A & P 1 –FinalReview
Mary Stangler Center for Academic Success
This review is meant to highlight basic concepts from the units covered in this course. It does not cover all concepts presented by your instructor. Refer back to your notes, unit objectives, labs, handouts, etc. to further prepare for your exam.
- Chemistry – Define Element :
- Chemistry - List the 6 Major Elements that make up the human body:
Polymer / Monomer / Major Function(s)
Nucleic Acids
- Four Classes of Biological Molecules -four macromolecules make up all living things, list them as polymers and complete the table.
- Ions and Electrolytes – Define the following:
- Ion:
- Electrolyte:
- Types of Bonds – Define the following:
- Covalent bond:
- Ionic bond:
- Nonpolar covalent bond:
- Covalent polar bond:
- Hydrogen (H) bonds:
- Most important inorganic molecule is water - answer and define:
- Why is it so essential?
- Hydrophilic:
- Hydrophobic:
- Acids, Bases, & pH – Define and answer:
- Acid:
- Base:
- Parts of the Cell – define:
- Cell membrane :
- Cytoplasm:
- Organelles:
- Nucleus:
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER):
- Ribosome:
- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) :
- Golgi:
- Mitochondria:
- Cellular Respiration (aerobic) – write the equation:
- Where does it primarily occur in the cell:
- Membrane Transport = Movement of substances across the cell membrane – compare and contrast passive and active transport. Refer to energy use, concentrations gradient, and the main types for each one.
- Passive transport
- Active transport
- Osmosis & Tonicity - Concentration of solute inside a cell vs. the conc. of water or solution surrounding it – Define the following:
- Isotonic solution:
- Hypertonic solution:
- Hypotonic solution:
- Hierarchy of Complexity – give a brief definition:
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- Organism – composed of
- Organ Systems – composed of
- Organs – composed of
- Tissues – composed of
- Cells – composed of
- Organelles – composed of
- Molecules – composed of
- Atoms – base unit of
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- Tissues – give the major function of each type of tissue:
- Epithelial
- Connective
- Nervous
- Muscular
- Identifying Epithelial Tissue (Membranes) – Epithelial Tissue is named by its class, cell shape, and specialized structures. Name the following epithelial tissues using the clues provided.
- Four Types of Simple Epithelia
- ______– one layer of flat cells
- ______– one layer of cube-shaped cells
- ______– one layer of column-shaped cells
- ______– looks stratified, but is single layer, not all reach free surface
- Four Types of Stratified Epithelia
- ______– multiple layers of flat cells
- ______– multiple layers of cube-shaped cells
- ______– multiple layers of column-shaped cells
- ______– changes shape, between squamous and cuboidal
- Anatomic Directional Terms – give the direction for the following:
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- Anterior or Ventral – toward
- Posterior or Dorsal – toward
- Superior –
- Inferior –
- Medial – toward ______plane
- Lateral – ______from median plane
- Proximal – ______point of attachment
- Distal – ______point of attachment
- Ipsilateral – on ______side of body
- Contralateral – on ______side of body
- Superficial – ______body surface
- Deep – ______body surface
- Supine – facing
- Prone – facing
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- Body Regions – describe the following:
- Axial:
- Appendicular:
- Thoracic Cavity & Membranes – define the following membranes and determine their position:
- Mediastinum:
- Pericardium:
- Visceral Pericardium – ______layer
- Parietal Pericardium – ______layer
- Pericardial Cavity – ______layers
- Pericardial Fluid – ______layers
- Pleura
- Visceral Pleura – ______layer
- Parietal Pleura – ______layer
- Pleural Cavity – ______layers
- Pleural Fluid – ______layers
- Abdominopelvic Cavity & Membranes- Define the following cavities/membranes and determine their position:
- Abdominal Cavity:
- Pelvic Cavity:
- Peritoneum :
- Visceral Peritoneum – ______layer
- Parietal Peritoneum – ______layer
- Peritoneal Cavity – ______layers
- Peritoneal Fluid – ______layers
- Define Homeostasis – (use temperature as an example):
- Homeostasis:
- Negative Feedback – give a brief explanation of negative feedback (use temperature as an example):
- Positive Feedback - give a brief explanation of positive feedback (use child birth as an example):
- Skin: Structures and Functions – List the distinguishing features of each layer:
- Epidermis:
- Dermis:
- Hypodermis:
- Epidermis: Cell Layers – describe the cells of each layer of the epidermis:
- Stratum Corneum :
- Stratum Lucidum :
- Stratum Granulosum :
- Stratum Spinosum:
- Stratum Basale (Stratum Germinativum):
- Dermis: Cell Layers – list the distinguishing features of each layer gland type:
- Papillary Layer :
- Reticular Layer:
- Merocrine gland:
- Apocrine gland :
- Sebaceous gland :
- Ceruminous gland :
- Hair Types and Functions - briefly describe the type of hair and where found:
- Lanugo:
- Vellus :
- Terminal :
- Functions of hair:
- Nail Structure - answer the following questions and identify the parts of the nail:
- What are nails are made up of?
- ______– hard part of nail
- ______– skin underlying nail plate
- ______– growth zone of stratum basale, at proximal end of nail
- ______– white crescent at proximal end of nail
- ______(Cuticle) – narrow zone of dead skin over base of nail
- ______– epidermis at distal portion of nail bed
- Inflammation – Describe why the 4 cardinal signs of inflammation occur:
- Redness:
- Heat :
- Swelling:
- Pain:
- Healing of Skin Cuts - explain what happens following a cut
- Immediately After Injury: the area bleeds, eventually a ______will temporarily fill the hole;a scab protects the injury site, ______(WBC’s) clean up cellular debris.
