The March meeting of the Friends of the Paul Sawyier Public Library was called to order by President Mike Embry at 5:00p.m., March 22, 2007.
Those attending were: Mary Lynn Collins, Eileen Cackowski, Mike Embry, Donna Gibson, Chris Evans, Gretchen Vaught, Rochelle Silvernail, Carol Baughman, Ev Claffy,Gina Hagan, Cindy Shemwell, Chris Helvy, Carol Hummel, and Mimi Gosney.
Secretary’s Report: There were no changes to the minutes. Mimi Gosney made a motion to approve the minutes. Motion was seconded by Eileen Cackowski.
Treasurer’s Report: Chris Evans reported that there were $3,018.87 in Deposits in February, and $2,603.50 to date in March. Our current bank balance is $12,472.68 plus our 2 C.D.’s. Report was approved by Carol Baughman and seconded by Ev Claffy.
Bookstore: From 1/29/2007 to present we have made over $5,000. Our hours are currently Monday and Thursday 10-7, and Saturday 10-2. There will be a sale the last week of March (20% off everything) to try and clean out inventory. There will also be a silent auction during this sale. Kentucky department of Corrections is coming to look at books in basement, and see if they would be able to use them.
Internet Consignment: We earned $175 in February.
Babies & Books: Carol Baughman gave an update that the library staff is asking us to wait, but that she will follow up with Erin in the Children’s Dept.
Spring Book Sale: Mary Lynn announced that she believed there were enough books for a spring book sale. Carol Hummel will coordinate this sale. It was decided that this sale would be a good time to issue membership cards, to keep members more aware of their expiration date.
Author Visits: Chris Helvy announces that Sunday, April 15th at 4pm Richard Taylor would come visit the library. There was discussion of making this visit earlier in the day. Chris was going to contact Richard Taylor to see if this was possible.
Library Needs: Donna Gibson gave the following list of items
~A memorial for Jules Delambre. Perhaps plant lilies in the first island in the parking lot, or improve the Lillian Lindsay park. Another possibility that was discussed was outdoor art. A committee was appointed to research this further. Gina Hagan, Mary Lynn Collins, and Mimi Gosney agreed to serve on this committee. Ev Claffy said that she would serve as a liaison between the library board and the garden club.
~Prime Time Reading Program is in need of volunteers.
~Summer Reading program needs supplemental funding
~Technology Training Room
Carol Baughman made a motion that Rob, Erin, and the Jules Memorial Committee come with proposals to our next meeting. Mimi Gosney seconded the motion.
Librarians Tea: The librarians tea will be Friday, June 8th. This will include a morning brunch. A decision was made to include resource teachers, reading teachers, and aids. Carol Baughman will lead this endeavor.
Meeting adjourned.