District Governor, Lion Ian Haffner, in the Chair

Cabinet Officers: District Secretary Brigitte Green, Sergeant-At-Arms Ron Cross, 2nd ViceDistrict Governor John Gray, Events Officer John Barnes, Immediate Past DistrictGovernor/Communications Chairman Simon Moss, Webmaster Joy Haffner, Youth ChairmanChristine Moss, Young Leaders in Service Officer Barbara Gray, Midland News Editor/Lion LiaisonJaap de Jonge, Constitution, Nominations and Resolutions Officer Wim Hoogerwerf, Health &Safety Officer Ray Stephens, Zone C Chairman Chris Burrows, Zone H Chairman Roger Clarke, GMT Liaison Officer Douglas Cross, Sight & LEHP OfficerLinda Cross, International Committee Chairman Femi Onabolu, District Treasurer Brian Burgess,Region 1 Chairman, Paul Murphy, Zone Chairman Sarah Hill, GLT Pauline Fanti, DevelopmentOfficer June Lloyd Adams MIAB Officer Anita Bedi, Vulnerable Persons Officer Eric Hughes,

Visitors:Lions Roger Starling- Shirley Lions Club, Gordon Templeton New Zone Chair

AGENDA ITEM 1 Call to Order:

SAA Ron Cross called the meeting to order and explained the health and safety procedures.

AGENDA ITEM 2 Welcome:

DG Ian Haffner welcomed everybody to the meeting.

Ian welcomes the visitors to Cabinet.

Ian appointed tail twister for the meeting which is Barbara Gray

Ian requested one minutes silence to remember all those that had passed to Higher Service inthe last few weeks.

Ian presented a certificate to Chris Burrows for completing the Advanced Lions Institute Training.

Ian acknowledged the four Clubs already enrolled in the Centennial Service Challenge under thefour headings of Youth-Sight-Environment-Health. The Clubs are Kettering and District,Kidderminster and District, Walsall and Marston Green.

Ian presented the Membership and Extension Award to Lion Anita Bedi for forming CoventryMercia Lions Club.

Ian acknowledged those in the District who had completed the Guiding Lions Programme andissued certificates to Andy Pemberton, Phil White, (not present) Heather Jeavons, Simon Moss,Carole Moseley, Paul Murphy and John Gray

AGENDA ITEM 3 Apologies received from:

Roger Handcock, John Bush, Danielle Benn, Andy Pemberton, PrafulModi, Rosie Eynon, Mike and Mavis Cooke.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

The Minutes of the Meeting held on February 15 th 2015 were proposed by Femi seconded by

Heather approved by Cabinet and signed by the DG as a true record.

AGENDA ITEM 4 Matters Arising:

Richard and Jackie Williams not on the attendee list for the last Cabinet meeting -apologies tothem.


All reports have been received by Cabinet for discussion-

Section 1 -

Regions & Zones- Region 1- Chair. All reports as submitted.

Region 2 -

All reports Region and Zone as submitted.

Region 3 -

All reports Region and Zone as submitted.

DG Ian explained that due to Ray Stephens having to leave the meeting early then with Cabinet’spermission Health and Safety issues will be covered first.

Ray is pleased to report that he now has 100% return on the Statement of Intent documents notincluding Edgbaston. Ray reminded Cabinet he wants the same again for this year and this is a legalrequirement and MDO Brian Dickety is insisting that this document is completed each year. Ray asksall Clubs to clearly print the names of the Club on the forms as a couple have been difficult to identify.

DG Ian commended Ray on his hard work to get to the point of 100% returns.

Section 2 - International

Femi requested a decision from Cabinet for the release of the £2500 for the Kenya Greenhouse WaterProject. The necessary funds are available now for release to start the first phase of the project

Proposed by Femi - seconded by Wim Hoogerwerf. Cabinet voted in favour to release the funds.

Femi congratulated the District for the response to the Nepal Disaster to date £14.980 has beenraised which has been an excellent response.

The Liberia Schools project is moving ahead now that funds were released Femi is expecting somephotos showing the building at roof level.

Femi requests an update from Carole Moseley - Carole apologised for sending the wrong report intoCabinet but the correct report is now available - no further updates.

LCIF Officer Bill --briefed Cabinet on the recognition for Lions sending money in through the Districtappeal for Nepal- The only recognition is from monies to LCIF undesignated. TheMD105 Appeal does not qualify for contributions towards MJF's

Finally Femi wished to thank the members of his team - Lion John Bush although technically finished inhis term as NS Lions will remain as Secretary on the NS Lions Board. Also Femi thanked Bill who willremain on the Committee in a different role now he has done 3 years as LCIF Officer.

Acceptance of the reports proposed by Femi - seconded by Simon Moss- carried

SECTION 3 – Communications

Simon had no updates - reports as submitted

Simon thanked the members of his team particularly Joy for her work as webmaster and Jaap for hiswork on the District Newsletter and for his ongoing blog.

Simon sends all our best wishes to Mavis Cooke in her period of recuperation after an operationCabinet all send their regards to Mike and Mavis

Simon requests that we all share his message on Facebook to spread the word.

