Design Team
Jamie Allwein:
PLC input information.
The adult section of the minutes is flexible. You may or may not need to put anything in this section. But you may find that you need to put standards or additional information in, and you can.
In this section, there is a place for“what we need/enrichment/will improve”, you can input things that you really need. For instance, in writing, maybe you want additional training. Or, in math, perhaps there is a professional book that would be helpful. Or, in reading, you may need some pointers on main idea and you speak to a coworker.
Sheneka: Code Red
If you see someone with no badge: Say, Did you check in at the front office? Here, let me escort you. OR knock on a door and have someone call the office and tell them someone is on the way to the office to sign in.
Lock down coming soon.
- Shut off lights
- Doors should be locked
- Pick place away from front window and doors and sit quietly.
- Bring laptop and get on emergency conference. The emergency conference can be found at the top of the Wilton Manors Conference.
- If for some reason you cannot access CAB, there will be a number to text. For now you can text Holtz if you cannot get on CAB.
Read first page of the packet you received, “intruder on campus” and the red page.
Pam Bittner:
Do the Survey, teacher and students.
- Deadline 2/13/15
- If you need help to get student surveys finished, you can request Pam and she will come in and support you.
- If you want to use Media for survey, there are 10-12 laptops on tables that you can use with your students.
- If anyone uses the Media Center, you cannot move the laptops or laptop tables!
5th Grade testing online. Teachers need to pre-check that:
- The browser icon works.
- Sound Works.
- All students are listed.
Newsletter articles are due ASAP
- Make sure substitute teachers are bringing radios out to dismissal.
- Make sure they are on channel 2 for dismissal and channel 1 for recess.
If you have not checked to make sure that your proxies are set to auto proxy…please do it now. IF YOU NEED HELP EMAIL PAM!
All district-owned equipment (iPads, laptops, desktops) needs to be set to SBBC2. You can check by clicking on the signal bars at top of screen (toward the right) and seeing if SBBC or SBBC2 is checked.
IBOOKs. If they are coming apart, let PAM know and she will come and get them. Use them till they self destruct!
Dismissal: If you leave students at dismissal, direct them to the blue benches toward Mrs. Cuffy, so remaining staff can find them.
D4-D5 Laptops. They must be shutdown properly. They should not be transported during sleep mode.
If the active manager (locate on top bar of desktop) icon has a red x on it, then it needs to be updated. To update, inn active inspire click help, scroll down to check for updates and it will search for updates. All teachers have admin access on Macs.
Do not send students to find Pam when they are having laptop problems. Instead, teachers should call office and they can radio and locate Mrs. Bittner. Then she will come to you.
Ms. Wilna (server in cafeteria) has had a death in the family and is having difficulty raising money for the plane ticket. If you’d like to donate by Wed. let Pam know.
Mrs. Antoine
BAFS 2 is Feb 2-6-Paper/Pencil
Writing Field Test. 2/10 & 2/11. 4th and 5th-Paper/Pencil
Teacher training for these tests is 1/29 at 7:45 in Media Center.
Remind teachers to get permission slips in for guidance groups, so students can remain in groups.
Joann Boyer
Remind teams to go to Tools for Schools. Teachers need their badges to pick up free supplies.
Possible authors visit. Non Fiction Writer, John Becker. Student council will pay $500 for a school visit (K-2 and 3-5) and it includes an additional nighttime family visit. Joann is looking into availability.
Remind teams that there is tons of information on the ELR conference.
Lori Goldsmith
Gardens are shaping up.
Learner Profile Reports: Next newsletter has ideas for parents supporting Profile at home.
Teams make sure that you are up to date on your portfolios.
Coach asked that if he is using the field for a class, that teachers keep students off the field.
If you need Tkach’s backdoor, knock hard and be patient.
PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND RESPECTFUL OF GARDENS. Remind your students to avoid gardens and be careful not to trample or disturb.
DESPERATE…Please look for Last Egret chapter book/paperback books. It is rectangular in shape. Mrs. Simon is desperately looking and they had been left behind.
Mrs. Holtz has $5000 grant for camps for ESE. Mrs. Holtz is working on the specifics and will notify staff soon.
Cathy Cirillo:
CAB Conference- Starting 2/1, we will be using CAB conference instead of Wilton Manors Staff.
The copy machine will be reprogramed so that each teacher receives their yearly allotment of approx. 10,000 Copies. That way you won’t run out every month. Be sure to monitor yourself so you don’t run out of copies. When you sign in, there is a counter in the upper lefthand corner that shows your usage.
The machine will be kept stacked with paper, so that you will not need to come with paper anymore.
One team requested a little extra care with field trips.