs associated with the technical tours, including local transportation and selected meals etc.

-Travelling Fellows are eligible for a 50% fee reduction for the Main Congress

Contacts for enquiries
Please direct any enquiries to the 2016 Congress team

Please complete the application form on the following page and submit to your local FISITA Member Society. Your local FISITA Member Society can be found here: .

Travelling Fellowship Application Form

This application form must be submitted directly to your national FISITA Member Society. Your national FISITA Member Society is responsible for the selection of candidates. Once the candidates have been confirmed, their application forms must be forwarded to KSAE before 16 May 2016. Please check with your national FISITA Member Society for their deadlines.

National FISITA Member Society list:


Name / (photo: 5*9 inch, jpg.,
no more than 20KB)
Identification No. (passport etc.)
Academic Degree
Telephone Number
(incl. country code)
Date of Birth / Place of Birth
(city, country)
Post Code
Technical interests
Language / Spoken / Written / Read
Abstractthat you have submitted to the Main Congress / Student Congress
Abstract Reference Number

Please attach the applicant’s Curriculum Vitae and any other references that may be of interest to your national member society.

Please turn to the next page and complete SHEET 2 OF 2 of this application form.


Name of Society
Country / City
Name of Society representative who supports applicant
Title / Phone
Post Code / Email
Our society has / Yes / No
reviewed the engineer’s application and certifies that the application conforms to the guidelines
interviewed the applicant
Our society certifies that this applicant / Yes / No
will receive necessary financial support to travel to and from the country where the Congress will take place
will receive necessary financial support to cover all accommodation expenses during the period of Travelling Fellowship
has made suitable provision for medical insurance during the visit
will be responsible for his/her own passport / visa
is in sound physical and mental health


Note: Each FISITA member society may put forward a maximum of one candidate for the Travelling Fellowship Programme. The organizers will select a limited number of applicants as Travelling Fellows.


Travelling Fellowship Information and Application Form