USC Student Nurses’ Association Bylaws

Organized October 4, 1946

Revised November 16, 2011

Revised March 22, 2013



Article I Name 3

Article II Purpose 3


Article III Members 4

Composition 4

Membership 4

Fees, Dues, and Assessments 5

Points System 5

Article IV Officers and Directors 6

Eligibility 6

Terms of Office 6

Duties of the Officers and Directors 6

President 6

President Elect 7

Vice President of Columbia 7 USC- Salkehatchie and USC- Lancaster Vice Presidents 8

Secretary 9

Treasurer 10

Breakthrough to Nursing Director 10

Director of Community Health 11

Director of Fundraising 11

Legislative Director 11

Newsletter Editor / Website Director 11

Director of Recruitment 12

Nominations and Elections Chair (NEC) / Historian 12

Advisors 13

Other General Duties 13

Article V Voting and Elections 13

Article VI Meetings 14

Article VII Executive Board 15

Article VIII Advisors 16

Article IX Order of Meetings 16

Article X Amendments 16

USC Student Nurses’ Association Bylaws

Organized October 4, 1946

Revised March 22, 2013


We, students of nursing, believe there is a common need to represent ourselves to consumers, to represent ourselves to our teachers, and to assume our rightful place in the nursing profession. So that our cause may be better understood, we have compiled the following bylaws. We understand that in order to be recognized by the National Student Nurses’ Association (hereafter referred to as the NSNA) we must submit bylaws, as well as maintain conformity with the NSNA and reaffirm our status annually with the NSNA and the Student Nurses’ Association of South Carolina (hereafter referred to as the SNA-SC). These areas of conformity are indicated with an asterisk (*).



1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Student Nurses’ Association at the University of South Carolina, a constituent of the NSNA and the SNA-SC. The organization hereafter will be referred to in the bylaws as USC-SNA.



2.1 Purpose

The purposes of USC-SNA are:

2.1-1 To contribute to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of health care.

2.1-2 To provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interests and concerns.

2.1-3 To aid in the development of the whole person, his/her professional role and his/her responsibility for the health care of people in all walks of life.

2.2 Function

The function of the USC-SNA shall include the following:

2.2-1 To have direct input into standards of nursing education and to influence the education process.

2.2-2 To influence health care, nursing education and practice through legislative activities.

2.2-3 To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities

towards improved health care and the resolution of related social issues.

2.2-4 To represent nursing students to the consumer, institutions and other organizations.

2.2-5 To promote and encourage students’ participation in interdisciplinary activities.

2.2-6 To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities and educational opportunities for all students.

2.2-7 To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with the NSNA, the SNA-SC and other nursing and health related organizations.

2.2-8 These purposes and functions shall be unrestricted regardless of age, color, creed, economic status, handicap, nationality, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.



3.1 Composition

3.1-1 USC-SNA shall be composed of at least ten (10) members in attendance at the University of South Carolina-Columbia, Salkehatchie or Lancaster campuses (hereafter referred to as USC-SNA) who are taking at least twelve (12) credit hours and who pay USC-SNA membership dues.

3.2 Membership

3.2-1 Membership in USC-SNA shall be limited to persons officially connected with USC– Columbia, Salkehatchie, or Lancaster as faculty, staff, or full-time students. Students enrolled in the spring semester under the above conditions who have pre-registered for the fall semester, as well as students enrolled in summer classes, are eligible for summer membership.

3.2-2 Membership in USC-SNA shall not be limited to persons based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. It is the policy of the university that an individuals’ sexual orientation be treated in the same manner.

3.2-3 Active Membership

Active membership is open to:

(a)Students enrolled in state board of nursing approved programs leading to licensure as a registered nurse.

(b) Registered nurses enrolled in programs leading to a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.

3.2-4 Non-constituent Membership

Non-constituent membership shall be open to any individual or organization, upon approval of the Executive Board of USC-SNA interested in furthering the development and growth of the USC-SNA. Sustaining non-constituent members shall receive literature and other information from the Secretary of the USC-SNA. This membership category is not open to those eligible for active membership.

