Arkansas Tech University
How to Edit the eTech Email Template
For Faculty


This documentation is intended for faculty to provide step-by-step instructions of how to edit the eTech email template that should be sent to students enrolled in the course. These instructions will include screen shots from Google’s Gmail email client and Internet Explorer, so instructions will vary some depending on which program the user chooses to use. Other email clients and web browsers may be used though.

Items Needed:

1.  A PC

2.  An internet connection

3.  An email client

4.  Microsoft Word

How to Edit the Template:

1.  Click once on the eTech Email Template document attachment.

2.  Click “Save” at the proceeding dialog box.

3.  Save the document to an easily accessible location, such as your Desktop.

4.  When the document has finished downloading, click “Open.”

5.  The document will open in Microsoft’s Word. Click “Enable Editing” if prompted.

6.  Move your mouse to the top-left part of the table to display a cross-hair like cursor. Use your mouse to right-click on the cursor to select the entire table, and from the menu, select “Copy.” As an alternative, you can also press the “Ctrl” key + the “A” key to select the table. Right-click and from the menu, select “Copy.”

7.  Navigate back to your email client and create a new email. In the body of your email, right-click and select “Paste.”

8.  The table should now be visible in the body of your email. In the “Course and Instructor Information” section, leave the labels and edit the text to the right of the labels inside the brackets ( [example text] ) with the appropriate information.

9.  List the students’ email addresses needing to receive the email, type in an email subject, click “Send,” and you’re done!

How to Edit the eTech Email Template 6/29/2012 Page 2 of 5