The Ohio State University

Men’s Glee Club


The Ohio State University Men’s Glee Club was organized in 1875. It is the oldest of hundreds of student organizations available to students at the university. The group has exemplified the university’s dedication to tradition, excellence, and diversity. During its history the group has garnered worldwide accolades. Most notably, the Men’s Glee Club was unanimously declared “Choir of the World” in 1990 under the direction of Professor James Gallagher in Llangollen, Wales. The OSUMGC was the first male chorus and the first ensemble from the United States to win the competition. The Men’s Glee Club has performed at many OMEA, MENC, and ACDA conventions, proudly representing the university at state, regional, and national levels. In 2006 the OSUMGC traveled to Eau Claire, Wisconsin to perform for the 42nd national seminar of the Intercollegiate Male Choruses, Inc.


Membership in the OSU Men’s Glee Club is by audition and permission of the conductor. Members are expected to demonstrate a high level of vocal ability as well as good rhythm, pitch, and reading skills.

Men’s Glee Club

The organization prides itself on maintaining a pedestal of prestige. MGC members should remember and demonstrate this philosophy at all times. Every member of the group must be contributing positively in order for the organization to flourish. Traditionally, over eighty percent of the group’s membership consists of non-music majors, representing virtually every college of the university. Diversity, in all conceivable aspects, enhances the potential and experience of the OSU Men’s Glee Club. This diversity should be honored at all times. Lastly, as membership is completely voluntary, personal commitment, performance, and cooperation is necessary to make the OSUMGC the most successful and enjoyable group it can be.


An ensemble of 12-16 members, the Statesmen represent the Glee Club in many run-out functions throughout the year. Entrance into the ensemble is based on audition and voice-part need. The repertoire of the Statesmen is musically diverse, yet specializes in “lighter” selections.



The conductor of the MGC is appointed by the Director of the School of Music and has final say on all issues regarding the Men’s Glee Club. No member of the MGC Executive Board ranks higher. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board (or any MGC member) to contact the conductor with concerns.

Executive Board

The Executive Board of the OSUMGC consists of five positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Business Manager, and Public Relations Chair. President and Vice-President positions are available only to members who will be in at least their third year of participation during their elected time. All other positions may be filled by members of any year. Elections for officers of a given school year are to be held at the end of Spring Quarter of the previous year. Eligibility to run for office is contingent upon a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA and the completion of a one-page letter of intent. All elected offices are for a term of one academic year.**

NOTE: Process for officer election.

Incumbents: MGC officers are eligible to run for re-election to the same office or a different office.

Officer elections are conducted by outgoing MGC officers. If less than two MGC officers are available to administer the process the Conductor will appoint a second member to assist. Any incumbent seeking election to the same or different office must announce his candidacy prior to the call for letters and must recuse himself from assisting in the election process. Any incumbent must follow the same processes as a person seeking office for the first time. In the case of all officers running for re-election: the Conductor will appoint a three-person committee to administer the election process.

Executive Board Position Descriptions

President – The President is responsible for the general functioning of the Glee Club and the delegation of duties to other members of the Executive Board. The President is expected to organize and chair all Executive Board meetings. The President should act as a liaison between the conductor and members of the group when needed.

Vice-President – The Vice-President is second in command only to the President on the Executive Board and assumes the responsibilities of Presidential leadership in the absence of the President. The Vice-President is responsible for coordinating autumn tailgating and the Spring-quarter banquet.

Secretary – The Secretary acts as the main means of communication with the group. He will be responsible for sending e-mails to the MGC listserv detailing dates, times, and locations of events and any other matters that are pertinent to the group. Additionally, the Secretary is expected to take minutes of Executive Board meetings and record attendance at tailgating events.

Business Manager – The Business Manager is responsible for all expenses associated with the MGC. Primary expense responsibilities include the collection and recording of Social Fees. The Business Manager is also appointed as chair to any fundraising committees established for the group and is responsible for reporting to the conductor, Executive Board, and members of the group the status of MGC accounts.

