Revisions for 2008 Statewide Traffic/Criminal Payables List

Key to changes: New language Deleted language A number of entries have been broken down further this

Page No. references are to the 2007 version of the payables list. year to conform to the Statute Service. When the statute

subdivisions or clauses are displayed as a range, it is

intended to convey to court staff that a violation of any

subdivision or clause within that range is payable.

No. / Action / Page No. / New
Page / Statute/Rule / Description / Fine / Case Type / DPS Cert / Rationale /
1 / Amend / 1 / 1 / 168.013, subd. 12 / No gross weight stencil sticker displayed/M / 40.00 / NMM / N / To conform language to statute (stencil is old term).
2 / Amend / 1 / 1 / 168.055 / Towing – Fail to use proper … / 60.00 / MVM / N Y / Per DPS.
3 / Amend / 1 / 1 / 168.09, subd. 1 / Operate unregistered vehicle/M / 50.00
100.00 / NMM / N / Added level of offense (misd.). Law enforcement requested fine increase.
4 / Amend / 1 / 1 / 168.09, subd. 1 or 169.79, subd. 1 / Operate vehicle with expired Fail to display current plates/M / 20.00
30.00 / NMM / N / Court staff asked that the statute reference be changed to Minn. Stat. §168.09, subd. 4, which was determined to not be the most appropriate charging statute.
The language change and reference to Minn. Stat. §169.79 are intended to clarify the violations covered. The fine increase conforms to section 169.79 violations.
5 / Amend / 2 / 2 / 168.10, subd. 1f / Operation without proper equipment/M / 100.00 / MVM / N Y / Per DPS.
6 / Delete
Delete / 2 / 168.187
168.187, subd. 10 / Reciprocity (violation of Sub. 1-9)
1st offense/M
2nd offense/M
Pro-rate registration/M / 100.00
300.00 / NMM
N / Statutes do not contain offense elements.
7 / Amend / 2 / 2 / 168.27, subd. 1a – subd. 29 / Motor vehicle dealer-violations/M / 100.00 / NMM / N / To conform to statute service.
8 / Amend / 3 / 3 / 168.36, subd. 2 / Motor vehicle registration-
unregistered-certain acts
Unlawful use of plates or certificates/M / 300.00 / NMM / N / MNCIS staff attorney suggested change to match description in MNCIS and to clarify that all, not just “certain,” offenses are covered.
9 / Amend
Add / 4 / 4
4 / 169.06, subd. 4(a)
169.06, subd. 4(e) / Fail to obey traffic control device/P
Fail to take instruction by flagger in designated work zone/P / 50.00
150.00 / MVP
Y / Create two separate, more specific entries to conform cites to Statute Service.
Law enforcement requested higher fine amount for flagger.
10 / Amend / 4 / 4 / 169.073 / Red lights forbidden in view of highway/P / 50.00 / MVP / N Y / Per DPS.
11 / Amend / The Notes relating to speeding offenses on the top of page 5 have been amended:
1) On speeds in excess of 30 miles over the limit, the officer should note “endangerment.”
2) Hennepin County may establish a different fine.
3) Certify all offenses under 169.14, subd. 2(a)(3), including driving 65 or less in a 55 mph zone, so DPS can determine whether the individual has a CDL.
3) 169.14.2(a)(3) convictions: Manually select "Certify To DPS" only if one or more of the following circumstances are known to exist: 1) the vehicle is a commercial vehicle; 2) the driver has a commercial DL; or 3) the speed is in excess of 65 mph in a 55 mph zone. Minn. Stat. 171.12, subd. 6.
4) Other speeding convictions for driving 65 mph or under in a 55 mph or 60 mph zone: Manually de-select "Certify To DPS" if the speed in 65 mph or under in a 55 or 60 mph zone and the driver does not have a commercial DL and a commercial vehicle was not being driven. Minn. Stat. 171.12, subd. 6.
4) 5) If driving 20 mph or more in excess of the posted speed limit, surcharge equivalent to the base fine or $25, whichever is greater, is applicable. (See below.)
12 / Amend / 5 / 5 / 169.14, subd. 2(a)(3) / Exceed limit-55 MPH-where posted/P / *** / *** / Y M / These violations are now manually certified. See item No. 11 above.
13 / Amend / 5 / 5 / 169.14, subd. 2 … / Exceed limit …
20-25 miles over limit/P
26-30 miles over limit/P
31 … / 70.00
150.00 / SPP
SPP / Per Ramsey County suggestion, the extra surcharge equal to the base fine for 20+ over the limit is now displayed:
(extra base fine surcharge)
14 / Add / 5 / 169.14, subd. 4 169.14, subd. 5 / Exceed limit set by commissioner/local authority/P / *** / *** / Y / Ramsey and Clay County request.
15 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.145(1) / Implement of husbandry-no brakes/M / 50.00 / NMM / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
