Community College

P.O. Box 7007
Greenville, NC 27835

Part-Time Faculty Manual
Pitt Community College

Greenville, North Carolina

Updated October 2013

Excerpts taken from PCC Employee Manual

PCC Employee Manual Last updated 6/2011

References have been made to other sources in order to

assure that all materials in this manual are up-to-date.

When a reference is made to the PCC Employee Manual, it can be located at Go to the pull down menus and locate RESOURCES under Faculty & Staff. Click on Human Resources/Employment and you will be taken to their home page. On that page, you will find a hyperlink to the PCC Employee Manual.

Information at supersedes any information in this document.


Table of Contents

General Information 6

Introduction 6

Mission Statement 6

Definition of Part-Time Faculty and the Contract Period 6

Cancellation of Classes (classes determined not to be taught during the semester) 6

Equal Opportunity Statement 6

Qualifications 6

Employment Forms and Documentation 7

Compensation 7

Payday 8

Opportunities 8

Obligations/Duties 8

Instructor Absence 8

Course Syllabus 9

Course Materials 9

Instructor's Schedule 9

Class Meeting Policy 9

Student Attendance 10

Inclement Weather 10

Disciplinary Action 11

Evening Programs Office 11

Weekend College Office 11

Disciplinary Action 11

Field Trips 12

Instructional Technology and Distance Education Support 12

Duplicating and Typing Services 12

Emergency Contact Numbers 13

Evacuation Procedure 13

Firearm Policy 13

PCC Library Services 14

Library Hours 14

Materials and Equipment 14

Acquiring Materials 15

Library Instruction Services 15

General Catalog 16

Instructional Strategies and Learning Environments 16

Instructional Strategies 16

Learning Environments 16

Classrooms 16

Computer Labs 16

Distance Learning 16

Evaluating Student Work 17

Testing and Grading 17

Grading System 17

Veterans’ Note 17

Audit 18

Incomplete 18

Instructor Evaluation Procedures 18

Student Evaluation of Instructors 18

Supervisor Evaluation Criteria 18

Instructor Support 20

Employee Manual Information 20

ADA 21

ATM Machine 21

Academic Support Lab 21

Admissions Counselors 21

Alumni Relations 21

Ambassadors 21

Athletics 21

Bookstore 22

Building Maintenance 22

Calendar 22

Campus Police 22

Career Services 22

Classroom Supplies 22

College/Workplace 22

Anti-Violence Policy 22

Computer Support 24

Copiers 24

Counseling Services 24

Direct Payroll Deposit 24

Disability Services 24

Drug Free Workplace Policy 24

Emergencies in the Classroom 24

Employee Evaluation System 24

English as a Second Language 24

Evening Programs 25

Fax Availability 25

Financial Aid 25

Food Service 25

Grade Books and Test Papers 25

Human Resources 25

International Services 25

Intramurals 26

Library 26

Lost and Found 26

Map of Campus 26

Mail and Courier Services 26

Next Level 26

Parking 26

PCC News Bulletins 26

Placement Testing 27

Registrar's Office 27

Smarthinking Online Tutoring 27

Scheduling of Rooms 27

Student Activities 27

TRiO- Student Support Services 27

Tutorial & Academic Success Center (TASC) 28

Vending Machines 28

Veteran’s Benefits 28

Appendix A: Timetable for the Completion of Forms 30

Appendix B: Sample Course Syllabus 35

General Information


This manual has been designed to provide part-time faculty with a reference to established policies and procedures at Pitt Community College. A complete source of information can be found in the Pitt Community College Employee Manual available on-line. An orientation for part-time faculty is offered through the individual academic divisions.

Mission Statement

The mission of Pitt Community College is to educate and empower people for success

Definition of Part-Time Faculty and the Contract Period

Part-time faculty is defined in two ways.

Part-Time Annual Faculty Appointment:

To be classified as part-time annual faculty, the employee must work at least 20 hours but less than 30 hours per week and be employed by contract for nine (9) continuous months or more during the fiscal year in a budgeted position

Part-Time Temporary Faculty Appointment:

Employment for a specific course or instructional semester is an "employee at will" without any fringe benefits. Instructional load may be as high as 20 hours of work per week. The employee will be paid based per course and will not receive any fringe benefits.

