Click Here for POEMS to Magdalene, Scroll down or clickbelow for PRAYERS
The Sacred Reunion, by Margaret Starbird
A Prayer to Our Lady, by Tau Malachi
Litany of the Magdala
Invocations toForgotten Women
Balanced "Lord's Prayer"
Mary Magdala Rosary Prayer
Mary Magdala Rosary Mysteries(for contemplation during Rosary use)
Mary, We Did Not Know You
Magdala, Reflection of Goddess
No Longer Derelicta
Psalm of Praise to Magdalene My Queen
Magdalen Illuminant /

Hail Mary Magdalene, the Lord has wed thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb and Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of kings,
give aid to us seekers now and in the hour of our need.
---The Hail Mary adapted by Linda Seekins

A Prayer to Our Lady
by Tau Malachi

O Kallah Messiah, Anointed Bride,
Lady of Light, Lady of Fire,
Come and breathe upon us,
Come and dance with us;

Take us now into your embrace,
That we might know the fullness of Divine Love,
And be joined to our Beloved, as you are joined in Union
The image of the Human One of Light in the Bridal Chamber;

O Magdalene, Tower of the Flock,
Shine among us and bless us,
Anoint us, as you anointed the Lord,
So that the Spiritual Sun might shine in us;

Empower us in the Way, Truth and Life Divine,
Open the Path of the Great Ascension to us,
And pour out your Supernal Grace upon us,
The Healing Power of the Holy Grail;

O Lady of Initiation, Daughter of Understanding,
Stretch out your wings and send your Light-power,
Speak the Mystic Word and show us Wisdom,
So that we might know the Spirit of Truth;

Ascending and descending, come upon us,
Teach and initiate us in the Way of Gnosis,
Gather us into the Body of the Risen Christ,
The Light of the True Cross (Shin-Tau);

O Lady of the Divine Order,
Pray for us and bless us,
Be ever with us!

Praise to you, Kallah Messiah;
And praise to you, El Elyon,
Our Mother-Father,
God Most High,
Holy One!


The Sacred Reunion
by Margaret Starbird reprinted from her book
The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

Shrouded in mists of time
she waits alone in the garden,
veiled, her name obscured,
the forsaken Rose.
Lost counterpart of Logos, the Word,

Son of the Father,
reason and righteousness,
the eternal He.
Forgotten Eros,
the passionate one,
the eternal She,
left prostrate on the ground.

"The Bride is as dark---
but lovely---
as the tents of Cedar.
Do not stare at her because she is swarthy,
because the sun has burned her.
She has labored in her brothers' vineyards;
her own she has not kept." (Cant. 1:5-6)

The Bride,
parched from her toil
in the scorching sun,
dark, dried, and withered.
Black Madonna,
mother of the afflicted poor,
God's raisins,
burned in the relentless rays
of Logos, victor, judge, and sword.
Male image of a sovereign God
raised to heaven's throne---

Eagerly she sought him,
but watchmen came upon her,
struck and wounded her,
the guardians of the walls.
Her plight is mirrored now
in Czestochowa' s icon,
a gash upon her cheek,
the abused, abandoned one---
the Derelicta.

Noli me tangere:
"Do not touch me,"
For centuries the echo:
Noli me tangere.

The Ascended One,
adored and glorified---
the handsome prince,
Lion of Judah and Lamb of God
seated at the Father's hand
and ruling from his throne---

But now, at last, he seeks her.
He calls for her.
He knows the name of the Rose.
Exhausted and parched
in wretchedness,
she hears him call her name.
She stirs, raises her head, and looks around.
"Who speaks?"

Her heart beats faster.
"Can it be he?
Has he returned at last for me?"

The garden where he left her
is now a wasteland---
scarred, dried, and shriveled.
Trees are stunted,
streams of living water
only a trickle.
Thickets of thorn
surround the garden,
barring his way.
With the sword of truth
he must hack them to pieces
to reach his beloved.

