June/July 2008

District Day is set for July

The annual District Day event for the Brothers will take place on Saturday, July 26th and will be held at Lewis University starting at 9:30 am. Many Brothers will arrive on Friday evening and will be staying at North Hall. A deli pick-up dinner will be available there starting at 5:30 pm. Check below for the offer of free theater tickets at Lewis on Friday evening. A social will be held at 9:00 pm at North Hall. Saturday morning breakfast will be available from 7:00 am to 8:30 am, and the first session of District Day will be at 9:30 am. The jubilee mass will be at 5:00 pm in the Field House followed by a reception. This year the following Brothers will be honored for their jubilees: 75th – Brother Kevin Mackey; 60th – Brother Frederick Oberrieder; 50th – Brothers Kevin Brutcher, Fred Dillenburg, Thomas Geraghty, Leo Jones, Neil Kieffe, Patrick O’Brien, Denis Sutter, Matthew Szatkowski, and James Zullo.

Bridge closed near Lewis University

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is making improvements to the Illinois Route 7 Bridge which is the “mile long bridge” that extends from 159th street in Lockport across the Des Plaines River to the intersection where Route 53 meets Renwick Road, just south of Lewis University. The construction is scheduled to last from May 5, 2008 until August 31, 2008. Those traveling to Lewis University for District Day should take notice!!

Brothers are invited to the theater at Lewis

Brothers who will be attending the District Day on July 26th and who will arrive at Lewis University on July 25th are invited to see a musical on campus. The summer theater will be performing “High School Musical” which is a Disney production on Friday, July 25th, at 8:00 pm in the Philip Lynch Theater. Those interested in obtaining a complimentary ticket for this performance should contact Brother Joseph Martin at Lewis University (815) 836-5148 or for a reservation. Seating is limited and available on a first come basis. Deadline for reservations is Friday, July 18th.

Brother Stan Sobczyk accepted new position

In January 2009 Brother Stan Sobczyk will become President of the School of Applied Theology in Oakland, CA, succeeding Brother Bernard LoCoco, who will delay his retirement from SAT until January. Stan had requested a sabbatical for the next academic year but will shorten the time to begin his new ministry to SAT. After June 30th when he finishes as VP for Advancement at St. Mary's College-Moraga, he will move to Sacred Heart Brothers Community in San Francisco. Congratulations, Brother Stan.

District Health Care meeting will be at Lewis

On the weekend of July 18th to 19th Brother Bill Clarey, Director of Senior Brothers, will meet at Lewis University with the four District nurses for their planning session. Pat Bader, Maureen Guillou, Cathie Swanson and Sheila Hallman will be the guests of the La Salle House Community. Brother Frank Carr will attend part of the meeting.

Some resources for Senior Brothers provided

1. The National Religious Retirement Office publishes Engaging Aging, a newsletter that can be found at the web site: http://www.usccb.org/nrro/ . Then click on the words “Engaging Aging.” That page offers a list of newsletters starting with summer 2008 which has an article by Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, entitled “Spirituality and the Second Half of Life.”

2. The District Office in Burr Ridge has a DVD of three excellent presentations given by Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister on “The Spirituality of Struggle.” Contact Brother Bill Clarey if you wish to borrow it.

3. Watch local parish bulletins for notices for Seniors. Any local government supported Senior Citizen Center is an excellent resource for recreation, entertainment, discounts on theater, day trips by bus, speakers, noon meals, and more.

4. Enter the words “Senior Citizen Resources for Religious Brothers” or “Senior Citizen Resources for Religious Orders” at www.google.com and discover a wealth of information.

5. Those who have resources to share with senior Brothers of the District should send them to Brother Bill Clarey.

Tailor made Brothers’ shirts are now available

Brothers who would like to order a black dress shirt with a white collar attached have a new source for their orders. A tailor has been making these shirts for the Brothers in some other Districts. The shirts are $75, and the tailor requires measurements for the following: waist, stomach, hip, shoulders, shoulders to sleeve, neck, and chest. Contact: Victor Lachmandas, 786 Mineral Springs Avenue, Pawtucket, RI, 02860. Phone: (401) 725-5521.

