Chester City Council Meeting
July 28, 2014, 6:30, pm
Present: Mayor Wanda Y. Stringfellow; Council Members Betty Bagley, Odell Williams, Susan Kovas, King Thompson, William Killian, George Caldwell and Linda Tinker; City Administrator Sandi Worthy and Human Resources Director Carla Roof.
Absent: Mayor Pro Tempore Reid.
Citizens Forum: Rev. Robert Worthy indicated that he received notice from the City that he was responsible for cleaning the branch on College Street. He owns property that joins the branch that the city has always cleaned. The letter received from Mr. Cook indicated that the branch is his property and he will be fined if he does not keep clean. Mayor Stringfellow requested that Mr. Worthy allow the City Administrator an opportunity to talk with Mr. Cook and we will be back with him this week.
Mr. Killian addressed Council concerning a 1st Summer Fest 2014, on Sept. 6, 2014. There will be a five-dollar entry fee for adults and kids will be free. Mr. Killian requested help from Council with the Joe Collins Stadium. The Recreation Committee needs to meet to discuss this because the City just implemented the fee schedule. Council will meet on Monday, August 4, 2014 and Recreation will meet prior to the August 4 meeting to discuss this matter and bring back to the August 4 meeting.
Petitioners - Karen Hutto – Not present to speak.
Departmental Reports – Councilwoman Tinker made a motion to approve as presented. Councilwoman Bagley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Stringfellow commended Chief Williams and the police department on a job well done on the murder case in the city.
Committee Reports
Public Safety
Economic Development – The committee discussed the website redesign of our website. Working with 321 Graphics to do this re-design. Would like to move forward with the Charrette. Mrs. Worthy would like to set another date for Strategic Planning in October.
CDDA – 2nd Thursday night blues at Carolina Hall on August 14, 2014.
Beautification Committee – Discussed signage in the City. Property near Frank Connor Park, Dennis Corp is working with Alex Houston to place a sign in this area. The Committee is trying to identify the city with signage in all areas. Mrs. Bagley indicated this is also in the Charrette.
Finance – Committee met and discussed the budget and the millage rate. Mr. Thompson requested to look back at the fuel and go back to departments and cut the budget. Mr. McNeal is working hard to bring us up to date. Councilwoman Bagley made a motion to accept as presented. Councilman Killian seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commission Reports – No reports presented.
Unfinished Business – Catherine Bruce discussed with Council that she is working with CDDA and involving youth in this project. We are applying for grant funding and working with CDDA. One grant is 8,000.00 and 4,000.00 total of $12,000.00, and she indicated she thinks they are a 10% match. Ms. Bruce has submitted several applications for funding and will continue to seek funding. This will be a big flashlight National on the City. Mayor Stringfellow that she does not know how to respond due to the fact that Council is considering a millage increase and also that we have so many needs in our community for our youth. Mrs. Bruce stated that we need to social network and make a contribution. Mrs. Worthy asked is it a possibility to do this without the financial need. Can these things be done at a lower cost? We can possibly lower the cost. Mr. Bruce indicated that we want to get the National Spotlight. Report back the percentage of the grant applications. Do you currently have financial commitments at this time? Economic Development will meet to discuss this later.
Councilman Killian requested that Chief Williams come to the front and asked him to check on the elderly people in the city. He indicated that Mr. Shelton’s house was broken in and that he would like the police to keep watch on the elderly.
New Business – Football Program – Recreation Department Mr. White indicated this is a Football Town and I would like to implement tackle football. I have inventoried the YMCA equipment – The YMCA has agreed to sell it to the City for $1.00. The equipment is not up to standards and I am concerned about all of the law suits with the NFL. I would like to know where I could store the equipment. I requested that you talk with the SL Finley program to partner with them for storage. Councilman Killian stated that we have got to help this man and get him what he needs to make this successful. I have talked to other guys that I have previously played with for donations. We are going to have to fundraise and we are going to charge a $40.00 fee. We had six people sign up today. Mr. White will meet with Mr. Roddey tomorrow for donations. Mayor Stringfellow indicated that we need to be well balanced with the sports that we offer. We also need to commit to other programs. I have talked with a lady about teaching dance. I want a variety of options. Recreation Committee need to meet and will bring back to Council on August 4, 2014. This program will cost about $6000.00 to implement.
Mayor Stringfellow would like to commend Mr. White on the Summer Program. The City will be implementing an after school program. I have heard nothing but good about the department.
With no further business, Councilwoman Bagley made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 pm. Councilwoman Tinker seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,