Petition for Transfer Credit
IC Workflow Registrar Processing
Review Requests Needing Accreditation Verification
IC Pre-Processing
Form Processing
Maintaining the Control Tables
PreProcess Control Table
Academic Workflow: Chairperson Assignments
IC Workflow Chair Processing
IC Workflow Dean Processing
IC Workflow Registrar Configuration
ICC Verbiage, Advisor Language, Senior Waiver Language, Policy
Reminder Day
Registrar Email Contact
NolijWeb Processing
Ability to View Petition for Transfer Credit Requests
Ability to View All Outstanding Approved Petition for Transfer Credit Requests
Ability to Update the Term
Why would you want to change the term?
How to Change the Term
Cancelling the Request
Mark Request Complete
Batch Jobs that Produce Email Notifications
'Complete' Email
'Reminder' Email
IC Workflow Registrar Processing
Review Requests Needing Accreditation Verification
- Requests needing to be reviewed for accreditation will appear in IC Workflow 'In Workflow' column. Staff who are included in the NolijWeb ‘Credit Evaluator’ role will receive these requests to review.
2)After opening up the request
a)Review the institutional information
b)Scroll to the 'Request Details' section and answer the question regarding accreditation of the institution.
c)Add comments
i)If answered ‘No’, then comments are required
(1)They will show up on the email to the student
(2)They will be part of the pdf stored in the efolder for the student
ii)If answered ‘Yes’, then comments are optional
- Press the [Submit] button
IC Pre-Processing
There are occasions where a step before the chair review is needed to either perform research on the student or there are multiple chairs and only one should be chosen to review it. This Pre-Process step has been provided to facilitate this functionality. At the time of the creation of this document, the Math department needed the ability to include math scores for the chair to consider during the review process and the Music school needed the ability to assign the appropriate chair.
For subject codes that are not part of the Pre-Process control table, they will be routed directly to the Chair based on the Academic Workflow Chairperson Assigments control table.
In order to determine who the pre-process person is, a control table needs to be maintained. It includes a subject code (references the subject the student has chosen on the request) and the person(s) who is/are going to pre-process the request.
Form Processing
- Choose which chair to assign
- Add any notes that are needed for the chair
- Press [Submit] to process the form
Maintaining the Control Tables
The routing works with two control tables:
- PreProcess Control Table
- Keeps track of the subject codes that are to be pre-processed
- Includes the designated user who will be performing the pre-processing
- Academic Workflow: Chairperson Assignments
- Keeps track of the chairs by subject
- Used to determine who to route to based on subject
PreProcess Control Table
- This table is maintained by the designee’s who are part of the pre-process
- It includes 3 fields
- Request Type: currently only using this for Academic Workflow Petition for Transfer Credit form (AWPTC)
- Subject Code(s): all subject codes that need preprocessing (comma separated)
- Username: the ldap value(s) for the pre-processer(s) (comma separated)
Academic Workflow: Chairperson Assignments
- This table is maintained by a designee from each school.
- It includes only 2 fields
- Subject code
- Username (chair ldap name)
IC Workflow Chair Processing
- Once signed into IC Workflow, all requests including the Petition for Transfer Credit ones that a reviewer needs to review will be in the right hand column titled ‘In Workflow’.
- Click on the ‘Petition for Transfer Credit’ link to review an individual request.
- The form includes the following sections:
- Student Information
- Advisor Information
- College/University Information
- Transfer Course Information
- Reason for Request
- Pre-processing Information if it pertains
- Request Details
- Policy
- After reviewing the information needed to determine if the course is transferable, please fill out the following information:
- In the ‘Request Details’ section, choose the equivalent ‘IC Course # - Title’ from the drop-down list of choices. These are based on the subject the student chose for the course. If course subject is incorrect, choose “not approve” and provide details to the student including the need to submit a new request with the appropriate subject chosen.
- Choose whether or not the request is: approved, not approved, or put on hold.
- If choose ‘approved’, then ‘Course # - Title’ is required
- If choose ‘not approved’ or ‘put on hold’, then chair comments are required
- To submit your decision, click on the [Submit] button.
- See diagram below for details
IC Workflow Dean Processing
- Once signed into IC Workflow, all requests including the Petition for Transfer Credit ones that a reviewer needs to review will be in the right hand column titled ‘In Workflow’.
- Click on the ‘Petition for Transfer Credit’ link to review an individual request.
- The form includes the following sections:
- Student Information
- Advisor Information
- College/University Information
- Transfer Course Information
- Reason for Request
- Pre-processing Information if it pertains
- Request Details
- Policy
- After reviewing the information needed to determine if the course is transferable, please fill out the following information:
- Choose whether or not the request is: approved, not approved, or put on hold.
