ShepherdUniversity * Faculty Senate * Meeting Minutes * February 5, 2007
Senate Membership:
Scott Beard(MUSC)present
Denis Berenschot (ENG)present
Jason Best(IES)present
Larry Daily (PSY)present
Meg Galligan(BADM)present
Osman Guzide (CME)present
Doug Horner(SCWK)present
Mike Jacobs (HPERS)present
Barbara Maxwell(LIB)present
Clarise Ottley(NURS)present
Tom Patterson(SOC/GEOG)present
Kathy Reid(ECON)present
Sylvia Shurbutt(ACF)present
Rhonda Smith(ART)present
J. W. Thatcher(ACCT)present
J. B. Tuttle(EDUC)present
Eugene Volker(CHEM)present
Joyce Webb (COMM)present
Bob Willgoos (HIST)present
David Wing(BIOL)X
Denis Woods(PSCI)present
Guests presenting: Robin Zanotti, VPOA; Dr. Mark Stern, VPAA; Ann Henriksson, Study Abroad; Dr. John Landolt, faculty
The February 5, 2007 meeting of the Shepherd University Faculty Senate was held in the Cumberland Room of the StudentCenter. Senate President, Dr. Sylvia Shurbutt, called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
- M/S/P (Reid/Smith)--Minutes of the December 4, 2006 meeting were approved as distributed.
II. Guests and Unfinished/New Business:
A. Presidential Search Update (President Shurbutt)
President Shurbutt reported that the Committee had reviewed more than 100 applications. The Selection Committee interviewed 8 candidates at DullesAirport, and they have invited 4 candidates to campus on February 12, 13, 14, and 15. She emphasized that no names will be released until Friday. Senators are asked to meet the candidates and to encourage fellow faculty and staff to do the same.
B. Study Abroad and International Week, February 19-23 (Ann Henriksson)
Ann Henriksson announced that Passport Day will be February 22nd; the U. S. Post Office will have a representative to help with the passport process. Senators are asked to spread the word. She also reported that five students are studying abroad this semester.
C. Establishment of ShepherdUniversity Endowed Chair (Robin Zanotti)
Robin Zanotti announced that Shepherd will receive its first endowed chair: Ray S. and Madeline V. Johnston Endowed Chair in American History. The first partialaward toward the chair will be in FY09 from funds being accumulated starting in 2007. This chair comes from the creation of the Faculty Excellence Funds that grew out of the focus groups 2 years ago, and its development was vetted by the Campaign Task Force and the Pre-Campaign Committee. The Johnstons, owners of The Woods, are friends of the University, and this is the largest endowment from a living individual to date. The Senate unanimously expressed its appreciation for the endowment.
D. HEPC Faculty Study Report: Question of Adjunct Representation on the Faculty Senate (President Shurbutt)
President Shurbutt called attention to the Study and the HEPC discussion of representation of adjunct faculty in Senates. Dean Laura Renninger (via Shurbutt) has suggested that the Senate consider an adjunct representative from each school. Discussion followed led by Senators Best, Smith, Shurbutt, and Thatcher about the need to incorporate adjuncts into departmental activities and whether adjuncts could sit in the Senate and fully participate. The proposal emanates from the HEPC Faculty Study Report commissioned by the Legislature. The conversation will continue at the next Senate meeting.
E. Senate Approval of New Mission Statement and Core Values (Dr. Stern)
Dr. Stern distributed the newMission and Core Values statements.
Motion (M/S/P – Smith/Beard) The Faculty Senate affirmed the Mission Statement and Core Values as presented.
F. Tenure and Promotion Proposal (Senator Horner)
Senator Horner distributed the updated “Proposed Policy Revisions—Promotion/Tenure—12/4/06.” Discussion continued on the acceptance of credit toward tenure provision; for example, a professor hired during the spring semester, does the professor receive credit for half of the academic year? Doubts continue concerning the exceptions inserted for the promotion to full professor.
Motion (M/S/P with 3 nays – Horner/Jacobs) The Senate approved the revisions of the Tenure and Promotion Proposal.
G. Senate Approval of Merit Policy Revision (Senator Beard)
Senator Beard presented the report of the Merit Committee on revisions to the Salary Policy (BOG Policy 26) and the new Merit Pay Committee Candidate Checklist form. The years of service on the committee has been changed to a maximum of three years (see p.2, Item 3.1.3A, iv). Senator Thatcher distributed a suggested change to the wording on p.6, Item 3.1.3G, i & ii dealing with the letters of award or deficiency. Discussion followed with Dr. Stern pointing out that the Committee should provide detail for award as well as disapproval. Senator Thatcher also sought clarification on non-voting members (l coach and 1 librarian). Comment period on the revisions ends on March 1st. The Senators were reminded that the applications for merit are due on April 2, 2007 by 4:30 p.m., and they should remind their departments.
Motion (M/S/P with 3 nays – Smith/Woods) The Senate approves the Merit Policy Revision as presented with change to wording on p.3 (Item 3.1.3B ii) insert “final” before committee.
H. Semester Withdrawals (Senator Woods)
Senator Woods led the discussion about students who completely withdraw on the last day of the semester. This issue grew out of an inquiry by Prof. Guirguis to Senator Woods and Registrar Tracey Seffers. Since research needs to be conducted on the Senate’s previous discussion of this matter, it was decided to invite the Registrar to the next meeting and seek some clarification of procedures for withdrawals.
III. Committee reports:
A. Admissions & Credits: No report.
B. Assessment Task Force: Senator Smith distributed 2006-2007 assessment plan cycle and reminded Senators that reports are due in November 2007.
- Bylaws: No report.
- Calendar: Senator Smith distributed a sheet on Proposed Revision to Summer 2007 calendar with the 60-minute proposal on back. Senator Willgoos suggested the dates for calendars should be set in advance as much as possible to afford time for faculty planning.
- Curriculum & Instruction: Senator Beard reported that changes were approved for Business administration, English adding Philosophy as a general studies option,and study abroad in French, CIS, and Psychology. Committee is in place to develop a mission statement for the C & I Committee.
F. Equity & Diversity: Senator Guzide reported apremier of film project about StorerCollege directed by Bob Wilkinson will be presented on March 14th. StorerCollege graduates are in that film. President Shurbutt reported that Henry Louis Gates will be Appalachian Writer in Residence (October 1-6), with a campus-wide conversation on race occurring next fall. For information on the Gates’ residency, see
G. Honor’s: Senator Daily reported that the Committee discussed ways to handle the AP credit for basic composition problem. English HNRS101 for college level composition needs has been proposed and is being considered by C & I.
H. Institutional Review: No report.
- Library: No report.
- Professional Development: Senator Horner reported that applications for mini grants and professional grants are due February 15th. Professional Development policies have been reviewed by the Committee and forwarded to the VPAA.
- Scholarship & Awards: Senator Berenschot announced that 36 students are eligible for McMurran scholar voting. The ceremony will be held in FrankCenter theatre on May 2nd. Discussion followed about the length of program presentations and the cumulative GPA needed to attain McMurran nomination.
- Technology Oversight: No report.
- Washington Gateway: No report
N. Advisory Council of Faculty: No report
O. Strategic Planning Committee: No report.
IV. M/S/P – (Woods/Jacobs)–Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Maxwell, Secretary