The Monthly Meeting was held on Wednesday 16th March 2016at 7.00pm at the Halley MacLiag. Present were Mr Cowin (Chairman), Mrs Edds, Mr Rae, Mr Cringle and Mr Berry. The Clerk was in attendance.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th February 2016were confirmed as a true record and signed.

Risk Matters

There were no new matters to report.

Highways – Commissioners Responsibilities

The Clerk reported that the following work had been done since the last Meeting:-

Gulley cleaning – Main Road, Glen Road, Station Road, Ballastrooan entrance.

It was noted that the following work was planned for the next month: –

Gulley cleaning on Ballacriy and Ballastrooan

Sweeping where necessary.

Other Highways Matters

Mr Berry reported on a recent meeting of the Road Traffic Liaison Group. Matters raised had included drop kerbs in Ballabeg , village gateway speed limits, and the forthcoming Ballabeg traffic report.

War Centenary Memorial

It was agreed to hold a dedication event during the afternoon of Wednesday 20th April. The format and guests to invite were discussed.

It was agreed to investigate the placing of a planter in the space alongside the memorial and to give further consideration to some form of lighting when a quote for the cost had been received.


The contract for streetlight maintenance for the year commencing 1st April was received and approved for signing. It was noted that there had been no increase in costs.

Sundry Matters

-Bring Site at ColbyGlenHotel - it was noted that the receptacles had been removed at the request of the owners of the hotel, in order to prepare the grounds for the re-opening of the hotel. The Clerk was instructed to seek clarification of the owner’ future intentions regarding the bring site and also to look into the feasibility of purchasing more modern and less unsightly bins for this or an alternative site in Colby and for the Ballabeg bring site.

-National Week Concert– Mr Berry advised that Mr King, the conductor of Meadowside Choir, had offered to organise another concert at the ParishChurch during National Week in July. This offer was welcomed and Mr Berry agreed to liaise with Mr King in taking this forward.

-Civic Service – advice was received that the collection at the Service had amounted to £263 and that this was being forwarded to the Southern Befrienders charity. Thanks were expressed to Rev Hall, Colby Chapel, ArboryWI, and Owen Williams for their parts in the Service, and small donations were agreed.

-Deep South Festival Refuse Collection – in view of this event being for charitable purposes, it was agreed to waive half of the costs of the provision of bins and the removal of the refuse.

Planning Matters

The following applications were considered:-

1600278 – Land adjacent to Dreeym Balleycubbon - 24 apartments with associated road access alterations, parking and drainage. There were reservations expressed as to the requirement for and effectiveness of the proposed splitter roundabout in the Main Road near to Ballacriy entrance.

1600241 - 100 Ballacriy – extension to rear to replace existing conservatory – no comments.

1600171 - BelleAbbeyChurch – conversion to residential dwelling – no comments.

1600195 - Part of 18 Ballastrooan - dwelling – no comments. Mr Cowin, as a nearby property owner, declared an interest in this application, and took no part in the discussion.

The following notification of an appeal was received:-

1500678 – Thie ny Chibbyr, Glen Road – demolition and replacement dwelling with detached garage, addressing siting and access. There were no further comments.

Accounts for payment

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

- Manx Telecom – telephone 55.34

- Jones Services Ltd – refuse collection - Mar 3,197.98

- IOM Government - Refuse disposal Feb 3,881.06

- W I Lowey - salary for year ending 31 March 2016 (net of ITIP) 6,600.00

- IOM Govt - ITIP deducted from Clerk’s salary 1,650.00

- IOM Govt - National insurance re Clerk’s salary 276.48

- Sinking Fund - annual payment 200.71

- Manx Utilities - Streetlight maintenance 1,745.39

- Jones Services Ltd - street sweeping Feb 180.00

- Quine & Cubbon Ltd - Order of Service – Civic Service 112.00

- Robinson Edwin Associates Ltd - Grass cutting contract 108.00

- Manx Utilities Christmas tree 17.82

- W I Lowey - Reimbursements for stamps, etc 56.12

- Meadowside Choral Replacement for lost cheque Aug 2015 75.00

- Manx Utilities - streetlights power 1,658.35

- ColbyMethodistChurch - donation re Civic Service 50.00

- Arbory WI - donation re Civic Service 25.00

Sundry Correspondence & Other Matters

-J D Collister legacy grant applications – it was noted that Manx National Heritage was inviting organisations to apply for further grants of up to £5,000 for approved purposes. It did not appear that local authorities were included as acceptable applicants.

-National Strategy on Flooding, Coastal Erosion, etc - it was agreed to remind the consultants conducting this project that the recent flooding incidents in Colby and Ballabeg had been caused by very local and relatively easily remedied problems.

Sundry Matters Raised by Members

The following matters were raised by members for attention:-

-Dreeym Balley Cubbon entrance – agreed to look at having the weed infested part of the public space cleared, covered with weed-proof membrane, and planted with shrubs such as photinia.

-A request from ArborySchool for “No Dogs” signs at the school entrance – agreed to provide.

The Meeting ended at 8.55 pm