Alling Memorial Golf Club

P.O. Box 462

Westwood, MA02090

Tel: 781 326-5717

Fax: 781 326-7650


On behalf of the entire staff of Alling Memorial Golf Club we would like to thank you for your continued support of the club. We are looking forward to the start of the 2011 golf season which is scheduled for Thursday, March 17th. Please call the pro shop or visit our website at for any changes in the date.

As we have done in the past, all season passes will be issued at the pro shop. You will receive a picture identification card that must be presented each time you play golf at Alling Memorial Golf Club. Please bring the completed application attached with proper identification to the pro shop at the time of purchasing your season ticket. The cost of the season pass and accompanying greens fee paid with each round will remain the same as the last two years.

Proper identification in the form of a valid driver’s license and current residential real estate tax bill must be presented to show proof of residency at the time of purchasing your season ticket. Three additional forms of identification may be required for those individuals who do not have a valid driver’s license or residential real estate tax bill. Season tickets will only be issued on Tuesday morning between the hours of 8-12, Thursday afternoon between 12-6, and Saturday morning between the hours of 8-12, beginning on March 8th.

Hope you have a great golfing season at Alling Memorial Golf Club in 2011. Please feel free to contact me at (781) 326-5717 or by email at if you have any questions or comments in connection with the restaurant and pro shop operations or require additional information on league or tournament play.

Best regards,

Bill Harrison and the Staff at Alling