December 8, 2016, SAIN Minutes

Call to order 8:20 a.m.

Members Present: Laura, Emily, Patty, Cassandra, Janette, Brittni, Dee

Quorum – yes

Approval of Minutes: November minutes were approved.

Financial Report:

Financial report for October was approved.

Financial report for November was approved with changes.

Check from Tesoro was a duplicate, resolved.

Christmas card order was not on November, Janette will resend invoice.

Fundraising Update:

SAIN 2017 calendar – Sales are picking up.

Candidate search – Vicky Werby cancelled for interview. Cassandra will keep in touch with her.

Upcoming Events:

Photos with Santa and Christmas in the Barn: 10 calendars sold, $73 in donations. Both

events were worthwhile.

Country Living Expo – volunteers are set.

Dash and Splash – nothing new.

Showstoppers 4H kids in honor society want volunteer hours. Cassandra will see about

coordinating a tack cleaning/organization day(s) at MVVH.

Volunteer Update:

Still need to finish out lists of volunteers to call (Dee, Emily).

Patty created a spreadsheet of the volunteers at events for 2016 and saved it in Dropbox.

Foster Health Update:

Dodger and Belle are doing great! Laura questioned their ages, thinks they are both mid to late teens.

Hotshot is doing okay as of the 6th.

Speck will have hock injections next week and go into training in January with Meghan.

Foster Training & Coordination Update:

Mia has been adopted!!

Horse assessments with Dierdre: Emily sent assessment sheet to her and she is good with it. Dodger & Belle will be done first. Then Gandolf, Cody, Speck & Willow.

New horse possibly coming in on Friday, will go to the new foster home in Concrete.

Possibly another one soon.

Updates to the public was discussed (Re: Speck). Do we give all info or just outcome? How much is too much?

Media Update:

Website will be renewed, same as last year.

Misc. Items:

Christmas cards – Patty has a list of 45, all board members signed 50 cards. Patty and Dee will address them and get them sent out. Patty will write personal notes in the ones for volunteers.

Annual meeting – Pre meeting with Ginny, Laura will send details.

Review and update



-Job descriptions

-Hiring policy (internal or public opening)

-Protocol for updating public on horse health

Misc. fundraising ideas:

Kissing booth (photo taken with horses at events)

ICE kits to sell

First aid kits to sell


Cassandra Keep in touch with Vicky Werby about board position

Contact Showstoppers about a tack cleaning party

Contact photographers for next year’s calendar*

Report on Boards in Gear workshop*

Brittni Go through blankets and take unwaterproofed blankets to clinic*

Janette Resend invoice for Christmas cards to Dee

Report on Boards in Gear workshop*

Patty Coordinate with Dee to send out Christmas cards

Deirdre Update Patty on list of volunteers*

Coordinate with Patty to send out Christmas cards

Emily Contact Jim Neff about reserving hay for SAIN*

Update Patty on list of volunteers*

Check on hay donation from Theresa Robinson*

Laura Report on Boards in Gear workshop*

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

Next meeting January 7th, 2016, Annual Meeting