3.2-5 Extended and Sustaining Membership

(a) Active membership may be extended six (6) months beyond completion of a student’s program in nursing, provided membership was renewed while the student was enrolled in a nursing program. Sustaining membership shall be renewable annually or biannually.

(b) Active, associate and individual members who hold a state office may have their membership further extended to the first state election following the member’s date of graduation

3.3 Fees, Dues and Assessments

3.3-1 Each member in good standing must pay, within the time of the conditions set by the NSNA, annual dues in amounts to be fixed periodically by the NSNA and approved by the membership. The dues and fees shall be equal for all members in each category of membership. Payment of the NSNA, the SNA-SC and the USC-SNA dues is a membership enrollment procedure.

3.4 Points System

3.4-1 Each active member is required to acquire at least fifteen (15) points per

semester and two-hundred and forty (240) prior to graduation in order to receive

the honor cords to wear at convocation and graduation. Members must have

joined prior to the completion of their junior year to be eligible to receive cords

and earn USC-SNA distinguished status.

3.4-2 Each member is required to attend at least one (1) USC-SNA meeting per


3.4-3 Members may also participate in health-related events outside of those

organized by USC-SNA, pending approval by the Executive Board. Proof of

participation is needed in such cases for points to be awarded. The amount of

points awarded will be determined by the Executive Board.

3.4-4 Those members who sign-up to work an event or bring an item and fail to do so

will have points deducted. The amount of points deducted will be designated by the Executive Board.

3.4-5 Members are allotted no more than one (1) semester of no, or delinquent points

during their membership at USC-SNA effective 24 August 2007.

3.4-6 Members in good standing by their last semester at USC shall be allotted twenty

(20) points to be distributed where needed to meet points requirements.

3.4-7 Those members who are officers for the NSNA or the SNA-SC will

automatically earn distinguished status, and thus cords for convocation and




4.1 Officers

4.1-1 The officers of this association shall consist of a President,Vice President of Columbia, Vice President of Salkehatchie, Vice President of Lancaster, President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. There shall be nine (9) directors: Breakthrough to Nursing Director, Community Health Director, Recruitment Director, Fundraising Director, Legislative Director, NEC/Historian, Newsletter Editor/Website Director, Salkehatchie Committee, andthe Lancaster Committee. There shall also be two (2) Advisors.

4.1-2 These officers shall comprise the Executive Board of USC-SNA.

4.1-3 Any student seeking to hold or holding office must maintain the cumulative GPA

requirement for graduation and remain in good standing in the College of


4.2 Eligibility

4.2-1 Candidates shall be chosen from among those members who have been nominated and who meet the requirements of Article IV, 4.2-2 through 4.2-4.

4.2-2 Only members who shall be nursing students for the full academic yearand have the privileges of active membership shall be eligible for any offices on the Executive Board.

4.2-3 All candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or its equivalent.

4.2-4 The President or Vice Presidents shall not concurrently serve as President of the

NSNA or the SNA-SC.

4.3 Terms of Office

4.3-1 The term of office shall be from the conclusion of online voting during which officers are elected to the conclusion of online voting during which their successors are elected. Elections shall take place each November, with the dates of the election being determined by the Executive Board. Officers shall be elected via online ballot.

4.4 Duties of the Officers and Directors

4.4-1 The President shall:

(a) Preside at all business meetings of this association and those of the Executive Board.

(b) Appoint special committees with the approval of the Executive Board.

(c) Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

(d) Approve expenditures as submitted by the Treasurer and authorized by the Executive Board by co-signing all checks and documents regarding expenditures.

(e) Have the authority to issue checks and make deposits in lieu of the Treasurer in a time of emergency if given authority by the Executive Board.

(f) Act as liaison between the Executive Board and the Dean, Advisors and Faculty of USC-Columbia by attending scheduled faculty meetings.

(g) Act as liaison between USC-SNA and the SNA-SC.

