8th Grade Physical Education Test

1) When problem-solving in a group the most important thing is to:

A.  Try to be the first group finished

B.  Follow the rules and work cooperatively.

C.  Get moving. Don’t worry about having a plan.

D.  Leave your group and make a new group with your friends.

2) When doing individual tricks in jump rope you should:

A.  Bend your knees when you land.

B.  Turn your rope with your wrists.

C.  Keep your elbows at your sides.

D.  All of the above

3) Jumping rope increases your heart rate. This helps improve which fitness component?

A.  Muscular strength

B.  Aerobic capacity

C.  Muscular endurance

D.  Flexibility

4) Regular physical activity that includes all of the health-related fitness component, when combined with a healthful lifestyle, may benefit a person in which of the following ways?

A.  Increased energy and improved self-esteem

B.  Poorer study habits and lower grades

C.  Reduced skills in sports and games

D.  Decreased motivation while participating in sports

5) Which of these statements about exercise is NOT true?

A.  It increases metabolism

B.  It lowers resting heart rate

C.  It turns fat cells into muscle

D.  It increases your ability to handle stress

6) The most appropriate heart rate zone which the heart reaches during cardiorespiratory exercise is called the:

A.  Maximum heart rate zone

B.  Resting heart rate zone

C.  Target heart rate zone

D.  Irregular heart rate zone

7) Jay is exercising when he starts to feel pain that continues to intensify. Given the potential consequences of the following actions, Jay should:

A.  Remember “no pain, no gain” and continue exercising

B.  Stop exercising and tell an adult

C.  Have a drink of water, then continue exercising

D.  Reduce the number of repetitions in the exercise

8) When playing defense you:

A.  Use back steps or shuffle steps to move back and sideways

B.  Face the offense

C.  Stay low instance, head up and palms up

D.  All of the above

9) When a player passes the ball and then goes to receive a pass it is called:

A.  Pass and run

B.  Double dribble

C.  Give and go

D.  Ready position

10) While playing a game of basketball the ball goes out of bounds. Your opponent touched it last, but he insists it was you. What could you do to keep the game moving?

A.  Talk about it for a couple of minutes, asking other players what they think

B.  Play rock, paper, scissors; winner gets the ball

C.  Insist it is your ball and don’t give in, no matter how long it takes

D.  Yell for the teacher; the other team isn’t following the rules

11) When playing Ultimate Frisbee where is the most successful place to run to receive the disk?

A.  To the end zone

B.  To the sideline

C.  To open space

D.  To the nearest defender

12) Which is the final cue you should always follow when passing the ball in soccer?

A.  Strike at the side of the ball

B.  Use your shoelaces to kick the ball

C.  Follow through to your target

D.  Plant your non-kicking foot next to the ball

13) How can you improve your ability to move quickly for a long period of time in soccer?

A.  Walk 3 miles

B.  Do intervals: run for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and continue for 30 minutes

C.  Stretch after every game

D.  Do 10 push-ups followed by 10 body squats

14) Which is not a cue for receiving a ball?

A.  High catches, finger up

B.  Low catches, finger down

C.  Watch the defender, not the ball

D.  Reach with your arms and give with your hands

15) Following the rules in football is important for safety. In our class a fumble

A.  Is a live ball. Dive on it before the other team.

B.  Can be picked up and ran with

C.  Belongs to the team that touched it before it hit the ground

D.  Is a dead ball. It stays where it is and belongs to the offense that fumbled it

16) Safely lifting heavy weights to improve

A.  Body composition

B.  Muscular strength

C.  Flexibility

D.  Aerobic capacity

17) When finding your heart rate you should

A.  Use your thumb on your carotid artery

B.  Take the count for 10 seconds and X by 6

C.  Use your index and middle fingers to find your radial artery

D.  Both B and C

18) In which activity is flexibility most important?

A.  Kickball

B.  Speed walking

C.  Power lifting

D.  Yoga

19) Which activity will most help you improve muscular strength?

A.  Push-ups

B.  Bicycling

C.  Jogging

D.  Walking

20) Which of the following tools can help you assess, monitor and improve your level of personal fitness?

A.  Pedometers

B.  Heart Rate Monitors

C.  Personal fitness journal

D.  All of the above

21) Which of the following tools will tell you how many steps you have walked?

A.  Heart rate monitor

B.  Fitness journal

C.  Pedometer

D.  Fitnessgram

22) A basic defensive strategy in team sports is

A.  Not keeping track of your opponent

B.  Stay between opponent and goal

C.  Let someone else worry about it

D.  Give them a free shot at the goal

23) The ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately is known as:

A.  Reaction time

B.  Agility

C.  Coordination

D.  Balance

24) The ability to transfer energy swiftly into force. The key words to think about are SPEED and STRENGTH.

A.  Flexibility

B.  Strength

C.  Power

D.  Speed

25) In a “skill related fitness” context, Speed is:

A.  A performance enhancing drug

B.  The ability to perform a movement quickly

C.  The ability to respond to stimuli quickly

D.  The movement of the limbs over a set period of time