Cancellation of Classes (classes determined not to be taught during the semester)

If a class does not meet the enrollment quota for any given semester, the class will be cancelled. The part-time instructor will be notified of this cancellation by his/her supervisor as soon as possible. The College will have no monetary obligation to the part-time instructor for cancelled classes.

Equal Opportunity Statement

All appointments and promotions shall be made solely on the basis of merit. All positions requiring the performance of the same duties and fulfillment of the same responsibilities shall be assigned to the same class and the same salary range. No applicant for College employment or employee shall be deprived of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affected as an employee because of such individual's race, religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, non-disqualifying handicap, or age.


Part-time faculty must meet SACS requirements. In areas of low supply of part-time candidates, part-time instructors must meet all position requirements including documentation of his/her commitment towards completion of SACS required degree by a specific time.

Employment Forms and Documentation

Certain forms and documentation MUST be on file in Human Resources for payroll and accreditation purposes. These include:

·  Application

·  W-2 Form

·  Copy of Social Security Card (3 copies)

·  NC-4 Form

·  Address and phone number

·  Blue information card

·  Selective Service/Retirement Form

·  Staff Information Report

·  Copy of current driver's license (3 copies)

·  I-9 Form

·  Official transcripts

·  Student Data Access Agreement

·  Intellectual Property Form

·  Computer Acceptable Usage Policy

·  Drugfree Workplace Policy

·  Emergency Contact Information

·  Optional: Direct Deposit Form

The Department of Homeland Security form I-9 is required as of the day of employment and must be submitted to Human Resources within 3 days of being hired with all necessary documentation.

The Payroll Department will NOT allow contracts to be entered into the system or printed until ALL of this information is completed and on-file. The supervisor is responsible for collecting the appropriate documentation so that a contract can be written. The part-time instructor must sign the contract prior to the release of the paycheck.


Part-time instructors are paid a predetermined amount to teach a course. The instructor is normally paid a portion of this amount each month during the semester. The Class Attendance Roster must be submitted to the FTE auditor’s office before the final paycheck is released.

Direct deposit of an employee's pay is made directly to a bank account of the employee's choice, if requested through the Payroll office.


All employees shall be paid on a monthly basis, with the last working day of the month as the designated payday for all months except December. Payday for the month of December will be determined by the System Office.


·  Part-time faculty at Pitt Community College may join the State Employees Credit Union.

·  Part-time faculty are invited to participate in Pitt Community College's annual Convocation Day.

·  Extended professional development opportunities will be based upon availability of funds, criteria of funding source, and at the discretion of the appropriate dean.

·  Part-time faculty may qualify in special promotions and packages extended to other Pitt Community College employees. Individuals are asked to contact the vendor. Participation will be offered on a vendor-by-vendor basis.


Part-time instructors are expected to:

·  follow the syllabus as provided by the department chair or instructional coordinator (See Appendix A for sample syllabus format)

·  meet their classes every time that the class is scheduled to meet

·  meet the class on time and for the specified time period

·  prepare for each class to meet the learning objectives of the course

·  prepare appropriate evaluative instruments

·  complete all required paperwork during the semester (see Appendix A )

·  make time to be available to students outside the classroom

·  leave the classroom with a clean board, desks in an orderly manner, etc.

·  complete the on-line Preventing Sexual Harassment and Active Shooter Training.

Instructor Absence

For emergency absences, contact your supervisor as soon as possible, and, for evening classes, also contact the Coordinator of Weekend and Evening Programs at 493-7627 or 493-7267. If competent coverage cannot be arranged, upon your return, consult with your supervisor (and the Coordinator of Weekend and Evening Programs when appropriate) to arrange for a make-up class.

Course Syllabus

After being provided with the necessary course materials, the part-time instructor will develop his/her own instructional plans, tests, and course calendar. The course syllabus, which is provided by the department chair, must include provisions for students to have access to the part-time instructor for the purposes of academic assistance outside of the normal hours of instruction. It is the responsibility of the part-time instructor to cover the following items.