16 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.16(a) / Speed on bridges-exceeding maximum speed/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / More specific reference to statute.
17 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.18, subd. 3(1)-(3) / Passing violations/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
18 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.18, subd. 4(1)-(4) / Passing on right when prohibited/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
19 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.18, subd. 5(a)-(d) / Unsafe passing on the left of roadway center/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
20 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.18, subd. 6(a)
169.18, subd. 6(b) / Wrong way on one-way street or Freeway roadway/P
Fail to drive on right around Any other street or rotary traffic island /P / 100.00
50.00 / MVP
Y / More specific reference to statute.
21 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.18, subd. 7(a)-(d) / Fail to drive in correct lane/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
22 / Amend / 6 / 6 / 169.18, subd. 8(a)-(c) / Following vehicle too closely/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
23 / Amend / 7 / 7 / 169.18, subd. 11(a)-(b) / Passing parked emergency vehicle/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
24 / Amend / 7 / 7 / 169.19, subd. 1 – subd. 8 / Turning and starting violations/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
25 / Amend / 7 / 7 / 169.20, subd. 3(a)
169.20, subd. 3(b) / Driver fails to stop at entrance of through highway/P
Driver fails to stop at STOP sign/P / 50.00
50.00 / MVP
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
26 / Amend / 7 / 7 / 169.20, subd. 5(a)-(c) / Unintentionally Ffail to yield right-of-way to emergency vehicle/P / 100.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service. Also, only unintentional violations are petty misdemeanors.
27 / Add / 7 / 169.20, subd. 5(a)-(c) AND subd. 5(f) / Intentionally fail to yield right-of-way to emergency vehicle/M / 300.00 / MVM / Y / Making misdemeanor level offense payable.
28 / Amend / 7 / 7 / 169.202, subd. 2 / Fail to yield right-of-way to blind pedestrian/P / 100.00 / MVP / Y / More specific reference to statute.
29 / Amend / 7 / 8 / 169.21, subd. 2(a) / Driver fails to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk-1st offense/M / 100.00 / MVM / Y / To distinguish from possible GM.
30 / Amend / 8 / 8 / 169.21, subd. 2(b) / Driver approaching from rear passes vehicle-1st offense/M / 100.00 / MVM / Y / To distinguish from possible GM.
31 / Amend / 8 / 8 / 169.21, subd. 2(c) / Driver fails to yield to school children-1st offense/M / 250.00 / MVM / Y / To distinguish from possible GM.
32 / Amend / 8 / 8 / 169.22, subd. 1
169.22, subd. 2 / Hitchhiking,/P
Ssoliciting employment on roadway/P / 40.00
40.00 / NMP
N / More specific reference to statute.
33 / Amend / 8 / 8 / 169.222, subd. 1 – subd. 10 / Bicycle violations/P / 20.00 / NMP / N / To conform to Statute Service.
34 / Amend / 8 / 8 / 169.223, subd. 1 – subd. 5 / Motorized bicycle violations/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
35 / Amend / 9 / 9 / 169.26, subd. 1(a) or 1(c) / Special stops at railroads/M / 100.00
200.00 / MVM / Y / More specific reference to statute.
Law enforcement requested fine increase.
36 / Add / 9 / 169.26, subd. subd. 2(b) / Special stops at railroad violations—owner/lessee allow/P / 100.00 / MVP / N / To make the lesser offense payable.
37 / Amend / 9 / 9 / 169.28, subd. 1(a), 1(b), or 1(d) / Failure of certain vehicles to stop at railroads/P / 100.00
200.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to statute service.
Law enforcement requested fine increase.
38 / Amend / 9 / 9 / 169.29(a)-(c) / Fail to stop at railroad crossing with certain heavy equipment/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
39 / Amend / 9 / 9 / 169.30(a)-(b) / Failure to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to through highway/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
40 / Amend / 10 / 10 / 169.346, subd. 1(3) / Physically disabled, alter parking privilege certificate/M / 200.00 / NMM / N / More specific reference to statute.
41 / Amend / 10 / 10 / 169.35, subd. 1
169.35, subd. 2 / Parking-Parallel to curb/P
Parking-Parallel to roadway/P / 20.00
20.00 / PKG
N / To conform to Statute Service
42 / Amend / 10 / 10 / 169.443, subd. 1 – subd. 6
169.443, subd. 8
