Tirley Parish Council
Minutes of Full Council Meeting Draft Subject to Approval
For 19thSeptember 2011
Present :
Chairman: Anne Turner, Cllr.John Leask, Cllr Colin Franklin, Cllr Alma O’Boyle, District Cllr. Phil Awford,7 Members of the Public,Clerk Adeline Raine
- Apologies for Absence: received from Cllr Paul Adcock, Jane Griffiths Village Agent and PCSO Emma Birch
- Declaration of Interests: Cllr O’Boyle mentioned that she was a neighbour to the Malt House planning application.
- Minutes: Council agreed that the minutes for 18.7.11 were correct. They were signed and dated by the Chairman
- Reports from invited speakers: A report was received from District Cllr Awford, who mentioned that the report from the TBC Flood Group committee will be out for consultation shortly. He also invited TPC Cllrs to respond to the National Planning Policy, particularly with regard to the demise of PPS 25 (linked to flooding issues). The consultation deadline is 17 Oct and links to the Policy can be found on the TBC website. ACTION: Cllr Awford to circulate information on these issues to TPC Cllrs
- Decisions arising from actions approved at last meeting:ACTION: Cllrs to read the last Village Plan conducted in 2003, to report back at the next TPC meeting and agree next steps
- Planning: To acknowledge TPC decisions made: 11/00254/FUL and 11/00845 Hill View, The Knowle- NO OBJECTIONS, 11/00886/LBC The Malt House – Cllrs made the decision at this meeting that they had NO OBJECTION to this plan (although it was too late to convey decision to TBC)
- PRI, with reference to speed sign:Council confirmed that there is no grant available to buy a Speeding Deterrent Sign. However, match funding will be available from Highways at a cost to TPC of approximately £2,000. TPC are still in negotiations with the PRI to find out whether it would be possible to keep the sign they are using. Ref appendix 1 attached
- Roads/other public rights of way and public utilities:
- Provision of Dog Bin Notices: Signs regarding Dog fouling have been placed on public footpaths near Haw Bridge.
- Culvert in Harley Lane: TPC informed TBC about the unpleasant smell and surface water, who advised that in the future matters should be raised with Severn Trent. The letter from TBC is filled with these minutes as appendix 2.
- Clean up weekend.The start of this clean up has been arranged for Sat 15 Oct: ACTION: Cllr Awford to contact TBC re collection of green waste. Clerk to publicise date in newsletter.
- Grit Bins:TPC confirmed that Charles Warner has agreed to take on the role of Snow Warden, to receive stock piles of grit and distribute it between the allocated grit bins as required. ACTION: TPC agreed to purchase 3 new grit bins.
- Blocked ditch and drainage between cross roads and church: TPC agreed that keeping the ditch clear was the responsibility of the landowner. ACTION: Cllr Franklin to speak to landowner about the issue in the first instance
- Flooding: A copy of the final hydraulic study report from TBC has been requested. Cllrs O’Boyle and Franklin are the TPC reps on the Flood Working Party, that have agreed to meet with other members of the working party to review the report once it has been issued. ACTION: Charles Carr to inform the Chairman and Clerk of when this meeting is taking place.
- Mini Bus report:For August 2011, report attached as appendix 3
- Queens Diamond Jubillee:ACTION: Cllr O’Boyle to consult with public regarding suggestions on the way forward re planting trees in celebration. All councillors will consider the idea of lighting beacons in celebration and report back at the next meeting.
- Signing of Standing Orders: These were signed by the Chairman and filed by the Chairman
- Website: TPC agreed to accept the volunteered services of Andrew Diamond, to set up the website on behalf of Tirley PC. There will be minimal expense (if any) to the council. ACTION: Cllr O’Boyle to report back at the next meeting
- Finance:
14.1Budget: A Budget needs to be agreed for next year ACTION: All councillors to consider this and discuss at the next meeting
14.2 Donation to Tirley Church: TPC agreed to give a grant of £200 for the year 2011-2012
14.3 Donation to Apperley Luncheon Club:TPC agreed that as a number of people living in Tirley use the club, a grant would be appropriate. A grant was agreed for 2011-2012 of an amount under £100
14.4Schedule of payments for council approval: The following payments were approved and acknowledged by the full council:
Date / Detail / Amount / Cheque NumberMINI BUS ACCOUNT
5.8.11 / J Price expenses / £72.06 / 115
19.9.11 / J Price expenses / £17.89 / 116
18.7.11 / Village Hall hire rent / £135 / 30
19.9.11 / Clerks salary Aug&Sep / £204 / 62
15Correspondence:BBC request for financial information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, has been responded to. TBC Seminar 6 Oct – Cllr Leask to attend, GAPTC AGM 13 Oct – Cllr Turner to attend, Highways Info Evening 10 Oct – Clerk to attend
16Items for next meeting:
- TBC Buildings at Risk Survey
- Wooden fence at Tirley Cross
- Blocked footpaths identified
17Dates for next meeting: 21 Nov 2011, 16 Jan 2012, 24 April 2012 (APM), 15 May 2012 (AGM)
18Role of RFO: TPC agreed to advertise the vacancy through GAPTC and in the local newsletter. The role to take up 6 hours a month at £10.20ph, closing date 31 Oct, to begin the role in Nov
Meeting closed at 8.50pm
Signature...... Date......