December 7, 2007May 4, 2007

10 a.m.1:30 p.m., Distance Education Rooms

Members Present:Paul Basileo, Leslie Wieman, Pete DiGregorio, Faye Lourenso, David Quinn,Gary Ris,Kevin McCoyIlona Middleton, Helen Wittmann, Jeannette Bravo, Randolph Manning, Ed Hassildine

Members Absent:Charles Stein, Allen Keener, Carl Kirschner, Ed Hassildine, Jeannette Bravo, Shonda WilsonMarvin Bright,Nick Hoffman, Joanne Braxton, George Gatta, Robert Barta, Jordan Neus, Shonda Wilson, Allen Keener, Lisa AngiusRandolph Manning, Allen Keener

Representatives Nina Leonhardt, Richard Johnston, Drew Rabinowitz



The minutes from the previous meeting held on October 12, 2007, were approved with the following change:

Standards Committee Report, ii., b) changed A22P to 822P rch 2

II.Campus Computing Council and Technology Deans Reports

  1. East Campus – Helen Wittman
  2. The main focus right now is the Culinary Arts Center and redirecting some of the computers that are coming in.
  3. Faxes, copiers and printers will be discussedafter the meeting.
  1. Ammerman Campus – Paul Basileo
  2. Smart classroom installation is going well.
  3. Some of our large lecture halls are being equipped with motorized screens.This will include some of the instructional labs and the Alumni Room.
  4. There is a bit more equipment money than in years past and some of these funds are being used to replace administrative printers.

a)There are certain offices where we may be able to reduce our inventory and cut down on supply costs by replacing several printers with one better and faster printer.

b)On the East Campus, there are several faculty officesthat are printing to a copy machine.

c)A college-wide printer replacement policy of between six and eight years had been discussed but was never formalized.

(1)We should be looking at some kind of replacement policy, similar to our computer replacement policy, in more detail.

(2)Jeannette Bravo suggested looking at the printer inventory first before making a decision.

(3)Drew Rabinowitz said he would be able to provide a report of every administrative computer and what is connected to it.

(4)This will be discussed further at the next Planning Subcommittee meeting.

  1. Paul reported that there has been no theft this semester.
  1. Grant Campus – No Report
  1. Technology Dean’s Report - Randy Manning
  2. The Technology Deans did meet again and discussed courses for the spring and new proposals for the fall.
  3. Course Space and SLN will go away in June 2009, and there will be no additional training in these. Of course, those that have already had trainingand been certified may still teach using them.
  4. Training will be scheduled for the new course management system.
  1. Academic Computing Subcommittee– No Report
  1. Standards Subcommittee– No Report
  1. Student Technology Fee Subcommittee – Paul Basileo
  2. The committee did meet and discussed the budget requests for next year.

a)Continuing to fund Academic Computing Essentials but only for Administrative Professional Assistant and some of the training that has to take place.

b)$80,000 for replacement computers.

c)$40,000 for wireless solution.

d)Increased request for Smart Classroom construction by $15,000.

e)Replacement data projectors and printers.

f)No longer funding Library Archive project.

g)Increased on-line database request by $5,000.

h)Course Management subsidization is cut by half.

i)Student Portal

j)ID card project request has been increased in order to replace some cameras and printerhardware and have a few spare cameras. Would like to get the project uniform with the same configuration everywhere.

k)Student Authentication Project

(1)This project would require every student to log in in every academic area.

(2)We are looking at getting it in place over the summer.

l)New Proposals

(1)Multi media on-line student orientation which is an orientation tool for those who can’t make it to the traditional orientation.

(2)Networking upgrades to educational infrastructure.

(3)Instructional ResponseDevice Pilot - looking at funding some of the student clickersused for immediate response.

  1. Training Subcommittee – No Report
  1. Networking and Services Subcommittee – Gary Ris
  2. RFPs are planned for:

a)Student Authentication

b)Upgrade WAN equipment

(1)Possibility of doing an academic upgrade

  1. Policy Subcommittee – No Report
  1. Planning Subcommittee – Gary Ris
  2. No Mission Statement yet but Randy Manning is working on it with his group.
  1. Wireless Subcommittee – No Report

III.Old Business

  1. Student Email Update – Gary Ris
  2. We are staying with the current system for the spring semester and will try to make the transition for the fall semester.
  3. We are still looking at the following options:

a)The internal email system that comes with Luminis.

b)A hosted solution(i.e.,Microsoft’s Windows Live or Google).

c)ITEC(which would involvea cost for virus and spam protection.)

d)Microsoft’shostedExchange which may be a better solution than Windows Live.

  1. NY Alert – Gary Ris
  2. Everyone participated in a NY Alert drill earlier this week. There are some issues (i.e., phone calls came late, some people received multiple messages), however, we did provide feedback and they will work on improvements and make some changes.

a)There was a three second delay before NY Alert delivered their message so there were some people who hung up before receiving it. NY Alert will now deliver the message as soon as the phone is picked up.

  1. Course Management – Randy Manning
  2. The first part of the processhas been completed. The Board of Trustees approved Desire2Learnas our new course management system at their last meeting.

a)Thevendor will be working with us and implementing the course management system before the contract is signed.

b)Desire2Learn is flexible in terms of contract language. A rebate will be issued if something does not work properly.

  1. Admittance policy in the Academic Labs and Centers
  2. This has not been a problem this semester.
  1. Adding computer ownership as a testing question on some of the placement tests.
  2. Gary spoke with Dr. Marvin Bright.

a)If we are going to use email as a means of communication, we have to make sure the students can get this information.

b)Dr. Bright is recommending that we ask the students if they have access to a computer and the Internet rather than asking if they have a computer at home.

c)Another suggestion was to ask the students what their level of proficiency is.

d)Randy Manning suggested we also ask students how often they are on line(every day, once a week, once a month, etc.).

(1)Gary will bring these suggestions back to Dr. Bright.

  1. RedDot Update – Gary Ris
  2. We are live with a couple of sites with a lot more people involved now. There is a multi-language site coming soon, as well as an ESL site. There are some nice sites on Grant and Culinary Arts is now live.
  3. Training sessions are being held with priority being given to those who have sites.
  1. ID Card System Update
  2. There is a plan to update equipment.