- Tissue Regeneration:Production of same type of functional tissue, ______cells from epidermis migrate to cover the edge of a wound, these cells divide to push out blood clot and scab.
- Tissue Replacement (Fibrosis):Production of nonfunctional connective tissue, ______(type of cells in dermis produce fibrous tissue) to produce a scar, sutures draw the edges of the stratum ______together.
- Types of Bones - give the function and an example of each:
- Long Bones:
- Flat Bones:
- Anatomy of a Long Bone – define the following:
- Compact (Dense) Bone:
- Spongy (Cancellous) Bone:
- Marrow (Medullary) Cavity:
- Red Bone Marrow:
- Yellow Bone Marrow :
- Periosteum :
- Endosteum :
- Epiphysis:
- Diaphysis :
- Metaphysis :
- Epiphyseal Plate (Growth Plate):
- Epiphyseal Line:
- Nutrient Foramina:
- Articular Cartilage:
- Bone (Osseous) Cells – describe the function of each:
- Osteoblasts :
- Osteocytes :
- Osteoclasts :
- Bone (Osseous) Tissue - Osteon (Haversian System) – define of each:
- Osteocyte :
- Lacunae:
- Canaliculi :
- Bone Formation & Growth: Endochondral Ossification : briefly describe the 2 steps:
- Long bones develop from a______model in fetus
- Primary Ossification Center :
- Secondary Ossification Centers :
- Bone Formation & Growth: Intramembranous Ossification
- bone replaces ______instead of cartilage in fetus
- Calcium Homeostasis – give the function of each hormone:
- Calcitriol :
- Calcitonin, Estrogen, Testosterone:
- Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
- Healing of Bone Fractures- list 4 steps of bone healing:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- Joint Movement – give the movement of the following:
- Flexion – ______to decreases joint angle (hinge joints)
- Extension –______to increase joint angle
- Hyperextension - Further ______of joint beyond zero position
- Abduction - Movement ______midline of body
- Hyperabduction -______arm overhead (in frontal plane)
- Adduction -Movement ______midline
- Hyperadduction - ______legs, fingers
- Elevation - ______body part vertically
- Depression - ______body part vertically
- Protraction - ______movement of a body part in horizontal plane
- Retraction - ______movement of a body part in the horizontal plane
- Circumduction - One end of an appendage remains stationary, other end makes a circular motion
- Rotation - Movement in which body part spins about an axis
- Synovial Joints Anatomy – define the following:
- Ligament – attaches ______
- Tendon – attaches ______
- Bursa – ______filled with synovial fluid
- Articular Disc – ______between bones
- Meniscus (pl. Menisci) – fibrocartilage pads at knee joint
- Types of Synovial Joints – list 6 types:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- Organelles & Structures of Muscle Cells – define the following
- Sarcolemma - ______membrane of muscle fiber (cell)
- Sarcoplasm - ______of muscle fiber (cell)
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum - ______of muscle fiber (cell)
- Terminal Cisternae - Dilated end-sacs of SR, cross all the way through muscle fiber (cell)
- T-tubules -Tube-shaped infoldings of sarcolemma, penetrate all the way through muscle fiber (cell)
- Mitochondria-Aerobic respiration of glucose to produce ______
- ATP provides energy for muscle movement
- Nuclei - ______nuclei, with DNA for muscle protein production
- Organization of Muscular Tissue
- What surrounds a muscle (bundles of fascicles)?
- What surrounds one muscle fascicle (bundle of muscle fibers)?
- What surrounds a single muscle fiber (cell)?
- Sliding Filament Theory – Give a brief summary:
- Phases of a Muscle Contraction – give a brief explanation of each phase:
- Stimulus Phase:
- Latent Period:
- Contraction Phase:
- Relaxation Phase:
- Phases of Muscle Contractions
- Isometric Muscle Contraction (“Same ______”)
- Isotonic Muscle Contraction (“Same ______”)
- Slow-Twitch & Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
- Slow Twitch – Slow Oxidative
- What type of respiration is this?
- Is it good for a quick response?
- Fast Twitch – Fast Glycolytic
- What type of respiration is this?
- Is this good for a quick response?
- Structures of Neurons – define the following:
- Dendrites –
- Soma (Cell Body) –
- Axon –
- Myelin Sheath –
- Schwann Cells –
- Nodes of Ranvier –
- Internodes –
- Synaptic Knobs & Synaptic Vesicles –
- Nerve Signals: Generation & Propagation - describe what is happening with K+ and Na+ at each step:
- Polarization:
- Depolarization:
- Repolarization :
- Brain: Anatomical Divisions
- Gyri – raised ______of gray matter
- Sulci – ______between gyri
- Longitudinal Fissure – deep ______that separates hemispheres
- Corpus Callosum – thick ______that connects hemispheres
- Cerebral Medulla – inner layer of ______matter; myelinated
- Cerebral Cortex – outer layer of ______matter; unmyelinated
- Lobes of the brain & their functions - what does each area control?
- Frontal Lobe:
- Parietal Lobe:
- Temporal Lobe:
- Occipital Lobe:
- Somatic Reflexes: Reflex Arc – use the following words to explain a simple reflex arc:
- Receptor, Sensory (Afferent) Neuron, Interneuron, Motor (Efferent) Neuron , effector
- Components of the Eye – describe the following:
- Iris –
- Pupil –
- Cornea
- Lens
- Aqueous Humor
- Retina
- Optic Disc
- Rods
- Cones
- Components of the Ear (outer & middle and inner) – Describe the path of a sound wave entering the ear until it is sent to the brain for interpretation:
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