Jubilarian celebrations scheduled for several dioceses

Each year many dioceses around the country schedule a special celebration and liturgy for those women and men religious who are celebrating their jubilees. This year the following celebrations have been announced. Contact the local diocesan office for further information. St. Louis Archdiocese – Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 10:30 am at the St. Louis Abbey. Joliet Diocese – Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 4:30 pm at the Charles Borromeo Pastoral Center. The Chicago Archdiocese held its celebration on May 23rd.

La Salle Manor prepares for 50th anniversary

The staff of La Salle Manor Retreat Center in Plano, IL, is making plans to celebrate the Center’s 50th anniversary. While the planning is still in the preliminary stages, the date selected is August 30, 2008. Check the web page for details about the event - http://www.lasallemanor.org/50thanniversary.php - as the year progresses. Those who would like to make a contribution in honor of the event may do so on the web page.

Washington Theological Union announced new doctoral program

The Washington Theological Union (WTU) announced the start-up of a new doctoral studies venture in theology designed with the busy full-time minister in mind. The doctoral degree program is entitled: Doctor of Ministry in Christian Spirituality. The program is a professional degree that integrates theological development and pastoral practice for effective leadership for the full-time minister. More information about the program is available at the Washington Theological Union website: http://www.wtu.edu/dmin/Homepage.htm .

Burr Ridge staff welcomed Jacqueline Arias

Tina Bonacci announced that Jacqueline Arias joined the Burr Ridge Office as the Assistant to the Office of Formation and Accompaniment. Jacqueline is a third year Social Work major at Lewis University and came highly recommended. She brings with her much energy and professionalism. She will be working part-time and started on Monday, June 16th.

College of Santa Fe announced a partnership

On May 28th the College of Santa Fe Board of Trustees voted unanimously to proceed with exclusive discussions about a partnership with Laureate Education, Inc. In recent months CSF President Stuart C. Kirk, the Board, and the senior administration have engaged in talks with a variety of academic entities about the possibility of partnership. Laureate is connected to an international network of colleges and schools that will provide opportunities for CSF students to study abroad. Laureate has a rich exchange program among its college network and anticipates that international students will come to CSF to study — diversifying the college's student body and expanding the academic dialogue among global programs. College of Santa Fe, considered a high-quality arts college by the international organization, will be able to maintain its independent identity and will continue and strengthen its role in the Santa Fe arts community.

Pocket Calendars are available from CB Conference

Christian Brothers Conference offers for sale pocket calendars that also include a directory of the ministries and residences of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the US/Toronto Region and the Lwanga District of Africa. Contact CB Conference: http://www.lasallian.info/template/index.cfm .

San Miguel Tucson held first commencement

On May 17th San Miguel High School held its first commencement in Tucson, AZ. San Miguel is the most recent work of both the New Orleans-Santa Fe District and the District of San Francisco, and it is the only Lasallian School in the state of Arizona. It is a Cristo Rey model school where students work once a week as way to earn a salary that goes towards their tuition cost. The school opened in 2004 with under 70 students and is now well over 200 students and approaching its goal of 400 students. The Baccalaureate Mass was held at St. Augustine Cathedral where Bishop Gerald Kicanas gave the homily. The commencement ceremony was held in the newly-constructed Click Family Student Center. Thirty-seven students graduated and all of them are attending college.

Congratulations to

·  Lance Forsdick, who has again accepted the position of interim president at CBU.

·  Brother Kevin Convey, who was elected the Chair of the Regional Education Board.

·  Brother Michael Collins who was elected the first President of LASSCA (Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief Administrators) at their meeting in New Orleans. Also, at the Council on Black Minnesotans, a state agency whose members are appointed by the Governor, Brother Michael was elected its chair.

Health Updates

·  Brother Stephen Eibert is recovering nicely from outpatient hernia surgery.

·  Brother Robert Staub is recovering from outpatient cystoscopy and doing well.

·  Brother Kenneth Arnold is recovering from eye surgery.

·  Brother Raymond McManaman had back surgery at St. Joseph Hospital on June 5th. He was discharged the next day.

·  Brother Joseph Zastrow broke his foot in a fall on May 23rd and had been in a cast until June 13th when he had surgery. He now has two plates in his foot and will need rehab for some time. He is at Bethesda Meadow rehab facility: 322 Old State Rd., Ballwin, MO 63021. Bethesda telephone 636-227-3431.

