Minutes of BCC Meeting of 02 October 2017


The Chair, John Donald opened the meeting and welcomed all present.


Present: John Donald, Chair
Ian Whyte, Secretary
Fiona Whyte, Treasurer
Jennifer Smith, Member
Gordon Hay, Member
Gavin Lawson, Member
PC Joanne Walker, Police Scotland

Councillor Elaine Ballantyne

Apologies:Councillor Charles

John Mason, MSP
Rachel Carmichael, Member

•Minutes and Matters arising:

The Chair apologised to all present that the minutes from the previous meetings had not yet been issued. This would be rectified shortly. Also undertook to issue the minutes from this evenings’ meeting and the previous meetings within the next seven days.


•Police Scotland report: Over the last two months there were no crimes reported in August and four crime reported in September, two of which were related to public disorder, one attempted housebreaking and one breach of the peace.

•Elected Members: Cllr Ballantyne informed the meeting the Flu jabs were being given at the Baillieston Health Centre in the coming weekends and that she had spoken to the site manager of the construction company to ask for access to be maintained during those times to which they have agreed.

•In other matters there had been complaints from the residents association regarding trees etc. that came down in the recent high winds


The Chair informed the meeting that Rachel Carmichael had recently become a member and it had been their intention to officially welcome her officially tonight were it not for the fact that she was unable to attend.

The Chair also informed the meeting that the Vice Chair, Gordon Barr had resigned as he had relocated out of the area. This left a vacancy for a new Vice Chair which given that the AGM was in 4 weeks’ time it was agreed that the post could remain vacant until then.
Anthony Brawley who looked after the BCC website and face book page had also resigned due to other commitments.
The Chair thanked them for their help and support over the years and wished them well for the future.
Gordon Hay had agreed to take over the running of the website and Jennifer Smith would look after the BCC Facebook page
The BCC is always on the lookout for new members and if anyone is interested in giving a few hours of their time every couple of months then they would be more than welcome to come along to the next community council meeting at the end of October and put their name forward.

•Baillieston Railway Bridge

The Chair and Cllr Ballantyne met with Network Rail, Land and Environmental Services, Roads Dept. and other impacted Community Councils in September 2017 to discuss the closure of the railway bridge and the diversions that would be put in place.
One of the outcomes from that meeting was that the signed diversion route to Baillieston was along Hamilton Road and then turning right up Mount Vernon road would cause issues to traffic flow as there was no right turn lane, the road markings were not clear and the traffic light sequence would have to be reviewed and is still being reviewed currently.
There was also some talk at that meeting regarding the introduction of pedestrian crossings but the meeting was informed that money would need to be found to carry out the study. The question was asked could they not use some of the money set aside by the builders for improvements in the area and were told that this money was being kept in a pot for the proposed Hub/sports regeneration project in Baillieston. Some discussion then took place on where was this money held, who had asked for the Hub/Sports Centre. What happened to the money from the Broomhouse area that the house builders put into the fund? Was a Hub the right thing now given it had been years in the planning? Could the money not be better spent elsewhere? Lastly could Cllr Ballantyne bring a copy of the regeneration zone map to the next meeting, to which she agreed
The Chair also proposed that it would be a good idea if the Cllr could help set up a meeting with the other Community Councils in the regeneration zone to discuss the plans for the fund. Cllr Ballantyne would look into venue, participants and timings.

•Treasurer’s Report

The Fete had been successful this year with a good turnout. On the day the BCC took just over a £1,000. After costs the sum made on the day was £45.00.
The Treasurer informed the meeting the BCC had recently received grant funding for the stalled spaced initiative of £470 and therefore the current amount in the bank stood at £1,561.98.

•Any other Business

Jennifer Smith informed the meeting that they were going to have a follow up meeting with the Stalled Spaces Initiative and that there were about 12 people who wanted to get involved from the community. Cllr Ballantyne informed the meeting that there may also be some additional funding available through the Integrated Grant Fund. The meeting also considered whether there would be some Lottery grant funding available.
Gordon Hay proposed that we have another litter day pick up day in the community which was agreed. Details to follow.
The Chair proposed asking the Councillors for Broomhouse to submit their statements prior to the meetings in order that the BCC members could formulate their responses for discussion at the meeting.
Some questions were asked around the cost of the Fun Day to which the Chair responded saying that we tried something a bit different and unfortunately it didn’t work out.
Kids Xmas party 2017. Possible dates and venues were discussed for this year’s party and the outcome will be discussed at the next meeting.

•Meeting closed 9.00 pm

Next Meeting Monday 30 October 2017
At 7.30pm in the Broomhouse Community Hall
All Welcome, tea coffee and biscuits will be provided

Please note the BCC Annual General Meeting will take place at 7.00pm on 30 October and will be a closed meeting for Members only.