held in the Community Room, LawsonMemorialHospitalon 25th January 2012

Georgia Haire, Locality General Manager (GH)
Marion Sutherland, Acting Senior Charge Nurse, Cambusavie Unit (MS)
Ivor Campbell, Estates Officer (IC)
Deirdre Mackay, Highland Councillor (DM)
Catherine Sutherland, Brora Community Council (CS)
Ishbel Clarkson, League of Friends (IC)
Lee Bright, Brora Community Council (LB)
Dr Janet Mair, Clinical Lead for Community Hospitals in East Sutherland
Gerry Lemkes, Friends of Cambusavie (GL)
Carol Lemkes, Sutherland Access Panel (CL)
Mary Nicol, Golspie Community Council (MN)
Charlotte Gibson, East Sutherland Community Care Forum (CG)
Allison Meek, Scottish Health Council (AM)
Kathleen Cunningham, League of Friends (KC)
Maimie Thompson, Head of Public Relations and Engagement, NHS Highland (MT)
Liz Manson (LM) (notes)
Allison Mackay, Senior Charge Nurse, LMH GP Unit (AMac)
CampbellPort, Golspie Community Council (CP)
GH welcomed all to the meeting and noted the apologies.
Accepted as correct.
  • Cambusavie Unit Refurbishment – Work has started. IC updated the group on progress. Bathroom floor issues have been addressed and non-slip vinyl is to be put down. Wallpaper stripped in the corridor – being repainted. Equipment to be delivered for the wet rooms and tradesmen booked to carry out the work. GL thanked everyone involved on behalf of both the staff and patients in the Unit.

  • Staff meeting held last week. Talked to staff about the 3 options as a reminder, a sub-group has been formed to work up the options and has come up with preliminary results. Representatives from Medical Records Department, Physiotherapy and the Charge Nurses looked at what we would need and how we might fit services into the space available.
    Option 2 (Outpatient Department to Cambusavie, upgrade LMH) –limited space in Cambusavie. Upgrade of LMH is still a possibility. There would be en-suite rooms for the 4-bedded units but a redesign would mean the loss of a bed in the unit taking the bed complement to 10.
    Option 3 (move LMH inpatients to Cambusavie Unit and move Outpatient Department to the vacated in-patient space in LMH) is looking more feasible though appears at the moment to be more expensive. In both options there would be a reception area at the entrance to the Cambusavie Unit.
    Option 3 would also involve changing the current 2 bedded wards in Cambusavie Unit to 4 bedded units with en-suite facilities. IC stated that it is good that this is happening already as part of the refurbishment as this will show if any further modifications are required should option 3 go ahead.
    An analysis has been completed on the benefits and risks of each option. All options need to be worked up more.
    A fourth option must also be considered and that would be to do the minimum maintenance and alterations to comply with statutory regulations. Therefore this option too will be worked up.
    Bothe the staff group and this group were asked to let GH know if they think of any further options but no information has come forward.
    GH has taken some of the GP unit nursing staff down to the new MigdaleHospital to have a look around. All found it very positive to see how it works for staff and will add to the discussion around the proposed facilities at the Lawson. GH happy to take other staff should they wish to visit.
    A meeting of the NHS Highland Asset Management Group, which considers the allocation of capital monies from the Scottish Government was held earlier this month and the work completed up to that point, showing the options and thinking behind them, was presented. The group have asked that we continue with the work and bring back to the group once completed.

5. / Next Steps
GH will also be taking a paper regarding the project to the CHP Management Team in March for consideration. GH will keep the group updated on progress but this group will continue to meet regularly even if there is little to report.
GH agreed to issue a media release on the ongoing work. DM said that the editor of the Northern Times had phoned her to ask for an update so felt that this would be positive. GH to action tomorrow. / GH
Next milestone will be the CHP Management Team meeting in March.
7. / AOB
  • At the last meeting issues around Out of Hours signage were raised. Temporary signs have been provided until permanent ones can be obtained. Lighting issue also addressed.
  • Volunteering was also discussed at the last meeting. An advert will go out within the next few weeks asking anyone interested to contact LM in the first instance. GH asked all to please encourage anyone to make contact who may be interested.
  • Issue of wheelchair access to the outpatient area was raised. GH stated that this issue would be addressed as part of the new proposals. In the meantime IC stated that unfortunately we are currently unable to do anything to improve the old door as the problems arise from the way it has been made. Long term the issue will be addressed. Please ask any wheelchair users in the meantime to use the buzzer and someone will come to the door to assist. IC will look at the current doors again to see if anything further can be done to improve them in the meantime.
  • CL asked if option 3 was taken up could patients have a radio fitted in their bed areas? Confirmed that this would be part of the upgrade. MS stated that current system has not worked for years.
    GH noted that at the new MigdaleHospital fisheries monies had been donated to the hospital to allow for the purchase of televisions for all the bedrooms. GL said that the Friends of Cambusavie, along with staff had done a great job raising funds to purchase new televisions for the unit. Agreed that longer term rehabilitation patients need some kind of activities. After further discussion it was agreed to arrange for a patient survey to be done to see what they would like in a redesigned facility. GH to arrange.
  • 5 week rota of food menus about to be changed.
  • Query raised as to what will happen to the rehab gym downstairs in Cambusavie. GH confirmed that this area would remain unchanged. Currently a gym along with offices for both health and social work staff.
  • GL asked what are the plans for the decked area? He said that in 1999 a survey was carried out and it was felt that the struts were not good enough to support a conservatory. IC said that a recent survey by the NHS architect found that the structure was suitable. However, he will go back and ask for further assurance. Hope to build on a raft form with a design that is sympathetic to the current building. GH added that she thought this part of the redesign work may be a good community project and if agreeable they could be heavily involved in the redesign experience.
GH thanked everyone for coming and the meeting closed at 6.30pm. / ALL
LM to organise for the end of February / beginning of March and notify the group. / LM



F/Adminlmh/Lawson/Site Improvement/Meeting Notes