What archetypesare you?
Archetypes are personality traits you are born with which have positive and negative traits. By understanding archetypes you understand yourself more. As you develop the gifts within your archetypes you bring your gifts to the world.
When ticking the boxes below include past as well as present behaviour. We all share traits from a range of archetype. If you tick more than half the boxes in a category you know this could be one of your archetypes..
When I feel really stressed I do something to stop myself thinking the situation
I don’t like to talk about my problems
I often mediate/negotiate for others
I can be a workaholic
I bury my head in the sand when I don’t want to face something
I avoid confrontation
I don’t often say what I really feel
I don’t always stick up for myself but I stick up for other people
I can be really focused
I hate conflict
I like taking care of others
I sometimes over-commit then feel resentful
There is rarely enough time for me
I have done volunteer work
I have rules about the way people should treat each other
I often put other people’s needs before my own
People bring their problems to me
I am very good at finding solutions to problems
I am very resourceful
I value being of service
I am very resilient
I often wish someone would look after me
I doubt myself
I am very sensitive
I have/had abandonment/rejection issues
I believe anything is possible
I tend to trust too easily
I just want to have fun
I am young at heart
I am an optimist
I have acted/can act like a diva/bully at times
When I want something done, I want it done now
I like to be in charge
I am a great organiser
People say I’m charming
I believe I can do anything
I get impatient easily
I can be arrogant
I don’t feel I should have to explain myself
I don’t like taking orders
I tend to be critical of myself
I have problems delegating
I often don’t feel good enough
I need to be perfect or do everything perfectly in order to feel good enough
If you want a job done properly give it to me
I feel better about myself when I achieve
I get stressed when I can’t take the time to do things properly
I have an eye for detail
I tend to procrastinate
I can be a people pleaser
I sometimes give fake/compliments or praise
My personality changes to fit in with whomever I am with
I am impartial
I like to impress
I am/have been manipulative
I am diplomatic
I have a really good understanding of people
I love being the centre of attention
I have great persuasion skills
I value impartiality
I like to live life on my own terms
If people tell me I can’t do something I do it
I often feel like I don’t fit in
I can be contrary
I refuse to conform
I have a tendency to be impulsive
I am courageous
I am a truth seeker
I am a pioneer
I value freedom
I like to talk about my problems
I often get so caught up in my problems I forget about others
I have a tendency to exaggerate
I feel I can’t get ahead
It is not my fault my life is the way it is
I am cursed with bad luck
I feel powerless
I feel others have control of my destiny
I don’t like rich people
I don’t forgive easily
I like to help people/a cause/animals that cannot help themselves
I stand up for what I believe in
I get angry at injustice
I can easily get caught so up in a cause my life goes out of balance
I am socially responsible
I am an advocate for change
I get frustrated by people who are apathetic
I am courageous when I am fighting for something I believe in
I like to make people aware
I value making a difference
Answers: A. Avoider/Peacemaker, B. Caretaker/Caregiver, C. Child/Optimist, D. King/queen/Powerful leader E. Perfectionist/Master, F. Politician/Diplomat, G. Rebel/Sage, H. Victim/Healer, I. Warrior/Advocate.
© Anne Hartley, Hart Life Coaching 2011