Minutes 1/11/17





PRESENT: Cllr A Fell (Chair),Cllr M. Cumming,Cllr S Wilson., Cllr C Lowery, Cllr R Jopson Cllr M Sharp,

County Cllr K Hitchen

Borough Cllr G Scurrah

Mr R Morris-Eyton

Mrs S

85/17:APOLOGIES:Cllr V Bradley,Cllr P Rand, PCSO Booth

86/17:Exclusions of Press and Public

Item 11.5To determine the Clerk’s Salary and hours for 2018/19 on the Agenda would require the exclusion of press and public

87/17Declarations of Interest

Cllr Wilson declared an interest in Agenda item 10.1 Application for Appeal

88/17Minutes of the meeting held on 4October 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2017 were approved and signed by the Chair.

89/17Pop-up Café

Mr Morris-Eyton gave an update as to how the café was trading. Discussion took place regarding the planning application which had been incorrectly submitted and was required to be re-submitted. It was suggested that prior to the submission of the new application that a site meeting be held with Catherine Campbell, LDNP Planning Dept, representatives of the CIC and the Parish Council to discuss issues.

Mr Morris-Eyton reported that there had been positive feedback from customers and that data was being collected to support a permanent project.

The Manager of the Café had decided to remain open during the winter months 10am – 4pm and requested that the toilets be open during these times for staff and customers.

Discussion also took place around the future installation of a permanent electricity supply.

Mr Morris-Eyton stated that it was hoped to have some outdoor seating for the café.

The Council resolved to give a donation of £150 to the project.

The Council resolved to support the project by continuing to keep the toilets open during the winter period and to continue paying the cleaner and providing supplies.

It was agreed that a key for the toilets would be deposited with the café so that they could ensure that the toilets were opened and closed during trading hours.

The Chair thanked Mr Morris-Eyton for attending the meeting and giving an update.

90/17Police Liaison Report

A report had been received from PCSO Booth and circulated to the Councilors prior to the meeting. There was nothing of significance to report.


91/17.1Silecroft Tennis Courts

The Clerk reported that work had been carried out and it just remained for the lines to be replaced. It was agreed to put this on hold until investigation took place on how best to treat the moss and protect the surface.

The Clerk had investigated what signage would be allowed. This to be discussed at the next meeting

92/17Public Participation Session

No public present.

93/17County Councilor and Borough Councilor Report

Cty Cllr Hitchen and Borough Cllr Scurrah stated that they had nothing to report.

94/17:Applications for Development

94/17.1To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

A letter had been received inviting representatives of the Parish Council to attend the Appeal Hearing on 15 November 2017 at Broughton in Furness re Parsonage Farm, Silecroft for an agricultural workers dwelling.

Cllr Fell stated that he would attend on behalf of the Parish Council.

94/17.2To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

None undertaken

94/17.3To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received


95/17.1The following payments were approved:

J Hillier Toilet cleaning October£216.00

L CooperCiLCA training£ 83.00

St Marys Church grass cuttingOctober£ 70.00

J FellGrass cutting Silecroft play area£446.40

L WhittleRefreshments for memorial£ 21.81

95/17.2To note the receipt of payments

None received

95/17.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statement

None received`

95/17.4To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31October 2017 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

The following amendments were approved:

Increase Courses budget from £50 to £145 to cover the costs of the Clerk’s course

Increase Grass Cutting Silecroft play area from £400 to £446.40

Increases to be taken from reserves.

95/17.5 To determine the Clerk’s salary and hours for 2018/19

The Clerk was informed that the hours would continue as 16 hours per month at an hourly rate of £10 commencing 1 January 2018

95/17.6 To determine the Budget for 2018/19

The Clerk presented a draft budget to the Council. After discussion it was resolved to employ Dream Landscapes for the grass cutting contracts at Kirksanton Village Green and the verges at Silecroft Main Street and to amend the Clerk’s salary and expenses and HMRC payments to reflect the increase in the Clerk’s hourly rate. The draft budget was to be amended accordingly.

The Budget subject to these alterations was agreed in principle and to be ratified at the next meeting.

95/17.7 To determine the Precept for 2018/19

It was acknowledged that the reserves had been depleted in order to complete the Silecroft tennis court project. It was resolved to keep the precept at the same level as 2017/18 at £15300.


96/17.1Silecroft Beach Front and Toilets

See item 89/17 – It was agreed to keep the toilets open with restricted opening times during the winter and the Parish Council to continue to fund them.

It had been reported that one of the lifebelts was on the floor. Cllr Fell to investigate

96/17.2Car park issues

The Clerk reported that the organisers of the Mountain Marathon had been invoiced for £250 and a letter of complaint had been sent. A telephone call acknowledging receipt had been received and this would be resolved at the end of November.

96/17.3Silecroft Pop-up cafe

See 89/17 above

96/17.4Proposed Change of Meeting date from December to January

Cllr Rand had requested that the December meeting be changed to January. After discussion it was felt that due to issues outstanding that it remain as is for this year

96/17.5Whicham Church- extension to burial ground

This to be deferred to the next meeting as Cllr Cumming had had to leave the meeting due to the lateness of the hour.

96/17.6Kirksanton Notice Board

Cllr Cumming had reported that the Notice Board had been badly damaged in the recent storm. It was being repaired by her partner.

97/17Reports from outside bodies

The Clerk reported back from the South Copeland Partnership meeting that she had attended on behalf of the Council.

98/17CORRESPONDENCEAll correspondence had been circulated to councilors and there were no items for discussion.

A Consultation paper had been received regarding Copeland Borough Council’s budget. Councilors to encourage members of the public to give feedback.

A consultation paper had been received regarding Copelnad Borough Council’s local plan. Response by 17 November 2017

99/17Councilor Matters

  • Cllr Sharp reported that he had been in consultation with JB Fabrication to make a donation box for the Silecroft beach front car park. Ideas are required on what form the box will be and where it should be located. To be discussed at next meeting
  • Cllr Wilson reported that the Public Footpath signpost was missing at Kirkylees. She agreed to report it to LDNP
  • Cllr Wilson asked if thank you letters had been sent to Patrick Troll and William Lowery re their work on the rails around the war memorial. The Clerk stated that they would be sent.
  • Cllr Wilson reported that wreaths had been ordered for Remembrance Sunday

100/17DATE OF NEXT 6EETING – to confirm the next meeting will be Wednesday 6thDecember 2017 at 7.30pm inSilecroft Village Hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 23.208

Signed………………………………………………… Dated………………………………………