2004 Chicago Open

Tossups by Nathan Freeburg and Anthony de Jesus

1. One of his most vivid childhood memories was of secretly eating toothpaste. He is the son of a carnival worker and Milly Hines, though he is raised by Mr. McEachern. He worked at the mill, bootlegged whiskey at night, and roomed with Joe Brown. It was Brown, who was actually Lucas Burch, who turned this man in for the murder of his lover, the widow Burden, and revealed that this man was actually a mulatto. Escaping from jail, he fled to Reverend Gail Hightower’s house and was there castrated and killed by Percy Grimm. FTP, name this protagonist of William Faulkner’s Light in August.

Answer: Joe Christmas

2. During the 1960’s it was last used in court as evidence of property rights. Written in Latin and covering the area south of the rivers Ribble and Tees, one of the more fascinating observations to be made from this work is that property values barely rose over a 20-year period within a 10 mile radius of Senlac Field; probably because the local population had all been killed in battle. Its “Little” version was an addendum covering East Anglia. Including such statistical categories as mills, bakeries, farms, pigs and cows, it also lists about two million people. FTP, name this 1086 census compilation, commissioned by William the Conqueror.

Answer: Domesday Book

3. Given the temperature and pressure of a gas, the Beattie-Bridgeman Equation of State can be used to calculate this function. Equivalent to the specific Gibbs function or to chemical potential, it is the measure of the “real concentration” of a gas. Linearly proportional to the concentration, its eponymous coefficient is set at one for an ideal gas, since it is then identical to partial pressure. FTP, name this escaping tendency of a gas that is symbolized by a lowercase “f.”

Answer: fugacity

4. This deity is synonymous with the Sumerian Belet-ili and the Canaanite Baalat. Nippur-bowls were engraved with incantations against her but the first sure literary reference is in the story of “Gilgamesh and the Huluppu-Tree.” The Greeks called her daughters the Empusae, or Lamiae, and in the 8th-century AD Alphabet of Ben Sirah, followed by some stories in the Zohar, she is described as Adam’s first wife. FTP, name this woman described in the Talmud as a demoness with wings.

Answer: Lilith

5. In Knut Hamsun’s novel Hunger, the protagonist is at work on a book concerning this artist. His first documented work was a St. Francis altarpiece that he finished in Dresden in 1514. Vasari tells us that this artist never visited Rome and took his name from the town in Emilia in which he was born. His first major work was the collection of putti he added to his first major commission, the dome of the San Paolo convent in Parma, the town in which he spent most of his painting life. Those paintings included the genre of “sensuous mythologies” that he perfected. FTP, name this artist born Antonio Allegri, perhaps best known for his Loves of Jupiter series, including Jupiter and Io.

Answer: Correggio (accept Antonio Allegri before the name is mentioned)

6. According to the author’s “Preface”, this play was written while lounging in the Baths of Caracalla. The second act is a long interlude in which Asia and Pantheus converse before seeking Demogorgon’s guidance. Their rebellious plan is implemented when Hercules is borne up in a “Car” along with the Spirit of the Hour and Jupiter loses his power. It builds upon the story of a disclosure to Jupiter of the threat posed by the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, which brought about the release of the prisoner from a rocky crag in the Caucasus. FTP, name this recreation of an Aeschylus play by Percy Shelley, about a freed fire-bringer.

Answer: Prometheus Unbound

7. Early in his career he became a favorite of Poppaea Sabina and with her assistance procured from Nero the release of several of his former colleagues. His writings were heavily influenced by Nicholas of Damascus, especially his Autobiography. He defended against the attacks of an Alexandrian grammarian in his Against Apion, which he wrote after hiding in a cistern in order to survive the siege of Jotapata. However, it is for his Antiquities and an account of his defeat and subsequent elevation by Vespasian that he is best known. FTP, name this turncoat general and Jewish historian author of the Bellum Judaicum or Jewish War.

Answer: Flavius Josephus

8. When this concept was empirically verified, the proving experiment also gave the electron spin g-factor as 2.0023. Although the Schrodinger Equation states that the energy levels of a hydrogen electron depend only upon the principal quantum number, a physicist noticed that the 2p(1/2) state of the hydrogen electron was slightly lower than that of the 2s(1/2) state and theorized this phenomenon to explain the discrepancy. Defined as the electron interaction with the zero-point energy of the quantized electromagnetic field, FTP, name this eponymous “shift”.

Answer: Lamb Shift

9. He was the winner of the inaugural NBA celebrity slam-dunk competition at the 2000 All Star game. He has also dabbled in track, running the anchor leg of the 4 x 100 meter relay team in his senior year at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. However it was as a football star that he was drafted in 1996. His new team hopes that he will greatly improve upon the production of Todd Pinkston and James Thrash and acquired him, along with Jevon Kearse, in the offseason. FTP, name this NFL star, who was briefly traded to the Baltimore Ravens amidst a contract fiasco, the controversial former receiver of the San Francisco 49ers and new Philadelphia Eagle.

