Discerning Hearts: 30 August – 5 September
This week, we explore how learning and knowledge are proving a powerful force in overcoming poverty in East and Central Africa.
Sunday 30 August
Tearfund farming training has led to better harvests for Burundian widow Marie. She no longer worries about feeding or clothing her family. ‘Poverty is about mindset,’ says Marie, ‘I used my hands to get out of poverty.’ She now makes good money selling bananas. Give thanks that people like Marie are understanding new ways to overcome poverty.
Monday 31 August
Bouts of sickness made Malawian mum Hawa worried she might be living with HIV and could pass it to her unborn child. Although Hawa tested positive, her baby's test was negative. This is all thanks to a Tearfund-trained Mother Buddy, who helped Hawa access antenatal services and expert advice. Praise God for empowering people to prevent HIV from spreading.
Tuesday 1 September
Saving the equivalent of 7p a week has had a huge impact on the life of Ethiopian mum Tigist. In 2011, she joined a self-help group (SHG) run by a Tearfund partner, where people come together to save money and access loans to start businesses. Profits from her business selling tea, coffee and doughnuts mean Tigist's family now eat three times a day and her children go to school. Pray that more people will be blessed through SHGs in Ethiopia.
Wednesday 2 September
More food, new clothes, school books and uniforms – just some of the improvements Mariana Neta has noticed since she put Tearfund farming training into practice in Mozambique. She now produces copious amounts of cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. Pray God's blessing on the work of our partner Cedes to change more lives through conservation farming, replacing traditional methods.
Thursday 3 September
The future's bright, the future's orange for Akol Wilbrod and his Ugandan family after Tearfund training and Bible studies opened their eyes to the resources around them, notably the fact that the soil was Perfect for growing oranges. So they sold a bull and bought 100 saplings. Today they have 300 trees, a good income and a stronger faith. Praise God the Bible is helping people do a new thing to break free from poverty (Isaiah 43:19).
Friday 4 September
‘It's like a bulb had been lit in my dark life,’ says Kenyan widow Nancy Karimi about the impact a Tearfund church partner has had on her life. Nancy went from begging to understanding how her land was a resource that could provide for her family. Supported by a church-led irrigation project, Nancy now profits handsomely. Reflect on Nancy's comment: ‘I encourage everyone who thinks they cannot make it to trust in God. He's able to change your life around.’
Saturday 5 September
Lord Jesus, thank you for the power of knowledge to free people from poverty. Please continue to bless the work of Tearfund to provide a hope and a future to millions struggling for survival. Amen.
Joining with Rhythms: 6 – 12 September
We can use every daily action – our living, breathing, working, eating and sleeping – to glorify God. This week is a little different as we imagine an alternative, more generous way to live. For the next week, each day is an action from Tearfund's Rhythms initiative, which features hundreds of inspiring ideas and articles. Find out more at rhythms.org or download the app for iPhone or Android.
Sunday 6 September
Recycle everything you can this week. Doing this for one week can kickstart a habit that sticks. England alone generates about 177 million tonnes of waste every year. This is a poor use of resources, costs us money and causes environmental damage. Ask God to help you keep up this recycling habit.
Monday 7 September
We wash our hands several times a day ... well, we rinse them, splash them, give them a wipe. But how often do we really wash our hands? Today, wash them properly and spend this time praying for people affected by Ebola. Good hygiene that includes handwashing is one of the important things helping to contain the outbreak.
Tuesday 8 September
Read James 2:14-16. Reflect on what it says about our everyday actions and how we might find inspiration from those who followed God's words into deeds. Are we ready to #LiveDifferent as we pray, ‘Thy kingdom come’?
Wednesday 9 September
Look at the labels in your clothes to find out where they were made. Many are made in places like Bangladesh, where the garment industry accounts for 78 per cent of the economy Ask God to bless people in Bangladesh, who often work in poor conditions, and ask him to challenge you to live differently through the clothes you choose to buy.
Thursday 10 September
Be the first to offer to make drinks today in your work or home, and pray a blessing on those you serve. Our generosity can be much more than the money or gifts we give. When we give someone our time, we give a little piece of our lives.
Friday 11 September
Where does how much you earn place you on the Global Rich List? Visit globalrichlist.com to find out, or think about how much you are blessed with compared to a family living in extreme poverty. Pray and ask God to challenge you to think about your possessions and lifestyle differently.Saturday 12 SeptemberAsk God to give you the name of someone, a good friend or relative. Write a ‘thank you’ card to tell them how much you appreciate them. It's a simple generous act that makes our world a better place. Keep them in your prayers over the next week.
Saturday 12 September
Ask God to give you the name of someone, a good friend or relative. Write a ‘thank you’ card to tell them how much you appreciate them. It's a simple generous act that makes our world a better place. Keep them in your prayers over the next week.
You can find all of these actions and hundreds more on rhythms.org/prayerdiary Create an account and mark them as complete when you've done them. Be part of a community that is changing the world.
