Safeguarding policy analysis for church schools

Name of school / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Total
/10 / Safeguarding statement in inspection report /
Ampleforth College,
North Yorkshire,
YO62 4ER / ü / ü / ü / ü / 4 / “Comprehensive and robust child protection measures are in place and are implemented successfully. The nominated child protection officer has received enhanced training which is updated regularly.”
ISI full report April 2008 day school
“The school has a clear procedure for staff to follow about child protection concerns…..The school places a high importance on child protection….This is excellent practice. When incidents have taken place, these have been responded to in a professional manner in line with established procedures.”
Ofsted boarding report 01/09
Bishop Milner Catholic School
Burton Road
DY1 3BY / ü / ü / 2 / The inspection was carried out by two Diocesan Inspectors. The focus of the inspection was on the effectiveness and use of the school’s self-evaluation of Catholic life and religious education (RE).
Diocesan inspectors report February 2012. (no other mention of safeguarding/CP/safety of children in rest of report)
“Students feel outstandingly safe in school and behave well. All the procedures to ensure that students are safe in school are implemented extremely well.
Since September 2011, the number of fixed-term exclusions has fallen sharply and attendance has improved and is now above average. The school works very well with external agencies to ensure the welfare of students”
Ofsted full report January 2012
Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School
89 Addison Road
W14 8BZ / ü / ü / 2 / The school provides an exceptional level of care, guidance and support for pupils. A thoughtfully co-ordinated approach, coupled with the dedication of staff ensures that pupils feel supported in all aspects of their school life. The school has a strong and effective form-based pastoral system which is used to support pupils' academic and personal progress.
Ofsted Full Report 2006
Chesham Bois Primary School
128 Bois Lane
Chesham Bois
HP6 6DE / ü / ü / 2 / The systems to support and safeguard pupils are robust.
Ofsted Full Report 2009
Chichester Prebendal School,
West Sussex,
P019 1RT / ü / ü / 2 / The child protection policy is comprehensive, understood by staff, and given priority in staff annual training. It incorporates appropriate procedures for the safe appointment of staff. Arrangements have been made for the pre-preparatory section to have its own child protection officer and for the recently inaugurated health and safety committee to begin work.
ISI Report, February 2009
Downside School,
BA3 4RJ / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü / 5 / “Systems for the safeguarding of pupils however are insufficiently robust to meet the required standard.”
ISI interim report November 2010 day school
“there are significant failings in how the school keeps boarders safe. There is poor and inconsistent practice in respect of staff recruitment and in how the school manages risk. These procedures are not sufficiently robust to ensure that boarders are fully protected from harm. The school has been judged inadequate in its provision for ‘protecting children from harm or neglect and helping them stay safe”.
Ofsted boarding report December 2010
Dunchurch Boughton Junior School
Dew Close
Rugby CV22 6NE / ü / 1 / All safeguarding policies and procedures are reviewed
regularly and safety checks are frequent and rigorous.
Ofsted, Full Report, February 2012
English Martyrs' Catholic School
Anstey Lane,
LE4 0FJ / ü / 1 / “The care, guidance and support provided for the students are outstanding and are one of the causes of the recent, and continuing, very rapid improvement in the students’ academic performance and attendance. The parents who responded to the questionnaire were highly supportive of the school. A very high proportion said that their child enjoyed school and felt safe”
Full Ofsted Report, November 2009
Great Missenden C of E Combined School
Church Street,
Great Missenden,
HP16 0AZ / ü / ü / ü / ü / 4 / The school's commitment to pupils' all round development underpins this success and enables them, regardless of background or ability, to achieve extremely well.
Ofsted Full Report 2006. No other mention of safeguarding. Interim report of 2011 stated school was already outstanding so full report has been deferred.
Ladock School
TR2 4PL / ü / ü / ü / 3 / Procedures to keep pupils safe and secure, including child protection procedures, are robust.