169.443, subd. 9 / School bus-safety of school children-bus driver’s duties/M
Violation of recreational/educational activity use requirements/M
Bus driver operates bus in motion while operating cell phone for personal reasons/M / 300.00
300.00 / MVM / Y
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
New subdivision 9, driver on cell phone, found at 2007 Minn. Laws ch.146, art. 8, §4.
43 / Amend / 11 / 11 / 169.444, subd. 6(a) / School buses-owners & lessees of violating vehicle/P / 100.00 / NMP / Y N / Statute provides that violation is not basis for license revocation.
44 / Amend / 11 / 11 / 169.447, subd. 1 / School bus and Head Start bus safety-seating capacity/P / 50.00 / NMP / N Y / Per DPS
45 / Amend / 11 / 11 / 169.449, subd. 1 or 7470.1100 / Noncompliance with school bus railroad crossing procedure/M / 100.00
300.00 / MVMP / Y / Law enforcement requested fine increase.
46 / Add / 11 / 169.449, subd. 1 or 7470.1700 (2) / Bus driver fail to have required info for students with disabilities/M / 50.00 / MVM / N / Law enforcement requested that this offense be added.
47 / Add / 11 / 169.449, subd. 1 or 7470.1700 (3) / Fail to train bus driver transporting students with disabilities/M / 300.00 / MVM / N / Law enforcement requested that this offense be added.
48 / Amend / 11 / 11 / 169.4502, subd. 11 / Defective school bus tire/P / 100.00 … / NMP / N Y / Per DPS.
49 / Amend / 12 / 12 / 169.47, subd. 1(a) or 1(c) / Unsafe equipment – each violation/M / 40.00 / MVM / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
50 / Amend / 12 / 12 / 169.48, subd. 1(a)(1)-(3), or subd. 1(b) / Vehicle lighting – lights to be displayed/P / 40.00 / MVP / Y / To conform to Statute Service.
51 / Amend / 12 / 12 / 169.49(a)
169.49(b) / Headlamps required, any motor vehicle except motorcycles/P
Headlamps required, motorcycles/P / 40.00
40.00 / MVP
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
52 / Amend / 12 / 12 / 169.50, subd. 1
169.50, subd. 2
169.50, subd. 3 / Rear lamps, license plates, reflectors/P
License plates/P
Reflectors/P / 40.00
40.00 / MVP
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
53 / Amend / 12 / 13 / 169.55, subd. 1
169.55, subd. 2(a)(1)-(4), or subd. 2(b)
169.55, subd. 3 / Lights required on all vehicles/P
Lights required – implement of husbandry/P
Hazard warning lights required – implement of husbandry/P / 50.00
50.00 / MVP
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
54 / Amend / 12 / 13 / 169.57, subd. 1(a)-(b)
169.57, subd. 2(a)-(b)
169.57, subd. 3(a)-(c)
169.57, subd. 4 / Vehicle signals, stop lights, turn lights/P
Stoplights required/P
Turn signals required/P
Lamp/signal maintenance/P
Alteration of stop lamp/P / 40.00
40.00 / MVP
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
55 / Amend / 12 / 13 / 169.58, subd. 1 / Identification lamps – wide/long vehicle/P / 40.00 / MVP / Y / More specific reference to statute.
56 / Amend / 13 / 14 / 169.68(b) / Sirens on authorized emergency vehicles only/P / 40.00 / NMP / N / More specific reference to statute.
57 / Amend / 13 / 14 / 169.686, subd. 1(a)(1)-(3), or subd. 1(b) / Seat belt use required/P / 25.00 / NMP / N / To conform to Statute Service.
58 / Amend / 13 / 14 / 169.69 / Muffler required/P / 40.00 / NMP / N Y / Per DPS.
59 / Amend / 13 / 14 / 169.693 / Motor vehicle noise limits:
Decibels above noise limits:
2.0 to 4.0/P
4.1 to 6.9/P
6.9 and higher/P / 30.00
100.00 / NMP
N Y / Per DPS.
60 / Add / 14 / 169.70 / No rearview mirror/P / 50.00 / MVP / Y / Hibbing requested this be added.
61 / Amend / 14 / 14 / 169.71, subd. 2 / Windshield wipers required/P / 40.00 / NMP / N Y / Per DPS.
62 / Amend / 14 / 14 / 169.71, subd. 3 / Windshield covered with frost or steam/P / 40.00 / NMP / N Y / Per DPS.
63 / Amend / 14 / 14
15 / 169.73, subd. 2
169.73, subd. 3(a)-(b)
169.73, subd. 4(a)-(b)
169.73, subd. 4a(a)-(b) / Bumpers, safeguards, requirements, restrictions/M
Bumper restrictions/M
Exceed maximum bumper height/M
Rear-end protection requirements/M / 50.00
50.00 / MVM
Y / To conform to Statute Service.
64 / Amend / 14 / 15 / 169.733, subd. 1 – subd. 3, or subd. 5 / No wheel/mud flaps on truck or trailer/M / 50.00 / NMM / N Y / To conform to Statute Service.
Certify per DPS.
65 / Amend / 15 / 15 / 169.79, subd. 1 – subd. 8 / Vehicle registration-license plate violation/P / 20.00
30.00 / NMP / N / To conform to Statute Service. Law enforcement asked for fine increase. See No. 4 above.
66 / Amend / 15 / 15 / 169.80, subd. 2 / Vehicle exceeds width restrictions/M … / 40.00 / MVM / Y N / Per DPS.