- If choose not approved or put on hold, comments are required.
- To submit your decision, click on the [Submit] button.
See diagram below for details on the Request Details section
IC Workflow Registrar Configuration
Petition for Transfer Credit has 6 configuration values that can be maintained by the Office of the Registrar:
- Reminder Day
- ICC Verbiage
- Advisor Language
- Registrar Email contact
- Policy
- Senior Waiver
ICC Verbiage, Advisor Language, Senior Waiver Language, Policy
All of these fields are referenced within the Petition for Transfer Credit form and are easily maintained if the policies change or meaning is unclear.
Reminder Day
This date is used to determine if the transcript reminder email should be sent. If the day of the month equals this date then all requests with past term (based on the NolijWeb custom property) will have an email sent to the student to remind them to submit the college/university transcript.
Registrar Email Contact
This field is used to determine 2 things:
-Who in the Office of the Registrar will receive emails of requests that have terms that have already passed
-The person in the Office of the Registrar who is the email ‘from’ user for easy reference to reply to for questions for 2 emails:
- ‘Complete’ email – the Office of the Registrar has updated Homer with the Transcript information and this email notifies the student as such
- ‘Reminder’ email – a monthly reminder to the student to send in their transcript based on passed terms
NolijWeb Processing
When the last reviewer of the Petition for Transfer process (currently the dean) has approved the request:
- A 'Waiting for Transcript…' stamp will be placed on the document
- The document will be moved to the student folder
- If the term is in the past, a copy of the approved email will be sent to registrar email recipient – so they know to process transcript.
Ability to View Petition for Transfer Credit Requests
- Student Folder
- You can view the requests in the following roles:
- Credit Evaluator - Office of the Registrar role – Registrar Credit Eval Returning WF
- Can see here ONLY IF an unprocessed college transcript exists in this workflow for that student
- Credit Evaluator Office of the Registrar role – Registrar Student Workflow
- Registrar Petition Transfer Credit – Provost role – Basic Student Search workflow
Ability to View All Outstanding Approved Petition for Transfer Credit Requests
- There is a registrar report that details all of the outstanding Petition for Transfer Credits. This new document type will be added to the report so both scanned and online requests will be reported.
Ability to Update the Term
Why would you want to change the term?
There is a reminder email to the student asking for the transcript if this term is in the past. If a student has been in contact with the Registrar's office that they are planning on taking it at another time, the term can be updated on the system. This will ensure that the reminder email will not be sent until the appropriate time.
How to Change the Term
- Go into NolijWeb and choose the Registrar Petition Transfer Credit – Provost role
- Go to Registrar Petition Transfer Credit – Provost role –Basic Student Search workflow
- Search on the student’s ID or name.
- Click on the student folder and click on the 'Petition Transfer Credit' document
- Once you've chosen the appropriate document, right click on it. Choose the option 'Custom Properties'
- Go to the Term field and change it to the desired Homer term code
- Go to the TermDesc field and change it to the desired Homer term description and press [OK]
- Annotate reason and the new term value (since changing the custom property will not change the term viewable on the document)
- Save the changes
Cancelling the Request
This can occur for the following reasons:
- Student did not and does not plan on completing the course
- Student did not meet the appropriate grade requirement
Steps to this process:
- Go to the Student Folder
- Click on the 'Petition Transfer Credit' document
- Remove the 'Waiting for Transcript' stamp
- Notate the situation (did not take the course or did not meet the grade requirement)
- Save the changes (DO NOT APPLY COMPLETE STAMP)
Mark Request Complete
- Go to any of the above roles
- Once you've chosen the folder(s), click on the student folder and click on the 'Petition Transfer Credit' document
- Remove the 'Waiting for Transcript' stamp
- Add the 'Complete' stamp
- Save the changes
- Press work-complete
- You will see that the document is no longer available in this role
- You can view this updated request in the student folder
Batch Jobs that Produce Email Notifications
'Complete' Email
When a request has been marked with the 'Complete' stamp, it will be picked up by the minutely batch job that will send an email notification to the student that the Registrar office has updated their Homer record to reflect the completed course.
'Reminder' Email
A reminder email is sent to the student asking for the transcript of the course from the Petition for Transfer requests. This is performed by a job run nightly and if all criteria are met then it will send the reminder email notification.
The criteria are as follows:
- The term on the request has past
- If today's date is later than the end date of the term on the request
- The reminder day in the IC Workflow control table is the same day as when the job is running.
- So for the below example, at 1am on the 19th of the month, email reminders will be sent: