Public Lands Policy Coordination
May 5, 2016
Department of Natural Resources
Room 112
Jamie Barnes for Laura Ault, Vice Chair, FFSL
Evan Curtis, GOMB
Joel Karmazyn, DAQ
Mike Lowe, UGS
Susan Zarekarizi, Parks & Recreation
Sonja Wallace, SITLA
Jay Olsen for Melissa Ure, UDAF
Bill James, DWR
Bill Damery, DWQ
Katie Crane for Hans Millican, DERR
Cheryl Heying for Todd Stonely, DWRe
Jim Reese for James Greer, DWRi
Dayne Doucet for Jan Morse, DOGM
Staff Guests
Sindy Smith, PLPCO Sam Quigley, VP, Magnum
Josh Payne, DOGM Brian Pugh, Magnum
Matt Howard, UDWR Doug Smith, Wasatch County
Alane Boyd, Desert Rose Envir.
Martina Barnes, USFS
Jamie Barnes on behalf of Laura Ault, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone.
Approval of Minutes
The committee unanimously approved February 4, 2016, minutes.
Magnum Gas Storage Project
Sam Quigley, Vice President, Magnum—Western Energy Hub, introduced himself and Brian Pugh. He indicated Magnum is located approximately 10 miles north of Delta in Millard County at the crossroads of existing transportation and energy infrastructure. Sam pointed out that the salt dome, discovered in 1978, owned by SITLA is an incredible, rare Utah resource. Sam stated that along with Brian, they have been responsible for the construction on the project site for the past four years. Sam discussed the salt dome, the solution mining process, and the site layout. He indicated that currently four caverns provide commercial service. Those caverns total 4.3 million barrels of storage. A fifth cavern is being solution mined, which will add another million barrels of storage. Sam talked about Magnum’s multiple businesses:
· NGLs (Natural Gas Liquid storage)
o NGL EP (Energy Partner) agreed to acquire Magnum NGLs facility in 2015. NGL EP has a market capital of about $1.8 billion and will bring a lot of value and future to Utah.
· Refined products (motor gasoline and diesel)
· CAES (compressed air energy storage)
· Gas Storage
o A gas storage plant provides an emergency supply if the supply system fails, which is a pipeline. It also provides daily balancing to ramp up and ramp down to meet the load.
· Generation
o Modern combined cycle gas fired power plants.
· Crude
o Another important storage system.
· Salt Sales
Sam Quigley responded to questions from members. The PowerPoint presentation is attached.
Mayflower Development in the Jordanelle Area
Doug Smith, Wasatch County Planner and Public Administrator, introduced himself, as well as Alane Boyd, Principal, Desert Rose Environmental, a water quality expert for Wasatch County and Provo River Water Users Association. Doug reported on the Mayflower Resort and Master Plan and Density Approval Application. He stated that the Mayflower acreage in Wasatch County is owned by a Dutch company. The Master Plan proposes to develop 1,800 of 4,000 acres of land stretching from the Jordanelle Reservoir to Deer Valley. Doug and Alane discussed the Master Plan negotiations and Wasatch County’s environmental concerns. The foremost unresolved environmental issues include:
· Immense development with high density given location
· Mine openings and the overburden from those mines and mine tailings piles
· Waste water coming from the mines
· Water quality
· Geotechnical concerns
· Possible Ontario drain tunnel (wildlife portal) removal
Doug Smith and Alane Boyd responded to questions from members.
Agency Reports
· Jamie Barnes reported the following from the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands (FFSL):
o Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) gave a presentation at the Salt Lake Advisory Council meeting. UPRR indicated the causeway project should be completed by October 2016.
· Martina Barnes reported the following from the U.S. Forest Service:
o The Manti-La Sal and Ashley National Forests’ Forest Plan Revisions get underway this year. They are pulling together their collaboration teams in the next few months and setting up meetings with county, local, and state officials, as well as developing MOUs with their cooperating agencies.
o A Forest Service campaign launched last year called “It’s all Yours,” is based on recreation to encourage people to choose an activity and to go explore and play on Forest Service lands. Martina distributed “It’s all Yours” stickers.
· Dayne Doucet reported the following from the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (DOGM):
o An interagency task force on natural gas storage safety workshop will be held in Denver in July. DOGM will send a representative.
· Tom Adams, director, Office of Outdoor Recreation, reported the following from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development:
o The Office of Outdoor Development is at work on a ten year Recreation Plan for the State of Utah. If you would like to participate, especially on some of the breakout groups on specific sections, more information will be forthcoming as the details get put together.
o The Office of Outdoor Development also has regional summits: September 1, 2016, in Ogden; September 14, 2016, in Cedar City; and October 4, 2016, in Moab.
· Cheryl Heying reported the following from the Division of Water Resources (DWRe):
o May 2, 2016, DWRe submitted the license application for the Lake Powell Pipeline. FERC will see the project through the NEPA process.
Other Business
Next meeting: August 4, 2016
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:39 a.m.