AgentAR Voucher Module(Agent Other Revenue Module)

The purpose is we can issue debit note to customer. include

1.Agent charge to customer as per Headquarter request

e.g. repair container, clean container.

2.Agent charge to customer directly

You can issue debit note for non manifest charges。It is applicable for Agent local charges. E.g. COD, COV、EIP、Handling charge、Seal charge、Container sold。


  1. INPUT Finance->AR Transaction->AR Voucher Preparation
  2. APPROVEFinance->AR Transaction->AR Voucher Approval
  3. PRINTINGFinance->AR reports->AR Voucher printing-VN
  4. PRINTINGFinance->AR reports->RCT/PAY/INV/DR/CR Print
  5. POSTINGDocument->Voyage Accounting->Other Revenue Posting
  6. HQ APPROVEDocument->Voyage Accounting->Other Revenue Approval(HQ)
  7. QUERYDocument->AR Transaction>AR Voucher Query
  8. REVERSEFinance->AR Transaction->AR Voucher Reversal

1.INPUTFinance->AR Transaction->AR Voucher Preparation

(1)Allocation code:LINE-ALOCAgent issue local charges of debit note to customer (no need BL_NO)

(2)Allocation code:LINE-R5Agentissue local charges of debit note to customer (need BL_NO)

(3)Allocation code:LINE-OTHRV(R6)Agent charge to customer as per Headquarter request (need BL_NO)

(4)Allocation code: INCOME_GLAgent issue local charges of debit note to customer (no need VSL/VYG/BL_NO)

(1)Allocation code: LINE-ALOC AgentAgent issue local charges of debit note to customer (no need BL_NO)

LRAN16006S VNHCM 790610083684 CREF 223400

Document Type: ARINV。

Allocation Code=LINE-ALOC

“Allocation Details”

Carrier: TSL/TSLTW

Mode: C-Collect(for import)or D-Disbursement or E-Elsewhere or P-Prepaid(for export)

Account Code: System will auto fetch the account code as Carrier. TSL 2138000000

Note:If you can’t find Charge Code, Please kindly contact HQ-Marketing or apply application to HQ-Marketing.

Note:F6 return to mainmemnu。

Currency: Local can collect currency. (set by AR Master-Additional Currency)

Narration (shownthe remark in the invoice)

Notes field will show in Description field of Debit Note.

“Tax Details”

As per Charge Code,system will show the tax which can select. If no tax, it will show Tax is not applicable. The tax of Charge Code is set by Finance Department in Master Data->Cargo Master Entries->BL Charge Tax Link

Tax Code LOV -> Get Tax rate by charge code, “OK”

Auto calc Tax amount by Tax rate, ”Close”

AR Code is fetch from customer code。Press VOL button can query the AR Code by Local Name or AR Name which set in AR Master. Vietnam customer start from HCM.

Note:If you can’t find the customer, please kindly notify 1.CS create Customer Master 2.Finance create AR Master

AR Group=GAR_TSS is set in AR Master. It is used to analysis report.

INV NO. field will show in Other Ref field of Debit Note.

Narration can input any information as per your request,it will show in stationary format Debit Note,e.g. B/L NO、Container no、Container type、Booking No.

Pay Date: customer payment valid date,Credit Term customer is set by Finance in Customer Management->Customer Entries->Customer Credit Details.

If the debit note is ok, you need to tick Send For Approval and approve by Finance Manager. If the debit note is not ready, you can save it without the option and amend it in future. Confirm with customer and then you can tick the option to generate Debit Note and post to finance book.

Attach Files button: Add attached file for future reference.

Foreign Amount & Amount will calculate automatically as the allocation details.

Tick “Send For Approval”

“Save”-Generated invoice successful and auto preview invoice in IE

Press OK button will generate AR Voucher.

(2)Allocation code:LINE-R5 AgentAgentissue local charges of debit note to customer (need BL_NO)

341610051908 LRAN16005NVNHCM ExportHCM03723(CTY TNHH HONG THONH) AMF Charge

HCM03723 3411605ARI00002

(3)LINE-OTHRV(R6)Agent charge to customer as per Headquarter request (need BL_NO)

[TSLHQ001/TWTPE :Finance->GL Transactions->Agent JV Creation

generate debit note - 888X1402AJV00001

reference as TSLHQ001_Agent JV Creation.doc

“Allocation Details”

Agent debit note from HQ- 888X1402AJV00001

Agent-341610051908 LRAN16005N VNHCM Export HCM03723(CTY TNHH HONG THONH) AMF Charge

HCM03723 3411605ARI00003

Press OK button

(4)Allocation code: INCOME_GLAgent issue local charges of debit note to customer (no need VSL/VYG/BL_NO)



Press OK button

2.APPROVE Finance->AR Transaction->AR Voucher Approval

[by CS Manager/Finance Manager]


“Save” successful with no message to clear

(2)Status:pending->Not Approved

“Save”, if Notes empty then occurred error message

Notes(input Not Approved resaon necessarily)

AR Voucher Query-Status=Posted

3.套表列印Finance->AR reports->AR Voucher printing-VN

Debit Note no(Voucher number)=3411605ARI00001

  1. PRINTING Finance->AR reports->AR Voucher printing-RCT/PAY/INV/DR/CR Print

Debit Note no(Voucher number)=3411605ARI00001

Document Printing

Journal Voucher Printing

5.POSTING Document->Voyage Accounting->Other Revenue Posting

[by SOA PIC]

Input Carrier/Vessel/Voyage/Port or Find->”Detail”


Tick Other revenue posting document item

“Post”,generated other revenue Doc number 3411605FCR00001

If the data which you select already post to HQ, the system will show No enteries found for above selection.


Documentation->Voyage Accounting->Transaction Query

  1. HQ-APPROVE Document->Voyage Accounting->Other Revenue Approval(HQ)

Go to HQ : Other Revenue Approval(HQ)

[reference as TSLHQ001_Agent JV Creation.doc]

7. QUERY Document->AR Transaction>AR Voucher Query

Query by customer or Voucher number(System)

8.Finance->AR Transaction->AR Voucher Reversal

□Not save as Send for approval in AR Voucher Preparation->AR Voucher Preparation to find and amend data directly

□Save as Send for approval in AR Voucher Preparation->AR Voucher Approval to select Not approved status

□Already AR Voucher Approved->AR Voucher Reversal

Input Document No., Document Date, Document Date, G/L Date, Reason.

Cancel AR Voucher as the 3 methods


2016.05.04 IT-Hank