(h) Represent the USC-SNA at the monthly meeting of the SNA-SC and introduce all matters to USC-SNA requiring a vote of the membership.

(i) Perform all other duties pertaining to this office and represent this association in all matters relating to the USC-SNA.

(j) Have definitive goals set in writing to be presented at the beginning of the new USC-SNA executive board’s term.

(k) Ensure USC-SNA is registered and in good standing with the University of South Carolina Student Government.

(l) Shall have the ability to delegate any tasks to other Executive Board members as seen fit.

4.4-2 ThePresident Elect shall:

(a)  Be familiar with the affairs of the USC-SNA Executive Board.

(b)  Accompany the President to functions involving USC-SNA and

other related functions when able.

(c)  Assume the duties of the Vice President in the absence of the


(d)  Report biannually to the Executive Board and when requested to do

so by any member of the Executive Board.

(e)  Apply the above said duties to prepare and consecutively assume the

position of the President.

4.4-3 The Vice President of Columbia shall:

(a) Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and, in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, assume the duties of the office of the President.

(b) Be responsible for the programming of all meetings for USC-SNA which includes obtaining speakers for each meeting and booking room spaces for the meetings.

(c) Notify all current members of all meetings of the association at least two

(2) weeks prior to the meeting.

(d) Be responsible for the planning and carrying out of all logistics

concerning SC-SNA State and NSNA National Convention, and

Leadership Day.

This includes but is not limited to:

a) -hotel/flight information

b) -promotion of event

c) -fundraising table

d) -safety information of members in attendance

e) -accountability of all members in attendance

f) -assigning proper delegation

g) -planning of all events associated with


(e) Plan and coordinate all appointed projects by the President that does not

fall under a USC-SNA executive board position.

(f) Perform all duties, assigned by the President, or as usual to this office.

4.4-3 The USC-Salkehatchie and USC-Lancaster Vice Presidents shall:

(a)  Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and

Vice President of Columbia.

(b) Serve as the official representative for the distance campus to the

USC-SNA Executive Board.

(c) Be responsible for reporting to the President.

(d) Record attendance at local school events and submit information

to the Secretary.

(e)  Be responsible for assisting the Vice President of Columbia in

all assigned tasks.

(f) Inform the Executive Board of events planned at distance

campuses by submitting a report prior to each Executive Board


(g) Be responsible for their respective campuses priorities.

(h) Elect committee members to assist them in their duties and run

that committee as they deem necessary.

(i)  Dismiss committee members at their discretion.

(j) Contribute one (1) campus semester monetary goal and

fundraising to the mutual USC-SNA bank account.

4.4-4 The Secretary shall:

(a) Prepare the minutes of all business meetings of the association and Executive Board and provide these copies to the board no later than seven (7) days after each meeting and send all minutes to the secretary of the SNA-SC in order to keep the chapter in good standing.

(b) Keep a complete register of all current members for roll call and business purposes.

(c) Keep on file as a permanent record all reports, papers and documents submitted to the Secretary.

(d) Sign with the President such organizational papers as come into their executive and administrative spheres.

(e) Provide each Executive Board member with a list of all committee members and addresses.

(f) Inform the NSNA and the SNA-SC of all current programs and activities of the association.

(g) Review policies and be responsible for recommendations of policy changes.

(h) Keep a record of all USC-SNA members not in good standing.

(i) Keep a record of all points earned by USC-SNA members via Blackboard.

(j) Perform all other duties assigned by the President or as usual to this office.

(k) Send copies of the approved minutes to the Newsletter Editor/Website Director to post on the website.

4.4-5 The Treasurer shall:

(a) Monitor and record all receipts and disbursements.

(b) Co-sign checks with the President for monetary disbursements.

(c) Prepare a budget and the monetary disbursements with the approval of the President and as authorized by the Executive Board.

(d) Keep accurate entries of acquisitions and disbursements of organization funds.

(e) Keep a permanent record of all dues paid together with a registrar of all members in good standing.

(f) Submit a financial report to the Executive Board at regular intervals and when requested to do so by any member of the Executive Board.