Minutes of the FSE Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee meeting held on Wednesday
22nd April 2015 at 2.00pm in Room MG008, The George, Wolverhampton City Campus.
14/38 Attendance
Members: / Deputies:Dr Ruth Shiner (Associate Dean and Chair) / ü
Dr Colin Brown (Head of Quality and Deputy Chair)
/ üMs Anita Ballard (Undergraduate Student Representative) / A
Ms Jennifer Charlson (Architecture & Built Environment) / A
Dr Gill Conde (FSE Enabling Tutor, Biomedical Science & Physiology) / ü
Ms Kathryn Dixson (Faculty Quality Administrator)
/ üDr Catherine Duke (Biology, Chemistry & Forensic Science) / ü
Ms Ruth Fairclough (Mathematics & Computer Science) / ü
Ms Lesley Giles (Faculty Administrative Team) / ü
Ms Fay Glendenning (External Faculty Representative, FEHW) / ü
Mr Paul Hampton (Head of Employability) / A
Ms Zoe Harrison (President, Student Union) (Ex-Officio) / A
Ms Sheila Hind (Faculty Operating Officer) / A
Mr Alan Hindle (Pharmacy)
/ üMs Thulasi Kamalakannan (Postgraduate Student Representative)
/ üDr Paul Lister (Engineering)
/ AMr Laxman Majithia (Undergraduate Student Representative)
/ AMr Chimene Obunwo (Postgraduate Student Representative)
/ üMr Tony Proctor (Head of Student Experience) / A
Ms Lynn Redfern (Student Office Manager) / A / Ms Sam Chilton / ü
Mr Brendan Riordan (Head of TNE Collaborative Partnerships)
/ A / Mr Phil Harris / üMr Toby Roy (Officer, Quality Management Division)
/ üMr Chris Williams (Head of Learning & Teaching) / A
Mr Mark Williams (Learning & Information Services, DAS) / ü
KEY / ü = Present / A = Apology / X = Absent
Part A: Attendance, Minutes and Standing Items
14/39 Any Other Business
Noted: No items were reported for discussion under AOB (item FSEFQEC/13/57).
14/40 Minutes and matters arising from the last meeting
Agreed: Draft minutes from the last meeting of the FSE Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee held on Wednesday 28th January 2015 were approved with minor typographical amendments.
Fitness for Practice and Fitness for Study
Noted: At the last meeting of the FSE Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee held on Wednesday 28th January 2015, Mr A. Hindle (Pharmacy Representative) tabled an example of the existing Fitness for Practice Suitability Panel Procedures and Terms of Reference used by the Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing (FEHW).
It was noted that all faculties had been asked to consider their current processes, and if there was a need for a new Fitness for Study Panel, as discussed by the PSRB Sub-Committee.
Agreed: Dr R. Shiner (Associate Dean, Academic) reported that Biomedical Science programmes already had a well established Suitability Panel, which followed the existing University Fitness to Practise Policy and Procedure, and the Faculty was now considering whether to expand the remit of this group in order to cover any wider implications for either Fitness for Practice or Fitness for Study.
Agreed: Heads of School were advised to consider any programmes which have person centred implications for practice because these were likely to require some compliance with University and Faculty policies.
Noted: It was confirmed that Faculty Student Experience Committee had decided to widen the existing Faculty Suitability Panel on order to cover other schools with Fitness to Practise implications.
14/41 Action Checklist
Noted: The Committee noted responses to actions from previous meetings as follows:-
Faculty Collaborative Management Committee (FCMC) Update
Noted: At the meeting of the FSE Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee held on Wednesday 12th March 2014, Mr B. Riordan (Head of TNE Collaborative Partnerships) reported upon international partnership issues and curriculum development activity in the wider context of the Faculty’s capacity to support TNE delivery.
Noted: Mr B. Riordan (Head of TNE Partnerships) subsequently reported the continuing viability of all Faculty collaborative links was now being closely monitored by Dr D. Walton (Associate Dean, Recruitment & Outreach) and this is likely to include the appointment of a new Head of U.K. Partnerships in future.
Noted: Mr P. Harris (Head of TNE Development) reported the ongoing Faculty review of TNE and U.K. partnerships had now been included as part of a wider University review of the viability of all collaborative provision across the institution.
Noted: It was also noted that Dr D. Walton (Associate Dean, Recruitment & Outreach) had recently been seconded to a new position as Head of Student Recruitment in the Offices of the Vice Chancellor with University-wide responsibility for co-ordinating admissions, outreach and marketing.
