Revised 7/17
Procedures for Honors Anatomy and Physiology class
Mrs. Cortney Meadows
Course Description:
Prerequisite: Biology I and Honors Chemistry I
Human Anatomy and Physiology is a laboratory science course that includes an In-depth study of the body systems that maintain homeostasis for anatomical, physiological, and histological perspectives. Students explore anatomical and physiological concepts through an inquiry-based approach. Embedded standards for Inquiry and Technology & Engineering are taught in the context of the content standards for Anatomical Orientation, Protection, Support, and Movement, Integration and Regulation, Transportation, Absorption and Excretion, and Reproduction, Growth, and Development.
Units of Study
Introduction to A &PEndocrine system
Chemistry of lifeBlood
CellsCardiovascular system
Cellular metabolismLymphatic system and immunity
TissuesDigestive system and nutrition
Integumentary systemRespiratory system
Skeletal systemUrinary system
Muscular systemWater, electrolyte, and acid-base balance
Nervous systemReproductive system
The sensesPregnancy, growth, development, genetics
In order to guarantee all the students in my classroom the excellent learning environment they deserve, I use the following discipline plan.
When entering the classroom
Come in to the class quietly and in an orderly fashion. Get prepared for the class to begin so that once the bell rings we may begin learning. If that means you need to turn a paper in or sharpen your pencil do it before the bell.
When you are tardy
If you are not in your assigned seat you may be marked tardy. I take attendance from the seating chart and if you are not in your seat you will not be counted present for the day. When you enter late, DO NOT interrupt me, just get to work. You were late, but the rest of the class was ready to begin on time. Ifollow the rules set forth in the student handbook.
When you need to ask a question please raise your hand. If I am busy I will get to you as soon as we can. When someone else is asking a question try to hear the answer so that it may answer your question. This goes for class discussions. If someone is addressing the class wait until his or her thought is over before you begin.
I am the teacher and I dismiss you from class, not the bell!!!! Stay in your seat until you are dismissed. If you are standing you will be required to make the entire class late.
When you return to school after being absent you go to the attendance office and follow the procedure. You have five days to complete an assignment when absent UNLESS you were doing something school related. If this is the case I want the assignment the next day. If it takes more than five days it’s late. If you need notes or a worksheet ask me at the end of class. If you need to make up a lab or test find a time to schedule the makeup. When you turn a makeup assignment in write on it that it is makeup when you turn it in. This is your responsibility.
Notebook Procedures
Everything goes in your notebook and must be kept for the semester. You need to keep these in case there is a discrepancy on your grade at mid nine weeks OR end of nine weeks. I do make mistakes.
Passing in papers
I usually take up the papers when an assignment is due. Other times I may ask another student to take them up. The assignment must be turned in at that time if you want it to be graded for full credit.
Returning student work
I believe in quick feedback, but disrupting the class daily is not what I like to do. Once you get your paper, check it. I make mistakes. If you feel that I have made a mistake write at the top of the page “check it” and place it in the makeup box.
Heading papers
In the top right corner of every page should be:
First and Last Name
Date/ Period
Assignment Name
Late Work
Not completing the work is NOT an option! If you do not turn in your work when it is taken up, you will complete the missing assignment for 70% credit.
When a visitor is in the classroom
Show the visitor respect so as not to embarrass them or your teacher. Act as if they are not there unless you are told to speak to them. Parents, principals, and other teachers are allowed to sit in on the class at any time, so respect me by not making a big deal out of it!!
If you are in the class I expect you to be involved in the learning. If it is a lab or group discussion I want to see you in the process by participating or listening.
I do not mind eating and drinking in my classroom as long as you clean up after yourself.
Cell Phones
They should never be out without permission! I will occasionally allow you to use them, but you must always ask first!
Grading Procedures
I run the class on a point system. There are two categories on grades. Tests and some labs are considered summative and everything else is formative. Each category is with 50%. An assignment can be anywhere from 10 –200 points.
Types of Assignments:
1. Chapter Assignments
2. Tests/ Quizzes
3. Drawings
4. Laboratory: If you do not turn in a lab report at the end of the period it is considered a ZERO!
5. Presentation/ Group Project
Class Behavior
I believe that all my students can behave appropriately in my classroom. I will NOT permit a student to stop me from teaching or to keep other students from learning.
Class Rules:
1.Bring notebook, paper, and writing utensil everyday.
2. Be attentive while a teacher, student, or intercom is talking. This means NO TALKING!
3. Handle the equipment properly. Break it you pay for it!
4. Profanity or verbal abuse is not tolerated. This means NO BACK TALK!
5. Remain in your seat at the end of the period until; the teacher dismisses you.
6. Show consideration and respect for everyone.
Consequences: I demand that these rules be followed. If you choose not to abide by these rules and interfere with the learning process then you will have the following consequences.
First time: warning
Second time: phone call/email to parent
Third time: visit with principal
Students who write on desks or defame property will be assigned our detention to clean rooms or desks.
Note: More serious problems such as defiance, fighting, theft, abuse of equipment, or violation of laboratory safety rules will result in immediate referral to the appropriate principal.
Parents and students please read and sign this and return to me tomorrow. If you have any questions or comments, please call me or write them on the bottom. I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year. Email is the easiest way to contact me if you ever have any concerns.
Parent SignatureStudent Signature
Parent EmailStudent Email