At last he finds her,
still clasping her alabaster jar.
Her joyful tears fall at his feet.
A second time she dries them with her hair.
But now he reaches for her hand.
"Come, beloved; it is time.
Let us go together into the vineyard
to see if the vines are in bloom." (Cant. 7:13)
Hand in hand now,
they walk in the desert garden.
And where their feet tread
a violet springs up from the ground,
an anemone lifts its head.
In their wake
buds swell on barren bough.
"No longer will you be called 'forsaken'
and your lands 'desolate,'
but you shall be called 'beloved,'
and your lands 'espoused'" (Isa. 62:4)

He whispers her name,
savoring its taste
delighting in the Bride of his longing.

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Rosary Decades to Miriamne, by ArizaLeora, OMM Priestess:

Miriamne, full of light
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed are the fruits of thy wisdom.
Miriamne, so steadfast for Yeshu
be with us now, and at the time of our trial.

Invocations to Forgotten Women
of the Old Testament, by Oiled Lamp AKA Amber Satterwhite, Mystery School Initiate composed Dec. 14, 2001

Invocation to Eve:
My mother Eve,
Woman of the Red Earth,
Mother of the Living.
You birthed a new creation into existence!
You travailed in sorrow
so that I might know true joy!
Your tears baptized your newborn child,
and anointed him at his death!
Give me your understanding,
so that when I eat the fruit of the forbidden Tree,
I might feel the call of the Goddess within me,
and Know this is the Way of Eternal Life.

Invocation to Miriam:
My mother Miriam,
Woman of the Timbrel,
Prophetess of the Tabernacle,
Counselor to the Lawgiver,
You exalted your brother as Prince of Egypt!
You formed the character of Israel,
as a mother forms a child in her womb!
Give me your stalwart dedication,
so that I will never cease to walk in Wisdom's paths,
as I wander in the desert of my soul.

Invocation to Ruth:
My mother Ruth,
Woman of the Golden Sheath,
A daughter greater than seven sons,
Who made her mother's bitterness pleasant.
You sojourned in a strange land to make the seed of
Naomi great!
Give me your loyalty and affection,
so that I may honor my mothers,
as you so honored yours.

Invocation to Michal:
My sister Michal,
Woman of the Royal House,
Your husband David fled your marriage bed,
When your father Saul sought his life.
In your love you aided your husband's escape!
For your love you were given to another man!
Was your heart filled with gladness,
when you returned to David's bed?
Or were Phaltiel's bitter tears your own
on the road to Bethlehem?
Sister Michal, twice divorced and childless,
give me your emotional strength
as I face the loss of love
and the loneliness of its absence.

Invocation to Rahab:
My mother Rahab,
Woman of the Scarlet Thread,
You risked your life to establish Israel!
Give me your courage,
so that I will choose to serve Wisdom,
as I am called to establish Zion.
(Click here for interesting Bible Studyportion on
Rahab from a Christian webpage)

Invocation to Tamar:Back to Top
My mother Tamar,
Woman of the Veil,
For Judah's sake
you sat beneath the palm tree
on the way to Timnath!
As a maiden who wears the red garment
you answered his call,
and by his signet and his staff,
you established the House of Judah!
Your womb brought forth twins,
and by the scarlet thread
you chose among them an heir!
The black robes of your widowhood
cover the body of a woman filled,
yet emptied of the men of her existence.
Give me your humility,
so that I may accept the cycles of life,
as they may come and go and come again.
(More about Tamar, Irish legends, etc.)

Invocation to Esther:
My mother Esther,
Woman of the Crown of Judah,
You traded silk for sackcloth,
and gold for ashes.
You risked your life to save your people!
Give me your courage,
so that I will choose to act selflessly,
as I am called to protect those in my care.

Invocation to Abigail:
My mother Abigail,
Woman of Peace,
You turned away from the foolish house of Nabal,
and brought a generous offering to the camp of David!
You stayed the swords of men with words,
and stemmed the tide of blood with your countenance!
Give me your gift of diplomacy,
so that when anger swells and armor gleams,
I can be a force for peace.

Invocation to Jael:
My mother Jael,
Woman of the Nail and Hammer,
You hid the enemy of Israel in your tent,
and fed him milk instead of water!
In stealth you crept upon him,
In stealth you pierced his temple with your nail!
Blessed are you above women,
and blessed are you above women in the tent,
for you alone ended the bloodshed of innocents,
and protected your children by your own hand.
Give me your vicious cunning,
so that I will act as dark blooded Wisdom,
when I am called upon to defend my own.

Invocation to Sarai:
My mother Sarai,
Woman of the Terebinth,
Priestess of En,
For all your days you dwelt
in the House of the Moon!
No man wed thee,
but the father of kings!
No child was born to thee,
but the heir to Israel!
You laughed in the face of God,
and asserted your will on Earth,
as a woman who knew
the end had come.
Give me your strong-willed Wisdom,
so that I too can stand firm
in my own power, as I laugh
in the face of patriarchy.

Invocation to Judith:
My mother Judith,
Woman of the Palm Tree,
On the rainy field you defeated Canaan,
and stopped the iron chariots of Sisera!
In the shadow of the mountains,
you led Barak to victory,
over the enemies of the children of Israel!
Give me your foresight,
so that I may see my enemies at a distance
and not fear them,
as I face down the unrighteous threat of force.

Detail of JUDITH by Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1652)

Invocation to Rebekah:Top
My mother Rebekah,
Woman of the Well,
You journeyed to a strange land,
away from the house of your mothers,
to dwell in the tent of Sarai.
There you gave an oracle,
and there the cloud descended!
There the twins you bore
cleaved your heart in twain,
and you wanted for an heir,
for Israel's destiny.
"Why have I existed?" you cried,
as the dark night descended,
without another hope,
for another thousand years.
My mother Rebekah,
give me your strength to endure,
so that when I see that all is lost,
I may continue on as you did,
and be saved.

Invocation to Rachel:
My mother Rachel,
Woman of the Ewe Lamb,
Full of patience and compassion!
As a gentle shepherdess you waited
for seven years
then gave your beloved to another!
For seven more
you tended flocks together
and Jacob loved to serve you,
above all others,
for all his days in Haran,
the place of your mothers.
When he destroyed the teraphim,
when he broke up your birthright
and buried it in the ground,
as he had your broken body
along the way
to the land of his fathers,
Rebekah's hope was buried with it.
Give me your compassionate beauty,
so that I might be the Goddess on Earth,
for those who wish to serve,
and be served by Her.

Invocation to Leah:
My mother Leah,
Woman of Fruitfulness,
Your fields are wide at the borders,
and your flocks yield firstlings
as the hares in their dens!
You provide for the Old World,
an Ensign,
and to the New Word,
a friend!
Jacob loved you
as a mother of Israel,
I call you now,
as a mother to me!
Protect me now,
in the pangs of childbirth,
Guide me now,
in the challenges of motherhood,
Be with me now,
in my joy and my sorrow!
Leah, the weary, stay close to me!

Invocation to Bilhah:
My mother Bilhah,
Woman of Distress,
there is so much to worry about!
How can I strike a balance
between the Magician and the Fool,
full control and complete faith,
and still remain the High Priestess,
calm and poised in my intuition?
My mother Bilhah,
give me your serenity,
so that I can accept
what can't be changed
assume control of what can be
and appreciate every moment
during this precarious life.

Invocation to Zilpah:
My mother Zilpah,
Woman of Tears,
Emotion is as varied
as the forms water takes
as it courses over, through, and around us
like an ever-flowing current
of electricity
that neither shocks nor soothes us
but keeps us as women
ever in its path.
Let me know the greater power
of my emotional self
so that I may harness it,
and not abuse it,
as a force for my creation.

Invocation to Dinah:Top
My sister Dinah,
Woman of Promise,
In the Red Tent
you dwelt with your mothers
and inherited all
that Rachel had!
In the city of Shechem
you lay with the prince
as a priestess who celebrates
the marriage of Earth and Sky!
Your brothers, they knew this,
and called you harlot,
The scribes, they concealed this,
and said you were raped.
May I too claim power
from my own sexuality
and honor, as you did,
the gift of the Goddess!