Ofsted Full Report 2009
Loughborough Church of England Primary School
William Street
LE11 3BY / ü / ü / 2 / ‘Relationships are secure across the school and the quality of pastoral care is appropriate in meeting pupils’ needs. There are sensible strategies for identifying the needs of vulnerable pupils and sound practice has successfully supported pupils to overcome barriers to learning. Child protection procedures are fully in place and a trained bereavement counsellor on the staff has been able to provide sensitive support for pupils this school year.’
Ofsted report April 2010
Manshead Upper School
Dunstable Road
LU1 4BB / ü / 1 / ‘Effective pastoral liaison with middle schools, coupled with the grouping of students in Years 9 to 11 in small groups led by a learning guide, ensures that students feel safe and supported throughout’
Ofsted October 2011
Mobberley C.E. Primary School
Church Lane,
Cheshire WA16 7RA / ü / ü / ü / 3 / ‘Their most marked achievement is in their personal, social and emotional development, where many children are in line to well exceed national expectations.
Pupils’ personal qualities, including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, are very good. Relationships are very good between pupils and staff.’
Ofsted Report 2005
Oundle Primary School
Milton Road
PE8 4AD / ü / ü / 2 / ‘The school has clear and published rules and good behaviour is positively endorsed. Significant disciplinary incidents are reported to the director of pastoral care who keeps a central record. There is a clear pastoral element to the disciplinary process at senior management level and boarders report that the system is generally fair’
‘Staff show comprehensive awareness regarding safeguarding and the role of the child protection officers at the school. Boarders feel safe as a result of a comprehensive safeguarding training programme in place for all staff. This includes a number of external courses for the child protection officers, and the local authority has provided training for staff at the school. All safeguarding incidents are well recorded and referred to the local authority when appropriate.’
‘There are robust staff recruitment checks completed before new staff start work at the school. A number of school staff have completed training in 'safer recruitment' and are knowledgeable about safeguarding requirements. Staff files clearly document the checks carried out and no staff start work in the boarding houses before all checks have been successfully completed.’
Ofsted May 2011
Sexey’s School
BA10 0DF / ü / ü / ü / 3 / “The school has a clear child protection policy in place that is made available to all staff and recent training for staff has maintained their awareness”
CSCI report February 2007
St Aloysius’ College
Hornsey Lane
London N6 5LY / ü / 1 / Safeguarding Policy Statement
St. Aloysius' College is committed to the safeguarding of all its pupils and sees this as an absolute priority in its daily life and work.
Stringent vetting processes are in place for all staff appointments and at least one member of every appointments panel is fully trained in safer recruitment procedures.
At St. Aloysius' we strive to be effective in all our methods of communication and to ensure that our curriculum supports the safeguarding of all our pupils.
We want our policy documents to be easily understood and to be accessible to all.
Our systems of attendance and punctuality monitoring will be effective in collecting data and highlighting issues of potential concern.
St. Aloysius' takes site security seriously and has robust systems in place that all staff must support.
St Andrews School
BN20 7RP / ü / ü / 2 / “health and safety are excellent overall, though a small number of checks relating to staff appointments had not been carried out prior to the initial visit. The school has appropriate procedures for dealing with any child protection issues and is fully aware of the need to work with other agencies when necessary. Staff have received appropriate training.”
ISI report June 2010
St Mary’s Junior School,
RH8 0NP / ü / 1 / “Safeguarding procedures are thorough and meet all requirements. Health and safety checks are rigorous and the arrangements for protecting pupils from harm are regularly reviewed.”
Ofsted Full Report, September 2011
St Mary's CE Primary School,
Wintringham Road, St Neots, Cambs PE19 1NX / ü / ü / ü / 3 / ‘Particularly noteworthy is the safe environment, greatly appreciated by parents and pupils’
Ofsted November 2009
St Michael's Catholic Grammar School
Nether Street
N12 8NJ / ü / 1 / Outstanding care, guidance and support contribute to students' excellent personal development and well-being (….) The school works in close partnership with support agencies to ensure any additional needs of students are met. There are few incidences of bullying, and when it occurs the vast majority of students are confident it is dealt with quickly and effectively. Opportunities for students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are extensive.
