“Improving the Conditions of Children and Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a Programme financed by

Sviluppo della condizione minorile e giovanile in Bosnia Erzegovina

A Programme Financed by

Improving the Conditions of Children and Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Master’sScholarships Program 2006/2007

Dear Applicant,

Please find here the pre-selection application form to be filled in for applying to the Master’s scholarship programme financed by the Italian Cooperation in the framework of the Programme “Improving the Conditions of Children and Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

The application should be filled in using computer or type writing; hand-written forms will not be accepted.

We would like to remind you that, in order for your application to be accepted, you are required to send the following documentationin Italian language (preferred) or English:

  • Duly compiled pre-selection application form
  • Two reference letters: one from your faculty professor and one from your employer
  • A letter of motivation describing the reasons to enrol in the Master Program, career’s objectives and how they intend to apply the acquired competences

You are also requested to include:

  • A photocopy of your university degree accompanied by the list of undertaken exams and obtained marks, together with the translation of both documents in Italian (official translation is NOT required at this level of selection)

Kind regards,

Aida Isic

Programme Assistant

A Programme implemented by an Association of Italian NGOs composed by CISP (leading agency), CESVI, COSV, INTERSOS and MOVIMONDO

PROGRAMME HEADQUARTER: Šemsudina Sarajlića 3, Ilidža ~ Tel: +387 33 637169 ~ Telfax: +387 33 625474 ~ E-mail:

Pre-selection application form

Please use computer or type writing.

A. Personal Data
Name / Fotography
____/___/___ / M F
Place of Birth / Date of Birth / Citizenship / Sex / Of the applicant
Present Address: street, n., town, mail code / Tel/fax/e-mail
Permanent Address: street, n., town, mail code / Tel/fax/e-mail
B. Studies and Awarded Degrees
Kind of institution / n°of years / Name of the institution / Awarded degree / Year / Final Mark
Secondary School
Title of the final thesis:
Specialization Courses (if any)
Istitute / Title of the course – kind of specialization acquired / Year / Final Mark
Publications and research works (if any)
C. Language Skills
Language / Written / Spoken / Note
Ecellent / Good / Avarage / Ecellent / Good / Avarage / (mother tongue, cultural, etc.)
Italian /  /  /  /  /  / 
English /  /  /  /  /  / 
 /  /  /  /  / 
 /  /  /  /  / 
 /  /  /  /  / 
 /  /  /  /  / 
 /  /  /  /  / 
For the Italian and English language please specify where, when and for how long you have studied them.
D. Stays abroad(specify duration and scope of the stay : study, turism, etc.)
Country / Period of the stay (dates) / Scope / Notes
E. Work experiences in the last two years(specify position name, role and name of the employer)
F. Present Occupation(position, role within the organization and name of the employer)
G. Master Degree for which you would like to apply for
Business management
Tourism and Leisure
Agro-food Economy
H. Position and function that the candidate intend to cover when returning in BiH
I. How did you get the information about this scholarship program?


(Place) (Date)

(Signature of the applicant)


  

l. parte da compilare a cura del programma
effettivo riserva / Mensilità proposte: / Decorrenza della borsa: dal…………..al…………….
Sede/i di studio: / Disciplina:
Equivalenza degli studi finora compiuti dal candidato rispetto all’attuale ordinamento scolastico italiano:
diploma di scuola media superiorediplomadilaurea triennalediploma di laurea specialistica dottorato di ricerca
Motivazioni della proposta ed eventuali considerazioni in ordine al punto D (soggiorni all’estero):


(Data)(Funzionario responsabile)

A Programme implemented by an Association of Italian NGOs composed by CISP (leading agency), CESVI, COSV, INTERSOS and MOVIMONDO


PROGRAMME HEADQUARTER: Šemsudina Sarajlića 3, Ilidža ~ Tel: +387 33 637169 ~ Telfax: +387 33 625474 ~ E-mail: