• Recalling the information from a text.
  • Describing how Abraham Lincoln’s view of slavery changed over time, using events of this lifetime that help explain how his views evolved.
  • Explaining why the boiling point of water decreases as atmospheric pressure decreases.
  • Multiplying pairs of two-digit numbers
  • Calculating the distance of lightning, given the time delay between lightning and thunder
  • Explaining to another person how to calculate the distance of lightning.
  • Highlighting the verbs in a Common Core Standard
  • Explaining to another person what makes a work a verb, and that a verb may indicate a procedural knowledge and/or Bloom’s Level.
  • Listing the letters of the alphabet.
  • When shown the letters of the alphabet, identify and name each letter
  • Tying your shoe
  • Classifying tools by historical period, found on an archaeological dig
  • Explaining to another person why global warming causes the ocean to rise.
  • Identifying the category of learning (knowledge or skill) of a learning activity
  • Explaining how to categorize the learning activity.
  • Perform two digit addition
  • Know living things are made up of cells.
  • Evaluate a lab report for scientific process
  • Solve for an unknown number/value
  • Describe a plant cell.
  • Analyze the plot of a story/reading
  • Describe the electoral college system
  • What is a monarch?.
  • Relevant to an information text, know what a point of view is.
  • Understand and describe plagiarism to other students.
  • Properly cite sources to avoid plagiarism
  • Identify a sentence as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex
  • Understand and explain a dangling modifier.
  • Correct sentences with dangling modifiers
  • Describe the persons, places, and/or events in a story.
  • Analyze the author’s point of view
  • Use quotation marks appropriately in a written story
  • Explain arithmetic sequence and/or geometric sequence.
  • Predict or draw the next in sequence
  • Given data, write a formula (either recursive and explicit) for computing the cost of joining a club and buying “n” books
  • Describe a function, linear function, and exponential function; including the distinctions of each.
  • Explain why is soccer such a popular sport around the world?.
  • Know the rules of the game of soccer.
  • Explain how soccer can help with fitness and well-being.
  • Demonstrate competency in performing fundamental soccer skills such as: Trapping, Striking, Goal-Tending, Defending, and Ball control
  • Effectively uses ball placement to create scoring opportunities during a soccer game
  • Students will perform a variety of rhythmic activities that combine refinement of specialized skills