Deacon/Elder Joint Meeting

Concord Presbyterian Church

August 20, 2008

Rev. Virginia R. Teitt, Moderator

Elders present: PW Gopal, Lisa Ho, Jenn Liebisch, Zegeye Moroda, Leslie Smith

Elders excused: Nick Knebel

Deacons present: Monty Harris, Stephayne Harris, Sharon Sulc, Berhane Ayele, Judy Grant, Joni Regula, Corrin Knebel, Amy Horner, Rob Horner

Congregational members present: Jeff Carlson, Carla Tipton, Tom Tipton, Bran Silveous

The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Teitt. Zegeye Moroda shared devotions based on Ephesians 4:1-16 concerning spiritual maturity.

All those attending were given paper and pen to record their questions and concerns. Thelma Carlson, Clerk, and Tom Tipton organized the individual comments into six (6) areas of concerns:

  1. Building plans – process – communications
  2. Financial concerns
  3. How to rejuvenate our passion for moving forward – unified and defined goals – communications
  4. Where to meet this winter and the cost
  5. Fund-raising
  6. Personal relationships

Jenn Liebisch, elder for the Building Committee, reported that the committee is currently exploring options re site plans. Wendell Heximer, Bill Cooke, Jody Brudzinski, Judy Grant, Flo Martin, Justin Teitt, and Doug Annette are currently serving with Jenn on the Building Committee. Questions concerning why the project has been delayed were addressed by Jenn and Rev.Teitt, noting that it is a very long and involved process.

Questions were asked concerning mission payments not being made. It was definitively stated that no mission funds were being used by the Building Committee; that all Building Committee funds were designated gifts.

Concerns were expressed about the structure of the services and organization of those participating. Thelma Carlson noted that prayer leaders, greeters, and Children’s Time volunteers were on rotating schedules and were notified the week prior to the service. If there is any confusion, it is because the scheduled participant did not show up. Rev. Teitt noted that if the service started late, it is generally because of equipment issues or problems with the tent itself. It was suggested that the Elder or Deacon of the month should take more responsibility in setting up and seeing that the service begins on time. Further, that we are a young church with limited staff time, and glitches will occur.

Several people expressed that they do not feel they can invite people to church because of the tent and/or lack of organization. Lisa Ho noted that we cannot meet all needs, and that we should bless those who feel they need to move on.

Rev. Teitt asked if we have a shared vision; how dowe perceive God’s vision for us? Wendell Heximer and Rev. Teitt will meet with a Presbytery representative for assistance in the process of moving forward on the building. The Session will schedule a congregational meeting in September, where a vote will be taken to determine the wishes of the congregation concerning the building. All Deacons and Elders were asked to look for temporary space in which to worship this fall. It was noted that if a good alternative space is found, we could delay the building. The Session will explore how to better our communications with the congregation and the Board of Deacons.

Rev. Teitt closed the meeting in prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Thelma Carlson, Clerk