Important message
Thepropertyin whichyounowresidehasbeenforeclosedand is now serviced being serviced byBankofAmerica N.A.Ourintention isto convey the property back to the Federal Housing Authority (“FHA”). Thisletterexplainswhatyoucanexpectduetothechangeinownershipandwhatassistance wecanprovideto you. A law firm has been assigned (the Bank of America N.A. representative), and will contact you to explain next steps including whether relocation assistance is available.
Your rights ifyouareatenant
If you are a tenant, State and/or Federal law may provide you with rights and lease protections when the property you are renting is acquired by a new entity through foreclosure. For example, you may have the right to continue as a tenant for a period of time after foreclosure (typically 30-90 days, but in some cases for the remainder of the lease term). If you have questions about your rights you should consult a lawyer.
Please let us knowassoonaspossible ifyouareatenant, and if so please send the following documentation to the Bank of America N.A. representative at the address they provide.
- A copy of your lease (even if expired) or any other proof of your right to occupy the property; and
- Proof of security deposit you paid and/or copiesof canceledrent checksorother proof that showsrental paymentsare current.
If you are a tenant and have previously paid a security deposit please talk to the Bank of America N.A. representativeto determine if you are eligible for a refund. If you are eligible to receive a security deposit refund, it will be mailed to the property address within approximately 14 days.
Yourfutureleasepaymentsandanyothercorrespondencerelatedtoyouroccupancyoftheproperty should also be sent to theBankof America N.A.representative.
Whatelse you should know
Bank of America N.A. will need to inspect the outside of the property once every 30 days.
Military servicemembers on active duty or active service, or a dependent of such a servicemember, may be entitled to certain additional legal protections pursuant to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 USC App. §§ 501-596) (SCRA).You may contact us at 1.800.669.6650to discuss these protections.
For more information on additional resources available to you, please visit
You can contact us with questions at 1.800.669.6650. However, if you are a borrower and have been assigned a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), feel free to contact that person directly.