March 27,2016 Easter Sunday

Personal listening devices and large print resources available, contact an usher for assistants.

Gathering Music

Anthem Triumph and Praise West Side Bell Choir The Passion Song:The Story of Holy Week Sean Carter

(some scenes may not be suitable for younger children)

*Call to Worship Sarah Inlow

Leader: The darkness of despair filled Mary Magdalene as she came to the tomb in the early morning. Hopes

were dashed. Joy was gone. The tomb was the place where life met death. A harsh reality! And then—Mary saw Jesus, and the Light of the Risen Christ filled her anew with hope and joy. Christ is Risen!

People: Christ is risen indeed! We serve a risen savior!

Leader: On this Easter day, as we are surprised by the Light of resurrection, may it be a turning point—not

only in our understanding of God’s love for us—but also in our lives. May the victory of the resurrection

help us deepen our faith, increase our joy, and serve our Resurrected Lord by living as Easter peopleevery day.

People: We want to live as Easter people—redeemed and renewed for faithful livingin our daily lives.

Leader: The journey of Lent ends in our joyous celebration of Easter Day. We have journeyed with Jesus

through the temptations, baptism, controversial days of ministry, and the triumphal entry on Palm

Sunday. We sat at table with Jesus as he broke the bread and shared the cup and bid us to remember.

We stood in anguish as Jesus sacrificed His life to gain forgiveness for our sins. Let us now rejoice in

the glorious good news of Easter just as his followers rejoiced when the glory of the Resurrected Lordfilled the skies on that first Easter Morning. CHRIST IS RISEN!


*Prayer of Confession(unison)

Almighty and Wondrous God we come to you in the light of Easterconfessing our fear of life as well as of death. Easter helps us understand that you are in that spacewhere life and death intersect and that You will care for us just as You cared for your son, Jesus.Forgive us our fears and doubts, and fill us with the joy of Resurrection Light. In Jesus name we pray.AMEN

*Processional Hymn Christ the Lord is Risen Today UMH 302

John Bodle, trumpet


Leader: Christ is risen!

People: Christ is risen, indeed!


Opening Prayer

*Hymn Up from the Grave He Arose UMH 322

Children's Moment

Offering of our Gifts and Tithes

The Welcome Pad - please sign in!

Offertory What a Great Morning Mehrens/Williamson

West Side Choir

*Congregational Response

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures here below.

Praise God above, ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Offertory Prayer

Anthem Christ Is Alive! Alleluia! West Side BellChoir

Scripture Mark 16:1-8 Pew Bible p 886

Lay Lector:This is the word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon Rolling Stones


*Hymn He Lives UMH 310


*Those who are able, please stand

UMH abbreviation for The United Methodist Hymnal

FWS abbreviation forThe Faith We Sing, small soft covered hymnal

The Altar Flowers: One vase is presented in loving memory of Deanna Shugarts, given by her husband, Andy.

One vase is presented in loving memory of Edward G. Bash whose birth date remembrance is March 25 and in loving memory of mother Virginia (Bash) Dick who went to her heavenly home March 6, 2008. Given by daughter Linda Simcox.

Thank you: to Joe Waroquier and family for supplying the palm branches for Palm Sunday.

Circle of Prayer: Let us join in prayer for churches within the Susquehanna Conference.

Janesville, Smithmill (Clearfield); Ward, Canton (Bradford); Bethel Montoursville, Montoursville (Lycoming); Laporte, Laporte (Sullivan); Keeneyville, Middlebury Center (Tioga); Grace Shrewsbury, New Freedom (York); Covenant, Lock Haven (Clinton); Bald Eagle, Tyrone (Blair); Grace Lewistown, Lewistown (Mifflin); Rouzerville, Rouzerville (Franklin)

Ecumenical Prayer Cycle:

China, Hong Kong, Macao

Did you know? West Side UMC is now on Facebook! Log on, look up West Side UMC, and click on the icon or the picture of our church!!

CHURCH STAFF: Office: (814) 765-9813 Parsonage: (814)765-4094

Rev. Dr. Joleen A. Willis, Pastor

Gary Wilsoncroft, Director of Music ammy Byerly, Administrative Assistant

Connie Spencer, Treasurer

Ty Maines, Music Coordinator, Saturday Praise & Worship Pamela Rhine, Nursery Staff

Norman Dixon, Sexton

Christopher Shaffer, Security

Joe Eisenhauer, Multimedia

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. closed one hour for lunch(12-1)

Welcome to West Side!

We are glad you chose to worship with us today. For our first time visitors, please complete the Visitor/Guest information in our Welcome Pad. You are invited to stop by the Connection Counter at the back of the sanctuary to see Linda Schultz for additional West Side UMC information. Thank you.

May you be blessed by the worship service today.

Serving Us Today:

Head Usher: Jim Schultz

Lay Lector: March 27-John Bodle

April 3 -Brenda Kennedy

Nursery Volunteer: TBA

Greeters:New Street Door - Gerry Graham

Parking Lot Door -Justine Washic

Elevator - Ethan Washic

Following Worship: New Street Door - Pastor Joleen

Lenten Offering: Coin Folders and Lenten Offering Envelopes are located on the radiators in the sanctuary. This year the offering will support two ministries: Capital Campaign forMission Central (to help pay off the mortgage) and Clearfield Ministerium Tangible Aid.