Curriculum Development
Noted: At the meeting of the FSE Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee held on Wednesday 19th November 2014, it was noted that accreditation of a new BSc (Hons) Construction Management and Surveying (‘top-up’) had been granted by University Quality Panel (UQP) during an event held at South Cheshire College (SCC) on Tuesday 1st July 2014. Mr C. Williams reported some actions for the SCC Course Team regarding dissertation supervision and internal moderation.
Noted: Dr C. Brown (Head of Quality) reported that an internal review of moderation processes at SCC was currently being conducted by the Faculty in order to ensure consistency in the approach being adopted for newly accredited programmes before the next round of University Assessment Boards during Summer 2015. Ms Lorraine Lavery (External Examiner) was also being invited to visit SCC on Wednesday 24th June 2015.
Noted: It was noted that SCC had now signed the Memorandum of Co-operation and Operations Manuals for both the new FD (Science) Construction and the new BSc (Hons) Construction Management and Surveying (‘top-up’).
University Quality Enhancement Committee (UQEC) Update
Noted: At the meeting of the FSE Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee held on Wednesday 19th November 2014, the Committee received a progress update on the use of anonymous marking following University-wide implementation from 2013/2014 onwards.
Noted: Ms L. Redfern (Student Office) confirmed that student names had now been removed from bar coded assignment cover sheets and that student numbers were now used instead for written submissions (Module Leaders also enter marks on SITS anonymously and can activate mechanisms for e:Submission via WOLF anonymously).
Noted: Ms L. Giles (Faculty Administrative Team) reported that MI Student Office had now provided the Faculty with 40 boxes of formal examination booklets (with fold down flaps to ensure anonymity) for use during ‘in-class’ tests.
Noted: However, it was noted that invigilation and rooming for ‘in-class’ tests were not supported centrally by Registry, although Dr C. Duke (Biology, Chemistry & Forensic Science Representative) also reported some difficulties with timetabling formal examinations on Forensic Science modules in scheduled exam weeks.
Action: Ms S. Chilton (Student Office) to contact Forensic Science Module Leaders in order to discuss arrangements for timetabling formal exams.
14/42 Course Journals
Noted: Representatives from each school gave verbal updates on issues highlighted within Course Journals so far during 2014/2015 and Ms R. Fairclough (Mathematics and Computer Science Representative) reported that undergraduate student attendance was an ongoing issue for Mathematics and Computer Science which is being monitored closely.
Noted: Ms Thulasi Kamalakannan (Postgraduate Student Representative, Construction) felt that student attendance was generally more reliable on masters programmes and Mr P. Harris (Head of TNE Development) reported there was a minimum attendance requirement for overseas students during their first year of study as imposed by the U.K. Border Agency.
UQEC Item: Dr R. Shiner (Chair) agreed to inform UQEC of the concerns about student attendance within the Faculty and the University implications for notifying the U.K. Border Agency.
Noted: Members noted the findings of Stage 1 of an internal audit of the Faculty’s Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement processes had recently been conducted by Academic Standards & Quality (ASQ) and it was noted that (by the end of January 2015) many Course Journals were being completed as expected.
Agreed: However, it was uncertain which Course Journals for home based provision also covered U.K. or TNE collaborative activity, and this required more transparency. Dr C. Brown (Head of Quality) reported that Course Leaders had been informed of the need to clearly identify their collaborative awards (with codes included for each course where necessary).
Noted: It was noted that Stage 2 of the exercise was intended to ensure that relevant Course Committees have been held (by the end of April 2015) and Stage 3 is to confirm that External Examiner reports and responses have been considered (by the end of October 2015). Findings are then reported back to UQEC in order to inform any recommendations and the Annual Quality Report to Academic Board.
Noted: Dr G. Conde (Biomedical Science & Physiology Representative) reported that data generated for Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement had incorrectly listed Environmental Health as part of Biomedical Science & Physiology and this was not easy to disaggregate.
Action: Ms L. Giles (Faculty Administrative Team) to request a new set of statistical reports from Planning Unit (preferably accessible via Business Objects) with Environmental Health correctly attributed to Architecture and Built Environment.
Part B: Priority items for discussion
14/43 Curriculum Planning
Noted: Members noted the progress of curriculum development proposals in 2014/2015;
· Re-validation of Built Environment Portfolio (deferred until 2015/2016 in
order to align with Periodic Review).