Answer: Terrell Owens or T-O

10. In his work regarding this concept, Robert Dubin expanded upon Talcott Parsons’ “strain theory.” In the landmark work Social Structure, another scholar associated it with the disjunction between goals and culturally acceptable means. The theoretical framework behind this concept lies in the shift from “mechanical” to “organic” societies where as life becomes more complex, social bonds are dissolved and norms are shifted. Although extensively revised by Robert Merton, it was formulated in The Division of Labor in Society by Emile Durkheim. FTP, what is this state of moral deregulation?

Answer: anomie

11. In this novel, the protagonist’s acquaintances in Africa include Alcide and Lieutenant Grappa, but it is in New York that he looks up his ex-girlfriend Lola. Also noteworthy are Parapine and Baryton, but it is after meeting Robinson that the protagonist moves to Detroit to work in a Ford factory. The moment of greatest pathos occurs when Robinson dies in a Paris slum where the protagonist had gone to work as a doctor. Along with its sequel, Death on the Installment Plan, this story of the nihilist Ferdinand Bardamu is considered to be the best example of between-the-wars Parisian argot. FTP, name this profane novel by Louis-Ferdinand Celine.

Answer: Journey to the End of Night or Voyage au Bout de la Nuit

12. Born with the name Jerónimo, his existence was kept mostly a secret until his father's death. His half-brother kept him at arm’s length until he informed the king of an assassination plot by the royal heir, Carlos. For this, he was rewarded with military commands, as he drove pirates out of Gibraltar and stopped a Morisco rebellion. In his greatest achievement he was granted command of a multinational fleet including forces from the pope, several Italian states, and Spain. FTP, name this half-brother of Philip II who defeated the Turks in 1571 at Lepanto and was often referred to as being “of Austria.”

Answer: Don John of Austria or Don Juan

13. Its identified transcription factors are Krox-20 and P-O-U Domain Protein Oct-6. It signals to mesenchymal cells and performs the same function in the Peripheral Nervous System that oligodendrocytes perform in the Central Nervous System, namely, it synthesizes a certain lipoprotein. Surrounded by a basal lamana and derived from neural crest cells, it is still considered to be a neuroglial cell. Situated around axons attached to the Node of Ranvier, it produces a “sheath” to shield those axons. FTP, identify this myelinating cell named for its German discoverer.

Answer: Schwann Cell

14. The best complete text is considered to be the Amiatinus which like most of the oldest texts, includes the Epistle to the Laodiceans. Based on the Textus Receptus, the Hexapla of Origen, the Masoretic text and other sources, its editor made two versions, the “Gallicana” and the “Romana.” Though it is the “Clementine” edition that is standard today. Revised by Theodulf and Alcuin, printed by Gutenberg, and made official by the Council of Trent, it was commissioned by Pope Damasus and translated by Jerome. FTP, identify this Latin text of the Bible, standard for over a thousand years.

Answer: the Vulgate or Versio Vulgata

15. In this opera, the first recitative sung by the main character is followed by her “Casta Diva” to the moon goddess. The protagonist, in “Teneri, teneri figli,” considers killing her sleeping children, while the admission “Son io” or “It is I” brings about Oroveso leading the central lovers to their death. Based on an Alexandre Soumet play, its libretto was written in two acts by Felice Romani, who was most proud of the love duet, “Va crudele, al dio spietato,” which is sung by Adalgisa and Pollione. Set in the forest and temple of Irminsul in Gaul, FTP, name this opera about the title druidess and the Romans, composed by Vincenzo Bellini.

Answer: Norma or La Foresta d’Irminsul

16. Graham Greene, in his memoir, Ways of Escape, noted that his novel A Burnt-Out Case reflected his shared distrust of theology with this author of The Agony of Christianity and Perplexities and Paradoxes. This writer gained in popularity after the publications of Nebla and Three Exemplary Novels and a Prologue and the essay, The Christ of Velazquez. Known for his attacks on casticismo, one if his novels compared Ignatius of Loyola and Jesus to Don Quixote while he expressed his pessimism in The Tragic Sense of Life. FTP, name this man who retold the Cain and Abel story in Abel Sanchez, the Basque co-founder of Generacion del 98.

Answer: Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo

17. He refused the president’s offer of an appointment as Commissioner to St. Croix after he retired to his estate Montpelier in Thomastown, Maine. He had a bitter rivalry with Silas Deane, who favored the French officer Ducondray to replace this man in his first major post, but he was on much better terms with Timothy Pickering, who replaced him in his most famous post. He was von Steuben’s chief aide in drilling at Valley Forge, primarily in artillery. This was due to his success, via numerous ox sleds, in bringing cannon from Ticonderoga to Boston, effecting British surrender of the city. FTP, name this Revolutionary War officer and first American secretary of war.

Answer: Henry Knox

18. Brun’s Theorem is a statement concerning the ten classic integrals associated with this problem. By use of global regularizations, Karl Sundman found a uniformly convergent infinite series involving known functions that solves the “restricted” version of this problem. In the problem, the constant of motion is known as the Jacobi Integral and Lagrange Points are the areas where centrifugal and gravitational forces balance. That its unrestricted version will probably never be solved was demonstrated by Poincare, well after Isaac Newton first solved it for two planets. FTP, name this mathematical problem of gravitational interaction most commonly associated with the sun, earth and moon.