Public Relations Chair – The PRC is responsible for promoting MGC events to the public. This may include concert promotion, advertisement for auditions and any other aspect of communication that might enhance the visibility (both on and off campus) of the MGC. The PRC should also assist the conductor in creating special invitations and letters of gratitude when appropriate.

Support Staff

The Executive Board (in consultation with the Conductor) is responsible for assigning positions of support staff. Such positions may include (but are not limited to) Section Leaders, Social Chair, Wardrobe Manager, Webmaster, Stage Manager, Alumni Representative, CD Chair, and Fundraising Assistant. All support staff members report to the Conductor and Executive Board.

Support Staff Position Descriptions

Section Leaders: Responsible for recording attendance at rehearsals and concerts. The Conductor appoints Section Leaders.

Social Chair: Expected to aid Vice President and Executive Board in planning social events for the group.

Wardrobe Manager: Responsible for the distribution, collection, and maintenance of uniform components not purchased by group members WM also orders and sells MGC Polo shirts.

Webmaster: Responsible for maintenance and improvements made to the MGC website <>.

Property Manager: Assists the conductor in planning the movement of performance equipment on campus and on the road. The PM also assigns individuals to assist with logistics.

Alumni Representative: The AR is the primary conduit of communication between the current club and the Alumni Club. The AR attends Alumni MGC meetings and, in conjunction with the Conductor, should communicate with the Alumni MGC and invite Alumni to MGC events.

CD Chair: Directs the sale and distribution of the MGC CD’s. CD Chair can appoint a committee (approved by the Executive Board) to aid him in his responsibilities.

Fundraising Assistant: Appointed by the Executive Board to aid the Business Manager in the preparation and organization of any fundraiser that may otherwise pull the Business Manager from his primary duties.

This list of positions is not exhaustive, nor does it mandate the appointment of such positions. The make-up of the Support Staff is decided by the Conductor and the Executive Board and may be amended at any time.


Rehearsal Attendance

MGC members must attend every class rehearsal (M-W-F, 12:30-1:18pm). Additional rehearsals, such as retreats, may be added at the discretion of the conductor (MGC policy requires that the conductor announce extra rehearsals one month in advance). Attendance at such rehearsals is mandatory and will be treated as a regular class rehearsal. Failure to attend a rehearsal will count as one unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences in one quarter will result in the lowering of the student’s grade by one letter. Petitions for excused absences must be presented to the conductor prior to the rehearsal time. The conductor has sole discretion to decide what is, and what is not, considered an excused absence. If an excused absence is granted it is expected that the individual will be responsible for anything he missed while absent (rehearsal time, announcements, music distribution, etc.).

Concert Attendance

An unexcused absence from a performance will automatically warrant the assignment of a failing grade (E) for the quarter. In addition to the failing grade the conductor may remove the offending member from the ensemble. Excused absences from concerts are rare but petitions may be presented to the conductor.


Punctuality and being prepared to sing are expectations. “Prepared to sing” includes the possession of music, pencil, and any other materials deemed necessary by the conductor. Being unprepared to sing constitutes being tardy. Three (3) “tardies” equates to one unexcused absence. If a member is tardy they must report their attendance to the section leader or risk being marked absent.

Tailgating Attendance

At home football games MGC members walk around campus singing Buckeye tunes for the thousands of fans cheering the Buckeyes on to victory. Members meet at Weigel Hall 2.5 hours before game time and visit locations such as the Ohio Union, the Oval, and various parking lots/garages, and colleges. Attendance will be taken and all MGC members are expected to attend three tailgates. Failure to meet attendance requirements will result in the assessment of one unexcused absence. Tailgating is a spirit-filled activity and a vital component of the MGC’s annual fundraising. In addition, tailgating helps teach first year members many MGC traditions as well as the Buckeye tunes.

