White Knoll Youth Football & Cheerleading League

2017 Cheerleading Registration Form

Registration Fee: $125.00 (Includes Uniform) (Must be paid by August 3, 2017). No refunds. Uniforms will not be issued unless full amount is paid.

Child’s Name: ______Birthdate: ______Age: _____

School: ______Years of Cheer: ______Grade: ______

Returning Cheerleader: _____ Previous Team and Coach: ______

Will there be a sibling playing/cheering for the 2017 season? Name: ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip Code: ______

Parent/Guardian: ______Best Contact Number: ______

Driver’s License #: ______Issue Date: ______

Email Address (must be working): ______

Emergency Contact: ______Best Contact Number: ______

I, ______, parent/guardian of ______do hereby agree and consent to his participation during the 2017 WKYFCL season. This consent and waiver is given upon express conditions that customary insurance for accidents, hospitalizations, covering football activities will be maintained and that claims under such insurance will not be affected by the release. I understand that my child’s behavior must be appropriate when being involved with the WKYFCL. I hereby understand and consent that if these actions will not be followed, my child will be released from being a participant in the WKYFCL.

White Knoll Football and Cheer League may take pictures of its participants and their teams in connection with football games, cheerleading, parades, events and practices. These pictures are sometimes posted on the league website or made available to news sources. By signing below, you acknowledge your consent to the use of pictures of your child for these purposes. Your consent constitutes your waiver of all rights of you and your child under any privacy or publicity laws or regulations regarding such use of your child’s pictures. ______(Signature)

Do not enter through the maintenance gate that leads to the home side of field. There are no drop-off or pick-up at this gate. Parents/Guardians are to park in the parking lot only.

The WKYFCL requires mandatory participation of parents/guardians for the following:

______(Initial) A parent/guardian must volunteer 30 minutes (half of one of their child’s home game) of their time in the canteen.

______(Initial) All participants must participate in our league wide fundraiser(s).

There is a $25.00 opt-out fee for each requirement.

□ I choose to pay $25.00 instead of participating in the WKYFCL Canteen.

□ I choose to pay $25.00 instead of participating in the WKYFCL Fundraiser(s).

Registration Fees consist of the following:

·  Uniform – Top, Bottom, Bloomers

·  Insurance

·  Trophy

WKYFCL hosts a cheer camp during the week of July 10 – 14, 2017. Camp is not required but recommended for participants as they will learn fundamentals of the sport during this time. T-shirt and pizza party is included in the fee.

□ Camp - $40.00

Total Fees Due $ ______Signature of Parent/Guardian ______

Printed Name ______


***Administrative fees including but not limited to equipment replacement, game announcers, and general upkeep are also included in registration fees***

Items Needed for Practice/Games

Uniform (Games)

·  Top

·  Bottom

·  Bloomers

·  White Tennis Shoes

·  White Socks

·  Bow (you will purchase at a later date from WKYFCL) ____ Initial

Athletic Shorts

T-shirt/tank top

Tennis shoes


Please be sure your child is well hydrated throughout the day before practice/games. When hydrating, drink water before and during practice/games and rehydrate after with an electrolyte beverage. It is recommended to refrain from eating 30 minutes before practice/games.