No Child Taken Update: 13 – 19 September
In the Prayer Diary last June, we introduced Tearfund's No Child Taken anti-trafficking campaign. We've been overwhelmed by your response. You have prayed, given, baked and taken many challenges to raise funds and awareness to prevent child trafficking. Thank you. Here's just a flavour of what's happened over the past year ...
Sunday 13 September
Kalei, 15, from the village in Laos we told you about when we launched No Child Taken, used to hunt and forage for frogs, lizards and crabs to feed her frail father and siblings. Tearfund's partner in the village encouraged her to set up a business selling brooms. Praise God that she now earns £6.50 a week – enough to provide food for the whole family.
Monday 14 September
Tom Herbert, from Channel 4's Fabulous Baker Brothers, also visited the village in Laos to learn about Tearfund's work. There he demonstrated how to make ‘sticky sticks’, a simple recipe to help villagers earn more income. Thank God that this inspired 17-year-old Ler to set up a ‘sticky sticks’ business in the village rather than leaving for Thailand, where trafficking is rife.
Tuesday 15 September
Tearfund partner World Relief Cambodia (WRC) works to prevent children being trafficked into forced labour. ‘We have seen remarkable and touching results as villagers begin to understand the true dangers of trafficking,’ says Tim Amstutz, WRC's Country Director. Pray that God will bless the work of WRC as it helps more mothers recognise the signs and dangers of trafficking.
Wednesday 16 September
Antioch Church in Colwyn Bay was inspired by Tearfund's Big Bake challenge, which raises funds for our anti-trafficking work. They held a cake sale on Anti-Slavery Day, and an event called ‘light, ignite, BAKE’ – which raised £680 for No Child Taken. Pray that more churches will be inspired to take part and raise funds.
Thursday 17 September
No Child Taken is also bringing communities together in the UK. Tearfund fundraisers Catherine and Clive Pooley organised The Great Planton Way Bake Off – inviting neighbouring families to participate. Six households came together to take part in the baking competition. Pray that the neighbours who took part, none of whom are Christian, will be blessed through the experience.
Friday 18 September
Eric Whitehead and his children Hannah, aged ten, and Mark, 32, have taken on an ambitious challenge this year: to climb every one of the Lake District's 214 Wainwright fells to support No Child Taken. Pray for the Whiteheads as they near the end of their mammoth challenge, that God will give them strength and perseverance.
Saturday 19 September
‘Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.’ Psalm 82:4
Lift up Tearfund partners across the world who are preventing children from being trafficked – delivering them from the hands of the wicked. Pray in particular for World Concern Laos and World Relief Cambodia, that their staff will be encouraged and blessed when times are tough.
Trafficking In Bihar: 20 – 26 September
As we continue to tackle the root causes of trafficking, please join us in prayer for Bihar state in north-east India, where poverty means that many children are vulnerable to trafficking.
Sunday 20 September
Ankoor, who's ten was abducted one evening as he picked maize. He was taken to a house where it was likely he would have been used as a domestic servant. Ankoor managed to escape. Praise God that Ankoor is safe at home and – with the help of Tearfund partner Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA) – Ankoor's mother is now running a Trafficking Vigilance Committee to deter traffickers.
Monday 21 September
Tearfund has helped Deepak to set up a small shop. Owing to his disability, Deepak was unable to work in the fields. Now he earns enough to keep his children in school, safe from traffickers who would seek to exploit them. Pray for God's hand on this vital work for parents with disabilities and pray that more people will access the same help Deepak has received.
Tuesday 22 September
Nanki was taken by a neighbour to ‘buy bangles’ but was left alone in a taxi with the driver. When she asked what was happening, he told her, ‘You have been sold.’ Nanki escaped but many children do not. Pray that the plans of people intent on luring children into slavery will be thwarted.
Wednesday 23 September
An estimated 4,000 people are trafficked in Bihar every month. But EHA's work is helping families of missing people to access legal and governmental help to hold traffickers to account. Please pray for the staff team at EHA, who sacrifice so much themselves to serve those in poverty.
Thursday 24 September
Nazeeb, 14, had to work for 21 hours a day in a zip factory. When he fell ill, he was released and managed to return home. EHA has helped his family start a poultry farm, which gives them an income. Please pray for the success and growth of this business venture.
Friday 25 September
Batu spent the entirety of his teens in bonded labour but has recently escaped. Pray for EHA staff as they assess how best to help him. Pray that Batu will come to know Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, his healer and friend.
Saturday 26 September
Dear Lord, thank you for stirring the hearts of EHA staff to serve in Bihar state. We lift up to you EHA and its new CEO, who started in April. Please bless their work and bring more people to their team to ease their heavy workload. We ask you to use them powerfully to prevent more and more children from being trafficked and to help people come to know you. Amen.
No Child Taken
You can find out more about Nazeeb's story in a short film. Order our resources pack to learn the full story and find out how you and your church can get involved. You can also order from tearfund.org/nochildtaken, email or call 0845 521 0021.
Tearfund Prayer Diary September 2015 – tearfund.org/praying