Social Studies Mid-Term Study Guide


  1. What was another name for the Neolithic Era?
  2. Where are the paintings of early man found?
  3. Why were the first people called hunter-gatherers?
  4. What were the four river valley civilizations? Where did each develop? Why?
  5. What was the farming revolution? Why was it important?
  6. What is irrigation?
  7. Why was writing important to early civilizations?
  8. Where was Mesopotamia located?
  9. What was the Sumerian writing system called?
  10. Describe the social pyramid in Ancient Sumer.
  11. How was Ancient Sumer organized and governed?
  12. Who was Hummurabi? What is he famous for creating? What was his legal code based upon?
  13. The Egyptian civilization was located along the ______River.
  14. What did the Egyptians use to make baskets and paper?
  15. What was the Egyptian writing system called?
  16. The first people in India settled along what river?
  17. What was the basis for the economy of the Indus River Valley Civilization?
  18. What is a caste system? Why was it created?
  19. Indian mathematicians made important contributions, especially during the Gupta period. Name them.
  20. The golden age of Indian culture occurred during the ______Empire.
  21. Identify the five major religions. Label each as monotheistic or polytheistic:

  1. Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
  2. Which Chinese philosophy taught that people should do their duty to their family and community?
  3. Which Chinese philosophy taught that people should give up their worldly desires?
  4. The first people in China settled along the ______River. What did the Chinese call the river and why?
  5. What is the Mandate of Heaven?
  6. Describe the writing system of the ancient Chinese.
  7. Where did the early Greeks settle? Why?
  8. How do the Iliad and the Odyssey reflect Ancient Greek life?
  9. What was the Delian League?
  10. Who was Phillip of Macedonia?
  11. Who was Alexander the Great?
  12. Which Greek scientist said that Earth is round?
  13. Where was the earliest democracy?
  14. Besides the Phoenicians, what other cultures influence the development of the English alphabet?
  15. Where was the city of Rome located? Why?
  16. Who were full citizens in the Roman Republic?
  17. Roman writers often based their work on the writings of the ______.
  18. Who did Octavian battle for control of Rome?
  19. Octavian took the title of ______after becoming the first Roman emperor.
  20. What was the PaxRomana?
  21. What happened to the Eastern Roman Empire as the Western Roman Empire fell?