Messages from theModerator
Molly McCarthy
Savannah Presbyterian Women
June 2016
Summers is here and know we all are trying to keep cool! But, the heat hasn’t stopped our Presbyterian Women from planning events for the next few months. Different members of the coordinating team have their own event to work on. We will come together and meet in August and relay what we have been working on. The most challenging task is to find new members for the CT. So, if you know someone who would like to be a member of the 2017 coordinating team please contact Charlotte Keenoy at: . She can let you know what team members are rotating off and need replaced. Being on the CT lets you meet and know other women in our Presbytery and friendships that form over the years.
From our Synod side of PW, we will have are 10th Triennial Gathering at Epworth by the Sea, October 21-23, 2016. This event is held every three years and brings 16 Presbyteries together for our Synod of the South Atlantic from South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. If you have never attended this event you’re missing out of all the wonderful things that PW has to offer! From worship to workshops-something for everyone! The author of this year’s 2016-2017 Horizons Bible Study: “Who is Jesus?” Judy Siker will be there to walk us through the study and answer questions. Information on this event can be found on our Savannah Presbytery website, under PW or contact Molly McCarthy at: . From sun up to sun down there will be plenty to do and see this weekend. Come with a friend or as a group, but come and enjoy what Epworth has to offer for the weekend!
Prior to Epworth, we will have our Fall Gathering, Saturday, October 1, 2016 at Altama Presbyterian Church in Brunswick. This will be the first time this church has ever hosted a PW event! This is exciting for them and for Savannah PW. Please plan to attend as we will have a guest speaker, Jill Cohen founder of The Lifeboat Project. Human trafficking is something that is happening right in our own backyards, she is working with several agencies in making the outside world aware of what is going on and has even as an app(game) for young people to know the signs and make them aware of what to look for in this dangerous world. For this event, we are asking you to bring an unwanted purse that you no longer use or need. These will be taken back and reused for someone that has been brought into the program for help and counseling.
Your Savannah Coordinating Team will meet in August to finish working on your events for the rest of 2016. More information will follow after that meeting about our Fall Gathering. If there are any changesin Moderators, please let us know as we like to have this information for the gathering. Also, please send us a list of all Honorary Life Members from you church. Over the years and changes in computers, some names may have been omitted or not recorded! Paper trails are the only way to achieve this and fill in the gaps!
Hope your summer is filled joy and happiness from God!
Blessings and peace,