- Requirements process – steps to produce the SRS
- Contains three basic activities –
- Problem analysis
- Informal Approach
- Structured Analysis
- Prototyping
- Requirement specification
- Requirement validation
- Structured system analysis is a method for problem analysis.
- Basis purpose to fully & clearly understand the system
- Includes inputs, outputs, constraints, behavior, etc.
- This understanding leads to specification.
- Analysis involves interviewing people, reading documents, studying procedures, etc.
- Users & clients may not fully understand their needs
- Analyst should help them understand
- Should act as a consultant.
- During analysis a lot of information collected
- Proper organization of the information is therefore important
- Analyst has to ensure that the information is complete & consistent
- Ensuring consistency may require conflict resolution.
- Communication & people skills very important for analyst.
- Basic principle: divide & conquer
- All analysis techniques use partitioning.
- Structured analysis (SA) uses data flow diagrams & data dictionary
- A data flow diagram (DFD) shows the flow of data in the system
- It is a general technique used in many areas.
- A DFD views a system as transforming inputs to outputs.
- Generally the input is not transformed to output in a single step
- Inputs go through many transformations before becoming the output
- DFD is a means to represent this transition of data.
- A DFD has two major elements – processes & dataflows
- A process, also called a bubble, represents a transformation.
- Inputs & outputs of a process are data flows
- A process is generally represented by a circle
- Data flows are the named arrows entering or leaving a bubble
- A rectangle represents a source or a sink. i.e., originator or final consumer of data.
- A source or a sink is typically outside the system under study.
- All external files shown as labeled lines
- AND relationship represented by*
- OR relationship represented by +
- DFD represents flow of data not flow of control
- Not a flow-chart.
- DFD does not represent procedural info.
- Specify WHAT are the transformations.
- Not HOW the transformations are done.
- No set of rules for drawing dfd.
- Start with identifying the inputs and ouputs.
- Work your away from inputs to outputs, or vice versa
If stuck, reverse direction
Ask: “What transformations will convert the inputs to outputs”
3.Never try to show control logic.
If thinking about loops, if-then-else
STOP. Start again.
- Label each arrow carefully.
- Make use of * and, show sufficient detail.
6.Ignore minor functions in the start.
7.For complex system, make dfd hierarchical.
8.Never settle for lst dfd.
- DFDs can be hierarchically organised
- A bubble at a higher level DFD is exploded in a DFD
- Such a set of DFDs is called a leveled DFD
- For consistency, inputs & outputs of a process are same as for the DFD for the process.
- Refinement may refine the data flows also.
- In a DFD, data flows are shown by labeled arrows
- DFD does not specify structure of data.
- Data dictionary states the structure of the data flows
- Data defined in a DD using regular expression notation
- Sequence or composition – represented by +
- Selection represented by 1
- Repetition by *
- weekly time sheet=
Employee_name +
Employee_id +
(Regular_hours + Overtime_hours)*
- pay_rate=
(Hourly / daily / weekly) +
- Employee_name=
Last + First + Middle_initial
- Employee_Id=
Digit + digit + digit + digit
- Unabled data flows
- Insufficient data for a bubble to produce outputs
- Extraneous data flows
- Lack of consistency while exploding
- Effort to include control information
- Too little or too much detail
- Structured analysis uses DFD for problem in req. analysis
- It starts with identifying inputs & outputs
- Tracks data through the system-from inputs to outputs
- Sees the states the data undergoes while getting converted from inputs to outputs.
- Uses DFD to represent data states and transformation.
- First step is to define the context diagram
- Context diagram views the entire system as one process
- Specifies inputs, outputs sinks, & sources
- Context diagram defines the overall system
- Starting from Context diagram, the DFD of the physical system is drawn.
- Models actual data items in the existing system & how they are processed.
- The physical system model is converted to logical system model
- The logical model, data flows & processes are replaced with logical data & logical processes.
- So far, we have modeled the existing system
- The next step is to convert the DFD to logical model of the eventual system
- Complete DFD is shown – no separation between automated & non-automated is made.
- No general rules for constructing this DFD
- This is a creative transformation, analyst uses his experience.
- In next step, man-machine boundary is specified
- This identifies portion to be implemented in software
- All data flows are specified in data dictionary.
- Sometimes, processes are specified as minispecs.
- This completes the analysis part
- The final DFD, and its details, form input to design.
- Supplies_file=
(date +
(item_no + quantity + cost)*)*
- Orders_file
(date +
(menu_item_no + quantity + status)*))
- Status = satisfied / unsatisfied
- Order = (menu_item_no + quantity)*
- Menu =
(manu_item_no + name + price + supplies_used)*
- Supplies_used =
(supply_item_no + quantity)*
- Bill =
(name + quantity + price)* +
total_price +
sales_tax +
service_charge +
- Discrepancy_report =
(supply_item_no + amt_ordered +
amt_left + amt_consumed + descr)*
- Req analysis requires problem an alysis & specification
- During problem an alysis, the problem is understood & during req. specification problem is specified.
- Problem snalysis involves studying existing systems, reading documents, interviewing, etc.
- Finally the requirements of the system should be clear.
- Structured analysis is one method of doing problem analysis.
- SA uses DFDs & DD
- DFDs represent flow of data in the system.
- DDs specify the structure of data.
- In SA, we start with context diagram of the existing system
- Context diagram shows all inputs, outputs
- A DFD is drawn for the system showing major data flows.
- It is converted to logical DFD.
- Then logical DFD for the final system is drawn
- Man-machine boundary is identified
- Top down refinement is employed by using leveled