Joy added a reminder could all Cabinet Officers please try to get reports in on time to allow time toprepare the reports and post them on line in time for everyone to read them prior to the meeting.

Acceptance of reports proposed by Simon Moss - seconded by Pauline Fanti– carried

SECTION 4 – Youth

Christine informed Cabinet that she had spent £28 on engraving for the Young Ambassador trophy which was presented at Convention. All Cabinet happy with this.

Acceptance of reports by Christine – seconder - Cath Kendal seconds - carried

SECTION 5 – Health

All reports as submitted there was a report that came in from Anita on MIAB and Anita updated cabinet that she had supported Clubs in carrying out the project.

Martin reports that Roger hasn't attended the meetings as there was no hearing loop and he was struggling tohear the meeting -Cabinet agreed that this should be looked at - there is now a hearing loop at MDHQ whichcould be used at Cabinet meetings in future

Linda advised that the Membership figures on Ann Pemberton’s report were difficult for her to read - Ann will lookat the clarity of the figures for the next meeting- however the original had been stretched in copying the document making it difficult to read.

Acceptance of reports proposed by Simon Moss seconded by June – carried.

Section 6 - GMT

Andy requested previously that the reserved monies be used for membership promotion which will be covered inF/A report to Cabinet.

Doug Cross updated Cabinet about the problems of opening a proposed new club in Warwick - although there were initially 20 members Doug considered that the meeting venue was not ideal. We now need to supportWarwick to rebuild.

Birmingham Quinton had been held up because of time spent organising Convention but a drinks and nibbles has now been organized.

Evesham need more hands to help them with a yellow card drop. Pauline Fanti requests that more Lions attendan event on the 13th June to support Evesham.

Ian meeting Randhir re Edgbaston - Doug suggests they change their name to Smethwick which would betterreflect the area covered.

Acceptance of reports – Doug–seconder Simon Moss-carried

Section 7 - Global Leadership Team

Reports as submitted.

Acceptance of reports-Pauline Fanti – seconder Martin Hill - carried

SECTION 8 – Finance & Administration

As mentioned earlier in discussing the GMT report - Convention voted not to reduce dues and that surplusmonies should be used for membership. The F&A committee agreed that the additional dues paid wouldincrease the membership spend by £10,000. Zone chairs would each hold a budget formembership. There should be a concentration of effort in the Wolverhampton area were there is a largepopulation but few Clubs.

The detail of the budget issues can be seen in the budgets in the District Treasurer report.

Acceptance of reports-Heather –seconder Doug Cross -carried

District Secretary -

Report as submitted

Ian reminds Clubs to update their records on MyLCI and if any Clubs are in difficulty contactMDHQ for help --also new from Oak Brook from July 1st any Clubs going into financial suspensionwill only have 3 months to rectify rather than 6 months in previous years.

District Treasurer -

Brian advised Cabinet that hard copies of his financial papers were available at the meeting.

Update from Convention - Clubs voted to support the North Sea Lions Project, although monieshave already been requested the District will not be paying until the new Lionistic year. Fullamount is 80 euros per Club. All Clubs do not contribute so we may have a shortfall as typicallyabout 40 Clubs in the District contribute.

A list of International projects to support will be sent through to Clubs, the list will be headed withthe North Sea Lions Project.

Christine added that with all the new legal implications such as Charity Commission issues thatthe training for Treasurers - Presidents and Secretaries does reflect these issues and well worthall Officers attending.

Pauline asked when the loan for Evesham would need to be repaid - Ian referred this one to the F&A committee to reply to Pauline outside the meeting.

John Barnes asked if Brian could consolidate the budgets to make a simpler document and easierto follow - Brian replied that since the District invested in an accounting package then it should beused.

Acceptance of reports Heather and seconder John Barnes -carried


John Gray reports a nil return on the location of equipment - another email will be circulated.

Richard Williams enquired as to the lost item after Europa Forum since the meeting the DistrictSecretary has been informed that the item was replaced and now with Phil White.

Acceptance of reports John Gray and seconder Sarah Hill-carried


Simon thanked all the volunteers that had worked so hard on MD Convention, he wassorry not more Lions attended, however it was reported back as a most enjoyable event.Simon advised Cabinet that at the first Council meeting the topic of future Conventionswas on the Agenda.

1st VDGand 2nd VDG Report –

Reports as submitted.

PDG Report –

Doug now left the meeting.

DG Report -

Report as submitted

Ian added a thank you to all Cabinet Officers especially Martin and Sarah for keeping all cabinetfed through the year.

District Secretary –

Pledges to be four stone lighter by next Convention -doing so in memory ofBarbara Dutton who highlighted to Brigitte the dangers of being overweight and Diabetes issues.

Simon thanked Ian for his leadership over the last year and Joy for her support.


Martin requested the dates for further training workshops - another is scheduled for 23rd May.

District Changeover 19th July at St Johns Hotel, £13.00 per head.

Could John Barnes have all the Region and Zones gongs back for re-issue asap.

District Governor Ian thanked everyone at the meeting and to please pass on to Clubs a thank youfor the warm welcome he and Joy received at all the Club visits and Charters attended through theyear.

Meeting ended over to Barbara Gray as Tail Twister.