·  Distribute the course syllabus to the students and review it with students within the first two calendar days of class.

·  Confirm that students have met the prerequisite and/or co-requisite requirements for this course.

·  Include a note regarding disability services on your syllabus. It should read as follows: Please notify Disability Services at 252-493-7557 or talk to your instructor privately after class if you have a need for a disability-related accommodation.

·  Include a note regarding the use, sales, or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances. It should read as follows. PCC prohibits the use, sales, or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, as defined by the North Carolina Controlled Substance Act, on college property or at college sponsored events. Any student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and/or including expulsion from the College and possible criminal prosecution.

See Appendix B for a sample course syllabus.

Course Materials

Part-time instructors will be provided a textbook, a course syllabus, keys (if necessary), and an orientation to the course by the appropriate supervisor. Course materials must be turned in to the department chair at the end of the semester.

Instructor's Schedule

Part-time instructors must make some provision for students to have access to them other than during class time. The time or times the instructor could be available for student contact should be included in the information on the course syllabus to be distributed to students at the beginning of the semester. Also, a telephone number or e-mail address should be included on the syllabus. Part-time instructors must also provide the name and office telephone number of their immediate supervisor.

Class Meeting Policy

Each course has a required number of hours that class is to be held during the semester: weekly lecture, laboratory, clinic, and shop hours.

This information is given in the course outline. During a regular 16-week semester, class is held 50 minutes for each scheduled hour and 25 minutes for each scheduled 1/2 hour. Internet courses must meet the equivalent time requirements.

Student Attendance

Regular attendance in class is essential to receiving a maximum benefit from the educational experience. A student should attend and be on time for all classes and lab/shop/clinic sessions. In all cases of absence, the student is responsible for making up all missed class work and for coming prepared to the class following the absence.

Regular and punctual class attendance is expected of all students. Instructors will/may unofficially drop students after the 10% date of that class (Unofficial Withdrawal) for the following reasons:

1.  Any day student absent five consecutive class meetings will be unofficially dropped. (see #5 below)

2.  Any evening student absent more than two consecutive class meetings will be unofficially dropped. (see #5 below)

3.  A student may be reinstated into the class after being unofficially dropped if deemed appropriate by the class instructor.

4.  Students may be unofficially dropped when their absences from class begin to affect the quality of their work or their grades as determined by the class instructor.

5.  An instructor may choose not to unofficially drop a student if the student maintains regular, constructive communication with the instructor during an extended series of absences.

Distance Education students must adhere to the attendance/contact policy stated in course syllabi.

Students who choose to participate in school-related activities such as SGA and sports must adhere to the attendance policy. The student is responsible for work missed due to school-related activities.

In such cases, instructors will wherever possible, work with the students involved to allow them to participate in the prearranged school activities, provided the student is in good academic standing for the course being missed (i.e., minimum "C" average).

When defining individual course attendance policies, instructors must take into consideration the between-classes time needed for students with disabilities.

This policy represents the minimum requirements for attendance. The instructor subject to approval by the appropriate curriculum division dean may add other guidelines/policies based on the nature of a course.

Inclement Weather

The College president will make the decision as to whether or not classes will be held during periods of inclement weather. Announcements will be made on local radio, television stations, and Instructions for making up this time will be provided.

Disciplinary Action

It is expected that students will conduct themselves as responsible adults at all times. Pitt Community College has a zero tolerance policy. Dismissal of a student from class may be warranted. See the General College catalog for further information.

Evening Programs Office

The Evening Programs Office is located in the Goess Student Center. Office hours are from 12:00 p.m. until 9 p.m. Monday through Fridays.

The Evening Programs Office oversees all activities and serves as general headquarters for school operations between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Monday through Friday evenings. This office continues to provide many of the support services to students, instructors, staff, and the general public after the operating hours of other offices on campus. These services include providing security, scheduling rooms, providing documents, distributing and collecting materials, setting up AV equipment, performing admissions counseling, and addressing any other needs as they occur.