NOTE: Members should discuss with the conductor any circumstances that might preclude the fulfillment of this requirement.

Run-out Events Attendance

The singing presence of the MGC is requested at several smaller concert venues, fundraisers, etc. throughout the year. While the Statesmen are often responsible for such events, sometimes attendance of a larger group is preferred. In such instances, sign-up sheets will be posted and events announced in class. These events are crucial to financial success of the MGC. Due to the unpredictability of run-out scheduling, it is understood that conflicts may exist and therefore no penalty will be assigned to a member who is unable to attend a run-out. However, any member who signs up and does not show up to the event will be assessed an unexcused absence.


Each MGC member will be assigned a music folder at no charge to the individual. Folders and music are considered School of Music property. If the member loses a folder or any piece of music contained therein he is financially responsible for replacement of the lost articles. If SOM property is not returned or replaced the course syllabus requires that a grade of “I” be assigned until restitution is made.

It has been a long-standing tradition that the MGC sing every concert with music memorized. Because the repertoire of the group is extensive and varied, it will be difficult to rehearse all pieces during regular rehearsals to the point of memorization. Therefore, it is essential that members practice music on their own time. Such activity should be considered the homework of the Men’s Glee Club. The conductor can and will make use of random music checks to ensure the progress of memorization of individuals within the group. Such checks may be done in quartets, octets, or individually.


Social Fees

Each MGC member must pay a Social Fee. This money helps defray the cost of various social events throughout the year, including food at retreats. Social fees are $30 per academic year, $20 for members joining in winter quarter, and $10 for members joining in the spring quarter. Social fees must be paid in full not later than the end of the second week of the quarter. Social fees are nonrefundable. An additional charge of not more than $25 will be assessed for the annual spring banquet (attendance required).

MGC attire

While the MGC provides blazers and ties to each member, other parts of MGC attire are the responsibility of each individual (see Uniforms). These costs will only be accrued when a member first joins the group as the uniform parts can be worn for the entirety of an MGC member’s career.


The MGC endeavors to use the power of the group to raise funds for travel. Travel costs not covered by the MGC will be announced and detailed well in advance.

NOTE: These costs are not intended to preclude members from full participation in MGC activities. Any member with extenuating financial circumstances should discuss his situation with the conductor.


Formal Performance attire

Blazer (legally required to be returned to MGC)***

Tie (legally required to be returned to MGC)***

White dress shirt (long or short sleeve, no tuxedo shirts)

Specific-styled dress slacks (ask Wardrobe Manager)

Black Belt

Black Dress Socks (solid only)

Black Dress Shoes (no tennis shoes, sandals, etc)

***Note: The Wardrobe Manager assigns all MGC property (blazer, tie, garment bag). Any singer not returning in a subsequent quarter will be required to return these items to the Wardrobe Manager, and all members will return MGC property at the conclusion of the academic year. The repair or replacement cost of any lost, stolen, damaged, or missing item shall be the sole responsibility of the student to which it was originally issued.

Travel attire

MGC Polo (purchased by each member from MGC)

Khaki /Tan pants (no cargo, fray, etc)

Black Belt

Black Socks (solid only)

Black Dress Shoes – polished (no tennis shoes, sandals, etc)

NOTE: Blazer and tie are provided by MGC; the member must purchase all other components of MGC attire.

It is each member’s responsibility to care for all parts of the uniform. MGC will provide a garment bag to aid in the care of the uniform and all uniform parts should be transported in the garment bag. Wrinkled articles of clothing will not be tolerated; blazers, shirts, and slacks must be clean and pressed. Undershirts are strongly recommended for both formal and travel attire. Cologne is not to be worn to any concert. Long hair is to be tied back in a ponytail fashion and facial hair is to be well kept and groomed. Finger rings and earrings should be exhibited in good taste and in accord with the image of the MGC. Non-beeping watches are permitted.