Region VI Officer Application




Office you are applying for:

Would you like other positions than what you are running for?

1.  How many years have you been in FFA:

2. List 3 chapter offices and/or committee chairs you have held:




3. List top 5 FFA activities you have been involved in:






4. List 3 Leadership/Career Development contest(s) you have participated in:




5. Why do you want to serve as a Region VI Officer?

6. How do you plan on improving Region VI FFA?

7. What character traits and leadership skills do you have that would make you a good officer?

8. Describe your SAE and how it has developed and helped you in your FFA experience.

9. How will you balance your time effectively, including traveling to meetings and regional functions as well as doing work on your own, in order to be an effective regional officer? Factor in time commitments for other extra-curricular activities you are involved in.

Advisor’s Appraisal of Candidate
Name: Chapter:
Description / Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair
Leadership Abilities of Candidate
Character and Personality Traits of Candidate
Ability of Candidate to complete assignments effectively and on time
Ability to work in a team and compromise

Advisor Comments:

Candidate Statement

I realize that if I am elected to Regional Office there is a large time commitment and that I will have to actively participate in a team. This will include large amounts of travel across all of Michigan. I also agree to be present at Decathlon, SLCRO, State Convention, and Region VI Camp as well as monthly meetings throughout the next year. I also agree to show good moral character and represent Region VI to the best of my abilities, if I am elected.


Candidate Signature Date

Parent or Guardian Statement

I realize that if my son or daughter is elected to Regional Office there is a large time commitment and that he/ she will have to actively participate in a team. This will include large amounts of travel across all of Michigan. I also agree to allow my child to attend Decathlon, SLCRO, State Convention, and Region VI Camp as well as monthly meetings throughout the next year. I will help my child show good moral character and represent Region VI to the best of his/ her abilities, if he/ she is elected.


Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Advisor Statement

I realize that if my student is elected to Regional Office there is a large time commitment and that he/ she will have to actively participate in a team. This will include large amounts of travel across all of Michigan. I also agree to allow my student to attend Decathlon, SLCRO, State Convention, and Region VI Camp as well as monthly meetings throughout the next year. I will help my student show good moral character and represent Region VI to the best of his/ her abilities, if he/ she is elected. I also realize that if my student is elected to serve as Region VI President, I will be liable, according to the Region VI Constitution, to serve as Region VI Advisor.


Advisor Signature Date