· Re-validation of undergraduate Engineering Portfolio (validation of
six new BEng/MEng qualifications progressing to validation by UQP during May 2015 ready for delivery in October 2015).
· Validation of Foundation Year in Science & Engineering (subject to
discussions with all contributing schools writing new Level 3 modules).
· Validation of FD (Science) Equine Behaviour, Training and Performance
(final UQP meeting on 23/4/2015 to close out actions from resource visit for supported delivery by South Staffordshire College in October 2015).
· Approval of Bridging Programme (Level 5), BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
(International), BEng (Hons) Electronics and Communications Engineering and BEng (Hons) Mechatronics (degrees now approved for direct entry with advanced standing following UQP consideration of delivery at Victoria University College, Myanmar, in March 2015).
· Validation of BEng (Hons) Communications Engineering, BEng (Hons)
Computer Engineering and BEng (Hons) Electrical Engineering (pending authorisation by the Lebanese Ministry of Education for UQP consideration of delivery at Arab Open University in October 2015).
· Validation BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Secondary Education (QTS) and BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Secondary Education (QTS) (pending
consideration by UQP, in collaboration between FSE and FEHW, for delivery in October 2015).
· Approval of BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems (pending signed
Proposal Plan prior to UQP consideration of delivery of Level 6 modules at CINEC, Sri Lanka, in October 2015).
· Validation of MSc Web and Mobile Application Development (meeting
held with External Adviser on 17/4/2015 and now approved by FQEC pending submission of new modules for delivery in October 2015).
14/44 Partner staff Curriculum Vitae (CVs)
Noted: Members noted three new tutors recently approved by FCMC on Wednesday 11th February 2015, for delivery of the existing BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering and BSc (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College (CINEC) from 2014/2015 onwards;
· Mr Shiran Jayakody
· Mr Isuru Subasinghe
· Mr Daniel Subramanian.
14/45 Peer Review in support of teaching observation procedures
Noted: Members considered a draft paper from Mr C. Williams (Head of Learning & Teaching) providing Faculty guidelines on the process for peer observation of teaching during 2014/2015. It was noted these were supplementary to current University guidelines on the overall process for peer review in support of teaching which includes peer observation of teaching.
Agreed: The Committee agreed that peer observation of teaching was an important aspect of personal development, as well as evidence of teaching quality, and that such processes were necessary.
FQEC Item: Mr C. Williams (Head of Learning & Teaching) to ensure that Faculty processes for peer observation have been aligned with University processes for peer review and to submit a revised paper for consideration at the next FQEC meeting.
14/46 Examination Paper production
Noted: Members considered a draft paper from Dr C. Brown (Head of Quality) providing Faculty procedures for producing examination papers and putting in place a generic cover sheet ready for 2015/2016 because there were different copies being used by schools previously.
Agreed: Ms S. Chilton (Student Office) tabled a checklist with standard information requested for Registry purposes and it was agreed to revise the blank cover sheet in order to clarify the key instructions for candidates.
FQEC Item: Dr C. Brown (Head of Quality) to submit a revised Faculty Examination Paper Cover Sheet for consideration at the next FQEC meeting.
Part C: Items for approval
14/47 Deletion Plans
Noted: It was confirmed that a copy of the Deletion Plan for withdrawal of the following bracketed postgraduate awards had now been signed by Dr Anthea Gregory (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic);
· MSc Pharmaceutical Science (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
· MSc Pharmaceutical Science (Pharmaceutical Manufacturing)
· MSc Pharmaceutical Science (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance).
Noted: It was noted that exit strategies were not required to close out these programmes, because they had never recruited sufficient numbers, with the exception of MSc Pharmaceutical Science (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) for which all continuing students had now been transferred.
Noted: It was also confirmed that a copy of the Deletion Plan for withdrawal of the following postgraduate award had been signed by Dr Anthea Gregory (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic);
· MSc Climate Change Management.
Noted: It was noted that exit strategies were not required to close out this programme because it had never recruited.
Noted: It was noted that Deletion Plans had also been submitted to Planning Unit for
for the closure of collaborative arrangements with Solihull Sixth Form College for supported delivery of the existing BSc (Hons) Biochemistry, and with both Halesowen College and Birmingham Metropolitan College for supported delivery of the existing HND Forensic Science, because of under recruitment.
14/48 Periodic Reviews