Name Date Class

Graphs in Science

1. How are line graphs used to show how two variables are related?

2. Why are line graphs powerful tools in science?

3. A line graph in which the data points yield a straight line is
called a(n) ______graph.

4. A graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight
line is called a(n) ______graph.

5. A(n) ______is a “picture” of data.

Name Date Class

Graphs in Science

If the statement is true, write true. If the statement is false, change the underlined word
or words to make the statement true.

1. ______Scientists control changes in the responding variable.

2. ______To help you see what the data from an experiment mean, you
could use a(n) graph.

3. ______In science, line graphs are powerful tools because they allow
you to identify bias, make predictions, and recognize anomalous data.

4. ______A graph is a(n) “description” of data.

5. ______A point that does not fall exactly on a graph line is
a(n) anomalous data point.

6. ______Line graphs display data that show how the responding
variable changes in response to the manipulated variable.

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.

7. ___ On which of the following graphs do
data points yield a straight line?

a nonlinear

b bar

C linear

d circle

9. ___ On a nonlinear graph, the data points
are never which of the following?

a along a curved line

b along a straight line

C exactly on a graph line

d part of a trend

8. ___ When a graph does nOT have any
clear trends, it probably means that the
variables are which of the following?

a responding

b manipulated

C related

d not related

10. ___ A line graph is used when which of
the following is true?

a a manipulated variable is continuous.

b a manipulated variable is not

C a responding variable is not continuous.

d no variable is continuous.