The 2013 Graduate Seminar in Objectivist Philosophy and Method is planned for Sunday, July 28 through Friday, August 2 at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. To apply, please send a letter, email, or fax to William Thomas at The Atlas Society answering the questions below and providing the following information:



Mailing Address (5/20-7/27):

Email address:

Telephone number(s)— Cell phone: Land line:

1.  Please outline your formal educational background. If you are currently in school, include your field, degree in progress, and expected date of graduation.

2.  Are you a full-time student or scholar?

3.  Please describe the extent of your familiarity with Objectivism, including the major works you have read and courses you have taken.

4.  Please describe any involvement you have had in the Objectivist movement, including attendance at conferences and participation in local discussion groups, Internet newsgroups, e-mail lists, etc.

5.  What academic training do you have in philosophy?

6.  What scholarly writing have you done on philosophical topics? Please give us a brief list (no more than ten), starting with the works you deem most significant. Please give bibliographic information for your published work.

7.  What are your plans for future academic work and/or research?

8.  How do you see yourself contributing the study of, promotion of, or development of Objectivism?

9.  What do you hope to gain from attending the Graduate Seminar?

Graduate Seminar Travel Stipend Request

The Atlas Society has a limited number of travel stipends available for the Graduate Seminar. These will reimburse up to $500 in travel costs. To request a travel stipend, please answer the following additional questions. Travel stipends are awarded on a first-come, first serve basis after the May 20 initial deadline.

TS1. What is the amount of the stipend you will need?

TS2. What will you use the stipend to pay for? (include a travel budget if possible)

TS3. Why do you need the stipend?

TAS contact information:

Email Director of Programs William Thomas as so: wthomas “at” AtlasSociety dot org.

The Atlas Society

1001 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 830

Washington, DC 20036

TAS Phone: (202) 296-7263 /(202) AYN-RAND

William Thomas: extension 2007

TAS fax: (202) 817-3679

William Thomas alternate direct line: (202) 370-6880

About the Graduate Seminar in Objectivist Philosophy and Method

The 10th annual Graduate Seminar in Objectivist Philosophy and Method will be held July 28-August 2, 2013 at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. It will be an intense, intimate week of high level training in Objectivist philosophy and thinking skills aimed at helping the participants become better professional writers, speakers, and researchers.

You can find all the latest information about the Graduate Seminar online at:

The early application deadline is May 20, 2013. Applicants will be notified about their acceptance by May 27. Preference will be given to early applicants in acceptance and travel stipend award decisions. Applicants who need a decision before May 27 are welcome to request an early decision at the time that they apply.

Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis through July 5, 2013. Applicants after May 20 will be notified regarding their acceptance on a rolling basis, but no later than July 10. Acceptance of such late applicants will depend on available space and funds.