Reading: Activity 2 feedback

Activity 2 feedback

Table: Customers


CustomerIDLong Integer4

AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Fixed Size, Auto-Increment

Caption: Customer ID

CollatingOrder: Neutral

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {29A795B7-BAE5-4EEB-9256-73DDB5B8251D}}

OrdinalPosition: 0

Required: False

SourceField: CustomerID

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Company Name

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {0AE79578-22D5-4DF3-AA61-AAD12242D186}}

OrdinalPosition: 2

Required: False

SourceField: CompanyName

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Contact First Name

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {322CB03C-4F0D-47DD-9A2E-51958CAA3219}}

OrdinalPosition: 3

Required: False

SourceField: ContactFirstName

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Contact Last Name

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {D81F2977-7344-4E93-ADE1-E48D9F9220CA}}

OrdinalPosition: 4

Required: False

SourceField: ContactLastName

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Billing Address

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {B3FA9A44-5FD0-4A64-AC7C-4988D6AA5C80}}

OrdinalPosition: 5

Required: False

SourceField: BillingAddress

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: City

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {A8B067B1-8006-40C8-860E-A4DB05A58E76}}

OrdinalPosition: 6

Required: False

SourceField: City

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: State/Province

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {7F20ADF6-3CCE-4042-996A-F1E5FFFC9F90}}

OrdinalPosition: 7

Required: False

SourceField: StateOrProvince

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Postal Code

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {38744095-6E04-4B74-9018-B1ED5AFB1A5C}}

OrdinalPosition: 8

Required: False

SourceField: PostalCode

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Country/Region

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {E9147DB4-F83A-4C67-9E01-22AC9F320940}}

OrdinalPosition: 9

Required: False

SourceField: Country/Region

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Contact Title

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {5C8DFE14-616B-4604-B6C7-9B87A4D10623}}

OrdinalPosition: 10

Required: False

SourceField: ContactTitle

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Phone Number

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {71009EB6-BF22-4603-8544-AE337E137114}}

OrdinalPosition: 11

Required: False

SourceField: PhoneNumber

SourceTable: Customers


AllowZeroLength: False

Attributes: Variable Length

Caption: Fax Number

CollatingOrder: General

DataUpdatable: False

GUID: {guid {E9409D33-068B-43B9-9AC2-6F09A5327774}}

OrdinalPosition: 12

Required: False

SourceField: FaxNumber

SourceTable: Customers

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© State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training 2006