Championing the rights and interests of women

September 2015 Communiqué

·  The Tasmanian Women’s Council (the Council) met in Campbell Town on 8 September 2015.

·  The Council hosted guest speaker Angela Saunders, President of Tasmanian Women in Agriculture (TWiA). Angela provided an overview of the organisation’s history, target audience, strategic plan, and key challenges, and discussed the particular challenges facing women in rural areas. The TWiA was established 21 years ago with the aim to connect, support and celebrate women in rural communities by providing networking opportunities, encouraging leadership and training, and raising the profile of women in rural communities.

·  The Council noted the valuable work of the TWiA and offered future assistance to the organisation, particularly around using the Council’s networks to increase support for TWiA’s initiatives and events.

·  The Council discussed the Terms of Reference for the Senate Inquiry into Economic Security for Women in Retirement and resolved to develop a submission paper for the Inquiry.

·  The Council began drafting their 2016 Work Plan to be presented to the Minister for Women in early 2016.

·  The Council discussed the Australian Institute of Company Directors/Tasmanian Government scholarships soon to be launched. The Council will assist with marketing the scholarships to their networks within Tasmania.

·  The Chair reported on recent events attended where she represented the Council including a Breakfast with Rose Batty in Hobart to discuss men’s role in preventing violence against women, hosted by the Minister for Women on 5 August 2015, and Anglicare’s Tasmanian community event with Rosie Batty, held on 3 August 2015 in Launceston.

·  The Council noted the recent launch of the Tasmanian Governments family violence action plan, Safe Homes, Safe Families.

·  Council Member, Lindy O’Neill, reported on the 2015 Women’s Leadership Symposium, held on 4September 2015, at which she was invited as a guest speaker.

·  The next meeting of the Council will be held on 8 December 2015 in Hobart.

The Council seek input from women and community organisations about any issues that are of concern to, and that could impact women in Tasmania. If you would like to talk with a member of the Council, please contact the Communities, Sport and Recreation Tasmania, Department of Premier and Cabinet on 62327296 or email for members’ contact details. We welcome your calls.

Christine Hepburn