Invocation to Deborah
by Initiate Lady Deborah, R+C
My mother Deborah,
woman of wisdom
Judge of Israel,
Prophetess of Israel,
You spoke wisdom to Israel
under the palm tree!
You sent the children of Israel
to defeat Sisera!
You sang the song of victory
with your general Barak!
Give me your wise words
That I might speak truth
Not shy away
from confrontation
when it is needed.

Invocations to Forgotten Women of the New Testament has only one entry, please submit your writings! Top

Invocation to Anna
by Initiate Lady Deborah, R+C
My mother Anna,
Woman of Fasting
Dedicated to prayer
Steadfast in the temple
Even in old age,
You recognized Yeshua
Even as an infant.
You looked for the redemption
of your people Israel.
You proclaimed the truth
of Yeshua.
Give me your insight
That I might proclaim
the Truth until death.

Decades to Miriamne:
by Initiate ArizaLeora
Miriamne, full of light
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed are the fruits of thy wisdom.
Miriamne, so steadfast for Yeshu
be with us now, and at the time of our trial.

Magdala, Reflection of Goddess
by Initiate Lady Deborah, R+C

Note: the first stanza of this poem/lyric refers to the Goddess, then as her reflection in the Magdala...

From the beginning you have been
Til eternity you will be
God's companion, God's balance

A reflection of you in the mirror
A glimpse of who you are
She took on your essence

Reflection of goddess
Reflection of woman
Learning the balance

She meets him, her equal, her balance
A glimpse of who she will be
She faces her challenge

Reflection of goddess
Reflection of woman
Living the balance

She relinquishes him, lets him go to the Father
His work is completed
Her work's just beginning

Reflection of goddess
Reflection of woman
Loving the balance

Your life became an expression of love
The love between God and Goddess
And now you show us the way to the truth
The balance of love

Reflection of goddess
Reflection of woman
Loving the balance

See also these beautiful Magdalene Rosaries, handcrafted by Sally Norton at .com/shops/ sallynortonjewel rydesign/ item/N107

by Anne Frasca, one of our own Mystery School Initiates

Blessing to sayon the MM Medal, Cross or other Emblem on your Rosary:

Beloved of the King of the Universe,
Queen of Heaven,
Immersed in the ethereal Light,
Dark Bride eclipsed for centuries,
We pray for your coming into fullness,
Mystical Magdalene,
Goddess of the Moon,
emerge from the shadows
Let your time and our time be now,
Through these your mysteries we would draw you nearer to us,
Sister most dear to us.

You who were most faithful to the Way,
Mistress of the Brightest Day,
Let your brilliance illuminate the night,
And bring us closer still to that heavenly light.


Our Lord
(to be said on the large divider beads before each decade)

"Our Lord Yeshua, who reigns in Heaven,
Your Name is the Holy of Holies.
Your Bride the Goddess remains
At Your side
On Earth as She is in Heaven.
The Divine Light and Love born of
Your Sacred Union
Nurtures our spirits and fills our hearts to overflowing.
Our glorious King and Queen of Peace and Mercy
Your infinite understanding and unending love,
Are the True Power and Beauty withinYour Creation
Universe without end
Awen /Amen.

Hail Lady of Magdala
(To be said on each of the small decade beads)

"Hail Lady of Magdala,
The Lord is with You!
Blessed Be Thee
Queen of Shadows and Light !
And blessed are Your Mysteries
Revealed through the magical moon.

Holy Mary, Beloved of the God,
Guide us with Your Wisdom,
And breathe into us the Sacred Spirit
Birthed by Your Divine Union with the Sun,Yeshua
Our Lord and King of the Universe
Now and forever."

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Mysteries for use with the Mary Magdalene Rosary
by Initiate Maya, Priestess of Magdala
It is not necessary that Mysteries be based directly on the
Bible. The Assumption and Coronation Mysteries in the
Blessed Mother Rosary are not Biblical.