Global Entry Plan
Group Semester Project
Ayse Balas
MARK 481
Spring 2014

Table of Contents

Global Entry Plan

Group Semester Project



Stage I – Country Information

I – General Information (Chapter 1)

II – Cultural and Social Analysis (Chapter 2)

III – Economic Analysis (Chapter 3)

IV – Economic Analysis (Chapter 4)

Stage II – Market Entry Strategies

I – Introduction

II – Situation Analysis

III – Marketing Mix (Chapter 14)

IV – Conclusion

V – References

VI - Appendix

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Global Entry Plan

Group Semester Project

In groups of three/four you will be working on a project that involves entering a new country market with a new product. Your group will assume the role of an international manager for launch of a new product in a new country market (for a company of your choice). This project is analytically challenging, and requires creativity, effort, and determination to complete. At the completion of the project, you will be asked to grade the effort and performance of your group members.


Many companies, large and small, might see opportunities in overseas markets. The purpose of this project is to stimulate the decisions managers face when they deal with intricacies of entry into global markets. This project intends to give you a first-hand experience in identifying market opportunities and developing market entry strategies. Your group should work as if you represent the company planning to expand operations to a new country.


Selecting a Product

The focus of this project is on consumer products, as they offer more opportunities to focus on cultural adaptations than do most industrial goods. Select a real brand from an existing company as a product. This product must not been sold in the country of your choice.

Selecting a Country

As a team select a region or country of your choice. It can be an industrialized or a developing nation. Some suggestions include: Brazil, China, Australia, India, Nigeria, Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Israel, Russia, Vietnam and other countries in the European Union, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, or former Soviet Union republics. The region or country your team selects must not be one of which a team member is or has been a citizen/subject.

After contacting your group members determine with which product your firm be entering which country. The product must be actual product sold by an actual firm. Also, make sure that this product is not being sold in the country of your choice. You need to conduct research to ascertain that.

Stage I – Country Information

You have previously, as a group, picked a product to enter into a new country market. The Stage I of your project deals with collecting information on the country market and it will be in four parts. In Part I, you, as a group, will investigate and write a report that provides general information on this country market. This section needs to be 10 pages in length.

I – General Information (Chapter 1)

  1. Describe its national flag: what do its colors and any symbols represent?
  2. Identify neighbors with which it shares borders.
  3. Give some important facts about the country, including its population, population density, land area, topography, climate, natural resources, and the locations of main industries.
  4. What does the nation produce?
  5. Do any aspects of the natural environment help explain why it produces what it does?

II – Cultural and Social Analysis (Chapter 2)

  1. What values do people hold dear?
  2. Describe the attitude toward time, work, and cultural change?
  3. What religions are practiced there?
  4. What language(s) are spoken?
  5. What ethnicities reside in the nation, and do they form distinct subcultures?
  6. Describe the nation’s social structure and its education system
  7. Turn to Figures 2.2 and 2.3 and either (1)explain why the nation appears where it does, or (2) identify where you think it belongs on the figure and explain why.

III – Economic Analysis (Chapter 3)

  1. What type of political and legal system does it have?
  2. Do free elections take place?
  3. Is the government heavily involved in the economy?
  4. Is the legal system effective and impartial?
  5. Do political and legal conditions suggest the country could be a potential market? If so, for what kinds of goods or services might the market be appealing?
  6. What is the level of corruption in the nation?
  7. Is legislation pending that may be relevant to international companies?

IV – Economic Analysis (Chapter 4)

  1. What type of economic system does it have?
  2. Has it always had this type of economic system?
  3. Is it developed, newly industrializing, emerging or developing country?
  4. How does it rank on the various measures of economic development?
  5. Has it undergone any form of economic transition within the past 15 years? If so, how has that transition affected the culture and the country’s political, legal, and economic systems?

Stage II – Market Entry Strategies

This section needs to be 10 pages in length.

I – Introduction

Describe the company you work for

II – Situation Analysis

Describe the environment you operate in (modify Part I of your project by selecting information relevant to your plan)

  1. Provide general information about the industry, what are the opportunities and what are the threats?
  2. Describe your main competitors; what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  3. Describe governmental controls on firms in your industry
  4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your company?
  5. Provide information on the market (customers)

III – Marketing Mix (Chapter 14)

1.Product Decisions
  1. Describe your product in some detail including special features, reasons to buy, etc. (use diagrams or pictures if useful)
  2. What are attitudes towards foreign products in your chosen foreign country?
  3. What are your strategic alternatives – extension, adaptation, or invention?
  4. How many do you expect to sell (and justify it)
2.Pricing Decisions
  1. What will be your pricing objectives and strategies?
  2. What are environmental influences on your pricing objectives?
  3. What are costs of goods sold; At what price will you sell your product (and why)?
  4. What will be your total revenue expectation?
3.Channels of Distribution Decisions
  1. What will be your channel objectives and constraints?
  2. What channels of distribution will you select (with descriptions of the members of the channel: Retailers, Wholesale Middleman, etc.)?
4.Promotion Decisions
  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What are your promotion objectives?
  3. What types of promotion (Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, or others) will you be using, with reasons of selection?
  4. What will be your basic advertising message? What media will you use why?
  5. What will be your proposed promotional expenditures?

IV – Conclusion

After analyzing and tentatively proposing a market entry strategy for the company’s product in the foreign country, you have to answer the following questions: (1) Why have you chosen the specific strategy? (2) What are the chances of success for your product in the targeted country? You have the option of recommending to market or not to market the product in the country of your choice. The value of a decision not to market the product is as important as that of a decision to market. You must justify your decision.

V – References

VI – Appendix

In this section you will attach tables, pictures, graphs, charts, maps, pictures and etc. that you do not want to include in the body of your paper.


Wild, J.J & Wild, K.L. (2013). International Business: The Challenges of Globalization 7th Edition. Prentice Hall.

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