Lesson Plan
October 1, 2014
Unit 1 Lesson 19
Homework and ET #24 / Lesson Objective: SWBAT Convert numbers from scientific notation to standard notation on an exit ticket with 80% accuracy.
Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to express how many times as much one is than the other.For example, estimate the population of the United States as 3 times 108and the population of the world as 7 times 109, and determine that the world population is more than 20 times larger.
Do Now / Review of writing numbers in scientific notation.
Questions to Push Student Thinking / What is scientific notation? Why do we use scientific notation?
How do we convert numbers from scientific notation to standard notation? How do we know how many spaces to move to the right?
Where is the decimal point in a whole number such as 4?
When we are moving the decimal point to the right, what operation are we doing [multiplying by 10]
Extension: when do we move decimal point to the left or right? Why? What operation are we doing when we are moving to the left?
Direct Instruction
Station 1 / Finish computer research – then begin independent practice
Station 2 / Standard Notation Puzzle
Independent Practice 15 min / Mild, Medium, Spicy
Exit Ticket / #24

Name ______

Date ______

College ______

Do Now – Show your work! You have 5 minutes.
Standard Notation / Scientific Notation
Compare and Contrast – how are these numbers different? What do they have in common?
In my own words, it is important to be able to write numbers in standard form from scientific because…

Higher Order Thinking Questions

When do we move decimal point to the left or right? Why? What operation are we doing when we are moving to the left?

Where is the decimal point in a whole number such as 4 or 3,000,200?

Scientific Notation

This week, we’ve learned how to write numbers in scientific notation. Today, we’re going to work on the opposite – writing numbers in standard notation from scientific.


It is about 4 x 105 miles from the earth to the moon.
How far is it from the earth to the moon?
The average human hair is approximately 2.1 x 10-4 meters thick. How thick is it in standard notation?
4 x 10-6 / 5.1 x 103 / 6.01 x 10-5
4.51 x 102 / 7.2 x 10-3 / 9 x 105

Name ______Date ______
Independent Work

1. Write each number in standard notation:
a.  3.1 102 = ______
b.  6 105 = ______
c.  7.87 104 = ______
d.  2.11 106 = ______/ 2. Match the equivalent numbers:

______3.96 106
______3.96 107
______3.96 102
______3.96 105
______3.96 100
3. Pittsfield and Provincetown are approximately 258,000 meters apart. Which of the following shows this number in scientific notation?
-1.  A.258 × 103
-1.  B.258 × 10-3
-1.  C.2.58 × 105
-1.  D.2.58 × 103 / 4. A large telescope gathers about 6.4 105 times the amount of light your eye receives. Write this number in standard form.
6.4 105 = ______
How did convert this number from scientific notation to standard form?
NASA’s Hubble Telescope took pictures of a supernova that is 169,000 light years away. Write this number in scientific notation.
169,000 = 1.69 10_____
How did you find the missing exponent? / For what value of n is the equation below true? 363,600,000 = 3.636 x 10n
-1.  A. n = 3
-1.  B. n = 5
-1.  C. n = 8
D. n = 10
Which means the same as 4 × 102?
A.  80
B.  400
C.  4,000
D.  40,000 / Write value of n in each equation:
I.  11 10n = 11,000 à n = ______
II.  0.0921 10n = 9.21 à n = ______
Which means the same as 8 × 102?
E.  8
F.  10
G.  800
H.  8,000 / Which means the same as 3.7 × 108?
I.  3,700,000,000
J.  370,000,000
K.  37,000,000
L.  3,700,000
Which of the following is a true statement?
a.  4.2 x 103 = 42,000
b.  5.01 x 106 = 501000
c.  6 x 104 = 60,000
d.  5.72 x 103 = 572,000

Expressed in decimal notation, 4.726 x 10-3 is
a.  4.726
b.  0.04726
c.  472.6
d.  0.004726 / 7 x 10-5
a.  0.00007
b.  0.000007
c.  700,000
d.  -700,000
When you put a scientifically notated number (like 4.5 x 103) into standard form, how do you know whether the decimal should move to the right or to the left?

Name ______

Date ______

College ______

Due to Ms. Douglas on Wednesday, September 31

The expression 620 is equivalent to
a.  6.2 x 104
b.  62,000
c.  6.2 x 102
d.  0.062 / What is 4.5 x 106 in standard form?
A. 45,000
B. 450,000
C. 4,500,000
D. 45,000,000
Which means the same as 8 × 102?
A.  8
B.  10
C.  800
D.  8,000 / Which means the same as 3.7 × 108?
E.  3,700,000,000
F.  370,000,000
G.  37,000,000
H.  3,700,000
The number 1.56 x 10-2 is equivalent to
a.  0.0156
b.  156
c.  0.156
d.  0.00156 / The number 8.375 x 10-2 is equivalent to
a.  0.008375
b.  0.08375
c.  8.375
d.  0.0008375

Name ______

Date ______

1. Sports Illustrated sold 8.6 × 106 issues of their November magazine. Which number is the same as the number of magazines sold?
a.  860,000
b.  8,600,000
c.  86, 000,000
d.  860,000,000 / 2. In 2005, Russia had 1.2 x 108 cell phone subscriptions. How is this number expressed in standard form?
a.  120,000,000
b.  1,200,000,000
c.  12,000,000
d.  0.000000012
3. How is 7.5 x 105 expressed in standard notation? / 4. How is 4 x 104 expressed in standard notation?
5. Which of the following is a true statement?
a.  5.2 x 104 = 520,000 b. 7.01 x 102 = 70100 c. 8 x 103 = 8000


Date ______

1. Sports Illustrated sold 8.6 × 106 issues of their November magazine. Which number is the same as the number of magazines sold?
e.  860,000
f.  8,600,000
g.  86, 000,000
h.  860,000,000 / 2. In 2005, Russia had 1.2 x 108 cell phone subscriptions. How is this number expressed in standard form?
e.  120,000,000
f.  1,200,000,000
g.  12,000,000
h.  0.000000012
3. How is 7.5 x 105 expressed in standard notation? / 4. How is 4 x 104 expressed in standard notation?
5. Which of the following is a true statement?
b.  5.2 x 104 = 520,000 b. 7.01 x 102 = 70100 c. 8 x 103 = 8000