Supplemental Table S1. Libraries used to generate ESTs and number of raw ESTs used for the POCI EST assembly.

Library name / EST number / Cultivar / Tissue / Treatment / Standard or normalized / Reference or webpage
Mature tuber lambda ZAP / 12,249 / Kuras / Tubers / Field Grown / Standard / Crookshanks et al. 2001
CSWB / 6,244 / Shepody / Tubers / 3 months storage in the dark, at 4oC, 95% humidity / Normalized / Flinn et al. 2005
SLMW / 1,386 / Shepody / Assorted Stolon and Tuber / 1 month storage at9oC, 95% humidity / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
STOL / 6,573 / Shepody / Stolon / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
SUSP / 6,089 / Shepody / Callous / Suspension culture / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
TUBS / 6,108 / Shepody / Developing Tubers / Pre-/post- top kill / Normalized / Flinn et al. 2005
ACDA / 6,100 / Shepody / Tubers / 1 month storage in the dark, 9oC, 95% humidity / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
ACDC / 5,305 / Shepody / Tubers / 6 month storage in the dark, 9oC, 95% humidity / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
CSCH / 5,146 / Shepody / Tubers / Common Scab Challenged Tubers / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
CSWC / 1,098 / Shepody / Tubers / 3 months storage at 4 degrees celsius, and 95% relative humidity, then 3 days of reconditioning at 21 degrees. / Standard / Li et al. 2007
FLMT / 283 / Shepody / Combined Stolon and Mature Tuber / Full length library / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
IVROOT / 5,976 / Shepody / Root / In Vitro Root / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
LBCH / 6,295 / Shepody / Tuber / 1, 5, 7, 11, and 14 days post-infection with Phytophthora infestans / Normalized / Flinn et al. 2005
MXFL / 6,675 / Shepody / Floral Buds / Mixed Floral / Normalized / Flinn et al. 2005
MXLF / 6,663 / Shepody / Leaves / Mixed Leaves / Normalized / Flinn et al. 2005
SWST / 6,058 / Shepody / Swollen Stolon tissue / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
TBSK / 4,836 / Shepody / Tuber Skin / Pre-/post- top kill / Standard / Flinn et al. 2005
ARRAY / 18,144 / Shepody / Mixed / A mixture of ESTs resequenced from the 5’ and 3’ ends / Mixed / Flinn et al. Unpublished
SDBN / 2,028 / Solara / Tubers / Potato tubers / Normalized / Sonnewald S,
SDBT / 1,128 / Solara / Tubers / Potato tubers after ca. 3 months of storage, sprouting buds / Standard / Sonnewald S,
SDBT / 561 / Solara / Tubers / Potato tuber, dormant buds / Standard / Sonnewald S,
SSBT / 1,661 / Solara / Tubers / Potato tuber, dormant buds / Standard / Sonnewald S,
STDB / 1,455 / Solara / Tubers / Potato tuber, dormant buds / Standard / Sonnewald S,
cSTA / 10,292 / Bintje / Developing axillary buds of nodal stem explants (stolon) / In vitro tuberization of nodal stem cutting,in vitro-grown on high sucrose medium (10%).Harvest 1 to 6 days. / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
cSTB / 10,440 / Kennebec / Leaflets/petioles / Healthy, 8 weeks old / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
cSTC / 10133 / Kennebec / sprouting eyes from tubers / 12-14 weeks post-harvest / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
cSTD / 5,049 / Bintje / Dormant tubers / Tubers were stored for one month post-harvest at 4oC. / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
cSTE / 5,429 / Bintje / Axillary buds of stem explants; growing micro-tubers / 7, 8 and 10 days, in vitro-grown on high sucrose medium (10%). / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
PPI / 5,434 / Kennebec / Leaf, 6 week old / P. infestans-challenged (20, 000 sporangia/ml). / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
PPC / 5,062 / Kennebec / Leaf, 6 week old / P. infestans-challenged (20, 000 sporangia/ml), compatible reaction. / Standard / Ronning et al. 2003
STM / 26,347 / Kennebec / Mixed tissues / Mixed potato tissues / Standard / Buell et al. unpublished
PRO / 10,190 / Kennebec / Roots / Full-length / Standard / van der Hoeven et al., unpublished
POC / 16,795 / Kennebec / Callus / Full-length / Normalized / Buell et al. unpublished
POA / 20,756 / Kennebec / Leaf and
Root / Abiotic stress treated leaf and root tissue / Standard / Rensink et al, 2005
Ra1 / 370 / Li unpublished
TLC_2 / 1572 / Agria/ Bintje / Dormant tubers / Dormant Tubers stored at various temperature conditions and lengths / Subtractive / Wordragen et al. unpublished
TDF_CWB / 252 / Bintje / In vitro stolon/ microtubers / cDNA-AFLP fragments from developing microtubers (day 0-10) and dormant microtubers / N.A. / Bachem et al.