Wooden Crosses: The United Methodist Men have 10.5”x 6” standing wooden crossesmade out of the “old wooden doors” by Paul Swales. They are available at the Connection Counter! The suggested price is $10.00 per cross.The small hand held crosses are also available for a donation at the Connection Counter table.

Elevator Parking Lot: Please reserve the elevator parking lot for those who need the elevator and for our guests. We thank you for being understanding about reserving this parking lot for these individuals.

Family Tables: “Family Tables” are provided in the overflow area. These tables are there for families to sit with their Children’s Church-age children. Activities including puzzles, markers, etc. are provided for your use (or bring your own).Children's Church is held on the first and third Sundays of the month.

This Week’s Opportunities:

Sunday: (March 27)Easter Sunday

9:30 a.m. - Sunday School

10:15 a.m. - Choir

10:45 a.m. -Worship - Bell Choir

Monday: (March 28)

Church and Offices closed

5 p.m. - Kitchen of Care

6:30 p.m. - Memorial Gifts Committee

Tuesday: (March 29)

Offices closed until 11 a.m.

9 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Tax Aide

6 p.m. - Girl Scouts

Wednesday: (March 30)

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.- Tax Aide

Thursday: (March 31)

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.- Tax Aide

Saturday: (April 2)

6:30 p.m. -Praise and Worship

Sunday: (April 3)- Holy Communion

9:30 a.m. - Sunday School

10:45 a.m. -Worship- Special Music by Logan Stover

Upcoming Events:

  • April 4 - Newsletter deadline
  • April 7 - Newsletter Assembly 9, Bible Study 10

Spring Sermon Series: Starting April 9/10

“I Believe”

‘The Apostles Creed’

HUGE Thank You and Good Wishes: I cannot thank you all enough for your kindness this past Sunday. I was so happy and thrilled to be able to do the interview. I appreciate all the cards and calls. Thank you so much, Libby Zimmerman

Visitors to Libby Zimmerman:

Anyone going to visit Libby is asked to call first. Libby keeps her door locked and she needs to know ahead of time, so she can have the door unlocked for you. Thank you.

Thursday Morning Bible Study:

"Everyday Faith: Drawing Near to His Presence"

Meeting: April 7 & 14; and May 5 & 12at10 a.m. in the Sunday School Class in the back of the Sanctuary.

What does real faith look like in the everyday moments of life? Everyday Faith will help you discover how to draw near to God's presence. As you explore Hebrews 11, you will discover that as you draw near to Him, His presence will give your faith new life and meaning.

Sunday, April 10 is Native American Ministries Sunday

Historically, United Methodists celebrate Native American Ministries Sunday with an offering on the Third Sunday of Easter. U.S. congregations are to observe this church wide Special Sunday on this date or on another date appropriate to the local church. According to the 2012 Book of Discipline (Par. 263.6), “this Sunday serves to remind the Church of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our society.”

Your generous gifts on Native American ministries Sunday support:

  • Native American ministries within the annual conference
  • Scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology and seminaries approved by the University Senate of The United Methodist Church (administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry)
  • Expansion of the number of target cities in the Native American Urban Initiative (related to the General Board of Global Ministries)

Youth Schedule:

Saturday, April 2- 6:30-8:30p.m. at CMA school gym

Sunday, April 3 - no youth

Sunday, April 10 - 2-4p.m.

Sunday, April 17 - 6-7:30p.m.

Sunday, April 24 - no youth

Sunday, May 1 - Closing family picnic and adult vs youth whiffle ball game. Time and place to be announced.

Mission Giving:The Thursday Morning Bible Study Ministry would like your help in providing some of the items to help Mission Central restock and give to those in need from all the recent flooding.

April 3-5-gallon bucket with lid

April 10- Murphy Oil 12 to 16 oz.

April 17- Dawn dish soap 16 or 28 oz.

April 24-Off or Deep Woods spray or aerosol 6 or

14 oz.Air fresheners spray or aerosol

Containers are placed by the Connection Center in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for all you do month after month! If you have any questions, call Linda Schultz at 765-7130.

New Study for Sunday School: Why in the World? John 1:14a says “The Word became flesh and made His home among us(CEB)”. Eugene Peterson in The Message put it this way, “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood”. Why would God want to become one of us and live in a world of anxiety, chaos, and headache? Why would God leave the comfort and recognition of heaven to live in this world? We will explore those questions and more starting Sunday, April 3 during the Sunday School hour, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Better Late Than Never/ 3:16 Class. We meet in the classroom by the Chapel off the New Street entrance. For more information, see Ken Bodle.

Congregational Care: If you or someone you love is hospitalized, please notify the church office. Also, at Clearfield Penn Highlands Hospital, you may identify West Side United Methodist Church as your church affiliation and theymaycontact us.

Church Camp: It’s that time of year again!!! Time to start thinking about and planning your summer church camp adventure. You can go to to see a listing of camps! Or you can stop by the table in the back by the Connection Center for a brochure. Remember camp is for everyone! They offer family camps, sports camps, quilting, welcome weekend, treasure hunt, music, special needs week, canoe, and much more! Please see Amy or Chuck Hallman if you have any questions or are interested in going to a camp! We offer half scholarships!