Answer: Three-Body Problem

19. The most complete eyewitness account was written by the Reverend Charles Davy while the best contemporary pictorial representations of this event are the Le Bas series of engravings. Mequinez was heavily hit although it occurred in the Atlantic Ocean, 200 km from Cape St. Vincent. Most of the victims died from the spread of cooking fires as well as from the three tsunamis that swept up the Tagus. Taking place at 9:40 a.m. on All Souls Day, 1755, it vitiated an extensive correspondence between Rousseau and Voltaire. FTP, name this Portuguese disaster.

Answer: the Great Lisbon Earthquake

20. At one point, the title character provokes a Frenchman into a duel by pulling his nose. That Frenchman, the Marquis de St. Eustache, makes the same revelation as the Professor de Worms and Bull, that he is a police spy. The poet Lucian Gregory is denounced as an intellectual anarchist at the end of this novel, whose title refers to the code name of Gabriel Syme. FTP, name this allegorical work concerning the Central Anarchist Council by G. K. Chesterton.

Answer The Man Who Was Thursday

With R.C. Lewontin, he published a paper on "The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm," which is an influential critique of the study of adaptation. With E.S. Vrba, he proposed the process of exaptation, a process in which an organ retains its general structure while changing its function. He co-originated the term phyletic gradualism, referring to a hypothesis that he opposed. FTP, what man argued, along with Niles Eldridge, that the fossil record lacks transitional forms because of punctuated equilibrium?

Answer Stephen J. Gould

This work preserves the only known text of one of the most famous Sapphic odes, one imitated by Catullus. Much of the body of the work is missing with the result that it ends disjointedly, with a chapter on the contemporary decay of eloquence. The author of this critical work is unknown, although it has been traditionally ascribed to a teacher of Porphyry and Zenobia, who was executed by Aurelian. Written in response to Caecilius, the first chapter describes and defines the titular concept, hypsos, followed by an account of its five sources. FTP, name this classic work of criticism, attributed to Longinus.

Answer: On the Sublime or On Great Writing or On the Sovereign Perfection of Great Writing or Peri Hypsos

After the death of King Qoang Trung [“CHO-ONG Trung”], with the assistance of the priest Pierre Pigneaux he came back from his exile at Tho Cho Island under the title of “General Dinh” and overthrew the Tay Son regime. Making Chinese the official language, he was succeeded by his son, Minh Mang. He designated the capital at Phu Xuan [“Phu CHEW-ON”], changed his name from “Nguyen Phuc Anh” [“NEE-WEN PHUK ON”], renamed the country and with the support of both Rama I and the French, declared himself emperor at Hue [“WAY”]. For 10 points, name this first emperor of Vietnam.

Answer: Gia Long [Accept “Nguyen Phuc Anh” or “General Dinh” before those names are mentioned.]

Based on Balzac’s The Stepmother, it was first published as The Student and then Two Women before being bowdlerized by the censors and staged under its present title in 1872. Superbly translated for the English stage by Isaiah Berlin, comic relief is provided by the German tutor Adam Schaaf as well as by the romantic efforts of Bolshintsov and the doctor Shpigelsky. The love triangle begins when Kolya’s new tutor arrives. Although loved by her confidant Rakitin and her husband Islayev, Natalya Petrovna competes with her ward, Verochka, for the ardor of the young tutor Belyaev. FTP, name this Turgenev play set on a rural estate.

Answer: A Month in the Country or Mesiats v Derevne

The subject of a notable Jan Matejko painting, this agreement was precipitated by the arrival of Jesuit missionaries and served as a replacement for the Kreva Agreement. By its terms, a parliament of nobles known as the Seimas was created to govern the Republic of the Two Nations. Lasting through wars with Sweden, Russia and the Ukraine, it was eventually revoked by the Constitution of 3rd May 1791 after a Russian invasion. Originally negotiated between the Jogailia dynasty from Vilnius and King Sygmunt II Augustus, for 10 points, name this 1569 pact between Lithuania and Poland.

Answer: Pact of Lublin

2004 Chicago Open

Bonuses by Nathan Freeburg and Anthony de Jesus

1. Modern historical scholarship began during the latter part of the 19th century, primarily due to the efforts of some men in central Europe. FTP each, name some of them.

A. Generally considered the founder of the modern historical method, the patronage of Metternich allowed him to develop his methodological emphasis on objectivity, which can be seen in such works as Civil Wars and Monarchy in France, History of the Reformation in Germany, and History of the Popes.

Answer: Leopold von Ranke

B. This Nobel Prize winning colleague of von Ranke was noted for his History of Rome along with a separate volume on the provinces, his Roman Chronology to the Time of Caesar, and a History of Roman Coinage.

Answer: Theodor Mommsen

C. This scholar’s works included The Age of Constantine the Great and The Greeks and Greek Civilization.