Ofsted Full Report, February 2008
St Michael's Catholic Grammar School
Nether Street
London N12 8NJ / ü / ü / 2 / “Outstanding care, guidance and support contribute to students' excellent personal development and well-being.”
Ofsted report, February 2008.
St Thomas Primary School
Wyberton Low Road
Lincolnshire / ü / 1 / ‘Pupils enjoy coming to school and want to learn. They speak highly of the learning mentor and say that they feel safe in school. Parents and carers agree. Pupils are confident that staff will listen to their concerns and that any problems will be swiftly resolved.’
‘Good care, guidance and support are evident throughout the school's work and parents and carers agree their children are kept safe. Partnerships with a wide range of outside agencies, including the school nurse and the local Children’s Centre, enhance this care. A designated room provides a safe haven where pupils can go if they need support.’
Ofsted report March 2012
St. Bartholomew's CE(VC)
Primary School, Longnor
Buxton Road, Longnor, Buxton,
Derbyshire, SK17 0N / ü / ü / ü / ü / 4 / Safeguarding procedures are rigorously applied and kept under constant review. Activities designed to improve children's understanding of how to stay safe are part of the curriculum.
Full Ofsted report, December 2010
The Bishop Bell CE Mathematics & Computing Specialist School
Priory Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 7EJ / 0 / “The school’s very caring ethos and excellent systems for support enable pupils, especially those who are potentially vulnerable, to make the best of opportunities provided in the school….pupils value the way they are supported and say they feel very safe at all times”
Ofsted Full Report, May 2010
The Rosary Catholic Primary School
Bridge Road
B8 3SF / ü / 1 / Contains a one line statement under safeguarding which reads: “We are committed to Safeguarding all pupils. Safety and security are always at the forefront of all activities undertaken”
‘Pupils enjoy coming to school, where they achieve well...they learn to see past differences to the person that lies beneath and develop sensitivity towards others. It also helps them to develop a very high degree of intolerance of discrimination, in whatever form it may take, so pupils from all the ethnic backgrounds represented in the school get on very well with one another. ’
Ofsted March 2011(I couldn’t find anything on safeguarding specifically)
Twyford C of E High School
Twyford Crescent
Acton W3 9PP / ü / ü / ü / 3 / ‘Care, support and guidance are excellent and Year 9 and 11 students receive excellent guidance on future choices.
Academic reviews are used very effectively to help students achieve their potential. Assessment of students' work is very good and they know what they need to do to improve their work. A Black Aspiration Project works very effectively with underachieving students from minority ethnic groups.'
Ofsted Report April 2007
Windermere Church of England Junior School,
Princes Road,
LA23 2DD / ü / 1 / The quality of care, guidance and support is outstanding. High standards of care coupled with close attention to the needs of every individual create a secure and happy environment where pupils thrive and feel safe.
Full Ofsted Report 2008
Policy is two paragraphs and talks of the physical aspects of safety- school barrier etc Reserves the right to report “serious forms of abuse to third party agencies”
Windermere Junior School
Princes Road
LA23 2DD / ü / 1 / “the school is very successful in ensuring that all pupils, including the most vulnerable, feel valued and are fully included in all lessons and activities. All required systems and checks are in place to safeguard the pupils’ well-being.”
Ofsted full report, September 2008
Worth School,
West Sussex,
RH10 4SD / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü / 6 / “Procedures for dealing with child protection issues are thorough”
Full report September 2007
“All the required checks to ensure the suitability of adults to work with children are undertaken and recorded in a central register. Staff are well trained in safeguarding matters that are overseen by senior colleagues.”
Interim report January 2012
Totals / 55% / 45% / 20% / 3% / 7% / 3% / 24% / 45% / 0% / 0%