·  Brother Richard Brady underwent a below-the-knee amputation of the left leg on June 9th and has moved to Resurrection Nursing and Rehabilitation Center at 1001 North Greenwood Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Rehab Center telephone 847-692-5600.

·  Brother Kevin Mackey fell again was transported to Alexian Brother Hospital for stitches and tests. He is back at The Arbors in Itasca at 535 S. Elm St., Itasca, IL 60143. (630) 773-9416.

·  Brother James McDonald is recovering from surgery at Resurrection Life Center. His doctor reported that the cancer was caught early and it did not go through the intestinal wall. He is in room 231.

·  Brother Larry Zeman continues with chemotherapy for tumors in his chest. He is experiencing unpleasant side effects from the treatment.

·  Brother Finbar McMullen will be having laser surgery to decrease his enlarged prostate (BPH - Benign Prostate Hyperplasia).

Rest in Peace

·  Rita Mae Vanderfeltz, 76, wife of Leon G. Vanderfelz, AFSC, died at their home in Jefferson City, MO, on May 24th after a year-long battle with leukemia. In addition to Leon, survivors include five sons, three daughters, one brother, and two sisters. Mass of Christian Burial was held on May 29th at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Interment followed in Resurrection Cemetery.

·  Len Kosiek, 81, who served De La Salle (Chicago) as a teacher from 1953-80, died on May 29th. He was a dean, administrator and head baseball coach at the Institute, as well as a member of De La Salle's Sports Hall of Fame. Survivors include his wife Carol; his sons, Mark and Timothy; daughter Christine Steadman, and five grandchildren.

·  George H. Spirek, 73, the former Brother Jude George, died on February 14th in Brooksville, Florida. He was in the 1952 novitiate class and had entered the junior novitiate from St. Mel in Chicago.

·  Roger A Geimer, brother of Brothers Nicholas and Richard died in Florida on June 15th. A graduate of St. George HS and Saint Mary's College-Winona, he taught for many years at Purdue University Extension in Hammond IN. He is survived by his wife Mary Carol, five children, and two other brothers. His remains were cremated with burial in Chicago and a Memorial Mass in the future.

·  Joseph Rost, 77, former Brother Luke of Jesus, died from cancer on June 14th in San Diego. He requested cremation. A memorial Mass will be celebrated in San Diego at a later date. Brother James Zullo was present when he died.




Normal bowel function varies from one person to another. Bowel movements range from as many as three stools a day to three a week. A normal bowel movement is formed but not hard or bloody. It’s passed without pain or cramping.

By choosing a wide range of foods especially high in fiber, you’re more likely to maintain a healthy bowel condition. Eat fruits and veggies consuming at least 5 a day. Add whole grains. Choose 100% whole grain bread, brown rice and whole grain cereal. Drink plenty of water each day. And getting daily exercise can help stimulate the bowel movements.

Laxatives help relieve constipation. Bulk fiber laxatives such Metamucil or Benefiber makes stools softer and easier to pass. However, it is extremely important to drink additional fluid as the bulk laxative can obstruct the bowel. Stool softeners such as Colace make elimination easier and are slow and gentle. Stimulant laxatives such as Milk of Magnesium are fast acting and can cause cramping and diarrhea. Use laxatives sparingly. If used too frequently, the bowels may become dependent on them.

Diarrhea can be caused by food poisoning, poor diet, food allergies or infection. Try self care. For first 24-48 hours drink clear liquids to prevent dehydration. Avoid caffeine, dairy foods and alcohol. Start solid foods such as bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast. An over the counter medication can be used with caution called Loperamide by following the package directions. The side effect can be sleepiness.

If abnormal bowel conditions persist seek medical attention. One of the seven warning signs of cancer is change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding or black stools.

Your Grandmother was right - eat prunes!

Have a good summer - Cathie Swanson, RN

St. Paul-Mpls Area

E-mail at

2008 Birthdays


2 Michael Fugger

6 Patrick Craine

Edwin Dupré

8 Jerome Cox

9  Christopher Oddo

11 Kevin Brutcher

James Roszak

12 Bernard LoCoco